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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. Since the end of "OZ," "The Wire" has been the only HBO show worthy of viewing. I also like the Autopsy series. I want to check out the upcoming HBO special on the Latin Kings. Does anyone remember the date of that particular special or whether it already aired? HBO has always produced quality programming, and continues to do so (except for Sex and the City of course).
  2. This summer was, by far, the worst summer of my life, and was made even more horrible by my futile attempts to make it a great summer.
  3. She spent the money you two were saving on drugs? All in one shot? How many fuckin drugs did she buy?
  4. Do you have to do any serious writing for your boss? Also, is your cubicle big?
  5. I hope there aren't any run-ins with the law regarding the length of the afterhours on Sunday. I sincerely hope that the party does not end early. I also hope that the half-assed VIP section directly in front of the dj booth is torn down for this event. Should be a great night. And Senor Ojeda, you've created nothing but great memories for me at that place. Both you and DJ Rob James have created the most incredible Hamptons experiences of my young life. Hats off to you for bringing an incredible, creative, diverse blend of House Music to the Hamptons, making it one of the nastiest scenes outside of New York City.
  6. At first, I thought I may have missed a LIPA payment or something. After driving in my car for a few minutes, however, I soon realized that the problem was wide-spread.
  7. He'll be lighting up the Roxy all day on August 24th for his birthday. Should be a magnificent party.
  8. In light of your past behavior, her test is probably reasonable. However, if it were an unwarranted test driven strictly by paranoia, it may have been a bit too much. Seems like she loves you very much though, so it's all good. Thank Heavens you passed!
  9. Her body is decent, but her face completely turns me off. Something about it just aggrevates me. Also, the way she tends to speak in most of her movies really turns me off. I think she reminds me of someone I hate.
  10. Definitely for it, especially since same sex marriages are usually between two consenting adults. Marriage is a really touchy issue, and one may sound very stupid trying to define what marriages should and shouldn't be allowed. Many of those who are opposed to same-sex marriages may often suggest that such marriages only open the door for other unhealthy marriages, such as those between family members. However, straight and gay marriages are now entered into for various reasons, many of which are directly related to the primary values underlying traditional notions of heterosexual marriage. Many same-sex individuals who live in Civil Unions enjoy many of the rights and privilleges that heterosexual couples enjoy. Allowing marriage between same-sex couples doesn't seem like too much of a stretch, and can allow for even greater rights and protections (which are well-deserved) under the law. To those who say "Well, does this mean that any two individuals who consent should be married?" No, of course not, and the question of "what is a valid marriage" will only be explored and expanded even more as time goes on. However, consent does play a very big part. My theory (as half-assed as it may seem) is that marriage should be allowed if (1) both parties to a marriage are over the legal age of consent; are (2) actually consenting; and (3) are not ancestors or descendants of each other's family lines. Other issues regarding marriage (such as citizenship, residency, etc) need to be addressed of course, but I think the criteria for judging the "fitness" of parties for marriage should be something along those lines. If one were to truly consider the validity and morality of a marriage, a shitload of factors would have to be taken into account, not merely the sex of the parties. Overall, I don't think that the archaic idea of marriage as a sacrament to be entered into only by man and woman is still valid. We've come too far. I don't think an "expansion" of the definition of marriage is even necessary, but many lawmakers need to recognize that, although marriage has come to mean more than a bond between man and woman, it still protects the same values for homosexual individuals that it does for heterosexual individuals. Aside from procreation, the reasons underlying many gay marriages are similar to, if not the same as, the reasons underlying heterosexual marriages (i.e. companionship, happiness, solace, family, etc). The more I think about same sex marriages, the more I see how they are similar they are to heterosexual marriages, substantively speaking.
  11. What kind of hairstyle, and how fat (approximately)?
  12. I can't even picture what Hip - Hop would sound like on the main floor. Did they utilize the two light rings that usually ascend and descend over the main floor?
  13. 1) Tunnel 2) Twilo (Juniorverse 97-99) 3) Sound Factory (98 --->)
  14. A law degree opens quite a few more doors for an individual than an M.B.A. does. Graduates with an M.B.A. (who haven't completed some type of joint M.B.A / J.D. program) do not have many of the opportunities that graduates with a J.D. may have. Also, completion of a masters degree does not mean that one is licensed by the state to practice in a profession. In some ways, many masters programs seem to be nothing more than extended undergraduate studies. Law students complete a certain amount of credits, but are also required to complete a comprehensive State examination in order to be licensed to practice law. Like doctors, they have to meet the requirements of their profession. I suppose one could go to law school, take all of the required classes, and then decide not to take the bar exam, but that individual wouldn't be able to do shit with the knowledge he / she has. There are, however, other valuable licenses (CPA) that are available to many graduate / M.B.A students upon graduation, but a law license just seems much more valuable in many respects.
  15. Both of them look like stir-fried shit as of lately, but Christina is far better singer.
  16. That's the Hard Mix of Veronica's "Someone to Hold." I like it alot better than the Somebody Dub. And yes, it was a Johhny Vicious remix.
  17. I've heard him a couple of times live, and there was nothing distinctive about his style. He wasn't bad, but nothing about his sets struck me as great. As a producer, he's almost unrivaled; but as a dj, he isn't that great.
  18. I wound up leaving early (11:30) due to my friend's bullshit. I really wanted to hear Let's Go All The Way. What time did he play it, and did he fuck with it at all? If so, how? Great night overall.
  19. Wow, what a peculiar event to revive. I haven't heard about Metropolis in a long time. I did go there a couple of times back in 98 or 99, I think, and I believe Draper was spinning. What a blast from the not-so-distant past.
  20. Everytime I see Vic Latino I want to knock that stupid look off of his fuckin face. What a bitch.
  21. Has anyone ever noticed Junior dancing in his booth while spinning? The most I can recall is the occasional hand clapping or subtle movement. I think I remember seeing him dance a little bit in the booth at Juniorverse during his birthday party a couple of years back.
  22. How was the selection toward the later morning / early afternoon hours? Tribal? Tech House? I'm really not an avid fan of his late-morning tech house sessions, but when he gets cranking, some of the tech house he throws down is pretty nasty.
  23. I've been spinning for about 3 years or so (as a hobby), and I don't have any real equipment (just two tables and a decent mixer). It took me a long time to get good at beat-matching. It takes a while to get good at it. My limited experiences have taught me that you just have to keep practicing. Absent any real equipment, alot of it has to do with being good at adjusting the pitch control. When you're spinning a song, keep in mind that it's a song, not just a beat that you need to match another beat to. Listen to the songs alot and get used to knowing the upbeats and downbeats, when and how the beats change, and what parts of a song would be the best to bring another beat in to. Basically, mixing starts by learning how to mix by ear (as someone suggested earlier). By doing this you should be able to find good spots to bring your beats in and match to. Listen to the beats very carefully, and you'll notice that many house songs have basic elements, aside from how complex they seem. Spinning by ear is pretty hard in my opinion, because it's not just as simple as beat matching; you can beat-match with another song, but the mix still won't sound right. It takes a while to get the hang of. I've been fucking around with turntables for a little while, and I've only gotten the hang of beat matching not too long ago. Also, try not to play your records really fast. There seem to be alot of dj's who spin house music at a pitch that just fucks the entire song up. I don't know why this is. Maybe some of them just like the way it sounds, or maybe it's easier to match to. I really don't know, but I've always thought it sounded stupid. I mean, some songs are meant to be spun at a fast pace, but other songs just sound stupid when you don't let the bass hit as slow as it's supposed to. Sorry I can't offer more. Good luck, and keep it up. Oh, and take GOOD CARE OF YOUR VINYL!!!
  24. There aren't many places left with that kind of vibe, not even the afterhours joints. I can't even think of a place. Someone else on this board may have a suggestion though, since the spots I frequent are pretty limited.
  25. KTU isn't a bad station at all. I used to love KTU Sanctuary every Saturday evening with Dangerous Dave Hanson (a.k.a. "Sting") and the various guest dj's, including Boris, Vicious, Sal Parm, Hex Hector, Lord G, Denny T, etc. The quality of that show was very good, especially during the latter stages of the night. KTU has come along way, and is no longer in its infancy; naturally, as a result of this growth, the quality of the shows have diminished considerably. The little taste of underground is long gone. KTU's recent shows, such as Junior's World, are pretty good. Although seemingly strange to true house fans, the show is, for the most part, beautiful, and deserves to be on the radio. I am glad that Junior is getting airplay, even if it is on an overly-commercial radio station. Nonetheless, this thread is probably bullshit, inasmuch as its creator is often writing shit like "are music" instead of "our music." I would like to think that the staff at KTU isn't so fucking dumb, but then again.......
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