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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. rudeboyyouth


    I once came up my ex's asshole so deep that she was feeling a bit queezy and stirred up a while after the endeavor. That really turned me on. She couldn't cough too hard because her asshole hurt, and she had this expression of nausea in her face. All of this reminded me that I had an effect on her. I like having an effect, especially one that is unforgettable, like that.
  2. What the fuck ever happened to him? Other than an occasional underground cd, I've heard nothing from him. Is he still spinning? Will he be spinning again? Is he still alive?
  3. I don't believe Boris's time has passed at all. As was said earlier, his style is unique, and the complicated, tasteful, hard beats that he invents, are very unique. I just find it interesting that Draper seems more popular in manhattan than he does (Whether or not his crowd caters to a truly manhattanite crowd is debatable, I am speaking merely of location). Whenever Exit is mentioned on this board, Draper's name often accompanies it. I don't know why, but it seems as if Draper is the one bringing in the larger crowds; it almost seems like his name is more synonymous with Exit than Boris's, and I find that a little hard to swallow since Boris's skill/experience surpasses Draper's by far.
  4. rudeboyyouth

    new pics :)

    Very beautiful, Bellagrazza. Very sweet, delicate looking face. What a package you must be. You have one of those faces that makes me wonder what kind of personality lies behind it.
  5. Why is he only seldom mentioned on this board? Why does it seem like Draper is the one who is usually associated with Exit? Why isn't Boris' flawless talent as a dj ever mentioned when one of these posts regarding "Closing down exit" is written. I went on more than one occassion to Exit on Saturday night and had a decent time. Is it that Boris hasn't really built a following there? He spins some very good shit, so I wonder why, if that is the case. Out of all the phat saturday night parties in Manhattan, Boris is never talked about as much.
  6. Does he spin at Cheetah on Sunday nights? How is the party at Cheetah on Sunday nights? Worth going to? Anyone who could provide me with some information, please let me know. Does Cleveland maintain the same vibe (if he spins there) that he does at Factory saturdays? What type of music is spun the majority of the night? Does the venue/music have an underground feel to it? I am thinking of going tonight, so anyone who could fill me in, please do so.
  7. I recognize her from a few porn flicks that I have. Her body was well sculpted in the films, and her abs were defined as well. I forgot her name, however. It might have been Amber or something, not sure.
  8. What is Cheetah like on Sundays? And does it close monday morning or Sunday night?
  9. Summer Drawer? You have a draw set aside for a specific season? lol What were you doing that lead you to find it? Were you initially searching for something? What made you look in that drawer to begin with? Do you remember putting it there? Smoke it as it is. It will most likely burn quick.
  10. The anticipation for the summer builds all year long, and when it finally arrives, it just seems like the same routinous shit. It's almost depressing. I can't believe the summer is nearing an end already.
  11. I wasn't aware that he was leaving. I know that he spun this past winter at Cyberia Fridays. I am not sure if he still does Limelight fridays like he used to, but he was really good there.
  12. rudeboyyouth


    I was watching a German Porn film the other day, called "German Whorefare." It was fairly good for the most part, but there was one scene where anal fisting took place. It looked really painful for the girl, but at that point, she wasn't really showing any signs of pain. Her asshole had been gaping already from 6 different german cocks, so it made no difference to her. The extreme anal action got my cock hard, but the fisting went a bit overboard for even me. I did enjoy the anal and facial cumshots. Those germans can get down in those films.
  13. Fuck Goth. That is some hardcore pussyhole shit. Some of the stupidest, most pretentious, clueless fucking people I've ever met. I couldn't imagine going to a Goth party. Save the roleplaying and the other worthless shit for the chatrooms. I knew of one Goth who actually took her bullshit so seriously, that she became part of a "vampire" crew. I asked her why, and she mentioned something about the darkness and the look, something about blood, and what not. Fucking Gothic pricks wouldn't know true darkness if it hit them in the fucking head. If true evil came knocking on their doors, they'd be running like a bunch of little kids. She also mentioned something about drinking blood. I am not sure if that is supposed to sound impressive.......but......wait until you drink someone's blood one day and become stricken with a serious bacterial infection. Then we will see how mortal and "unvampirish" you really are. Hate to stereotype, but it's hard not to with such a ridiculous bunch of dumb asses......who actually take themselves seriously. And for those who wish to differentiate and clarify the different levels of Goth, I could give a flying fuck. You're all retarded, blood drinker or not.
  14. "The Faerie Queen" by Edmund Spenser. After 2 months of on and off reading, I've finally finished all 6 books. A Very beautiful, dedicatory allegorical piece that tries to encompass the virtues of Queen Elizabeth. Also, very informative of the Irish-Catholic relations during Spenser's time (1552-1599), the treatment of women, and the knightly code in action. Through example, Spenser (through layering allegorical meanings on top of one another) beautifully depicts various characters of his own choosing (who are supposed to each represent various virtues of the Queen, including chastity, magnificence, justice, and mercy; some of these characters include Britomart (chastity), a female knight, Artegall (named after King Arthur), and Polente (excessive use of power). One of the several allegorical meanings happens to be the prevalance of Elizabeth's virtues in the face of opposition; Spenser uses many characters to symbolize the political/social hindrances that faced Elizabeth during her reign, such as the Spanish, and her own sister, Mary Tudor. One can see the different allegorical meanings unfurling as one reads each canto. Each book can be read apart from the other, but a chronological order should be kept because of frequent references to events in past books/cantos. Interestingly enough, Spenser assumes the archaic form of writing, and this beautifully lends the classic quality to his work, making it almost seem like Chaucer's beautiful allegorical work. The Penguin classic edition includes the Mutabalitie Cantos as well as a proem by Spenser himself, written in 1589 to Sir Walter Raleigh. If there was any specific purpose in Spenser's mind while writing the book, the letter sheds some light upon it. There are other allegorical layers, some of them being political, moral, economical, and even social. Also, "Come and knock on our Door" by Chris Mann is a very good book. It takes a very good look at the set of the citcom "Three's Company," and describes the many problems on the set, including the relations between the characters. Also, Mann speaks about the developmental problems of the show, and the various spin offs it had, including "The Ropers" and "Threes a Crowd." As an extra incentive, Mann includes a description of every episode of Three's Company that aired from the first episode in 1977 to the last in 1984, as well as the words to the song in the beginning of the show. Some good pictures as well.
  15. Nightgroover, As I said before, Fuck everything to North, South, East, and West of New York City.
  16. You're right, there is a difference between the two; that wasn't really the point I was making. No one is disputing that. The relationship between honesty and respect however, is not always clear cut. Honesty often impinges upon respect, and vice versa. Honesty does not always follow the same guidelines as respect. If one has respect for another, they may not always be honest; they may choose (out of respect) to lie, and spare the other individual's feelings. Or, one may lie to an individual simply out of disrespect; either / or, that is the relationship between the two. Even though it is actually more respectful to be wholesomely honest, I don't do it out of respect, as I have stated previously. I find it hard to be respectful, because I am overly honest. That basically sums up the relationship between the two, for me. And honestly speaking, I have very little regard for showing respect; I find it difficult, actually.
  17. Because they genuinely don't give a fuck whether the person listening to their lie lives or dies. So the truth doesn't matter.
  18. I can't show much respect, it's just not me. I can have respect for a girl and not necessarily show it very often. I find that it doesn't feel right to be very respectful, and it isn't me. I'm just honest and direct, and the majority of the time, it seems fucked up.
  19. I've never been to Germany, but my friend's girl has just come home from there, and she has said on more than one occassion that the clubs are far better. I love German House Music; it seems to have a rough edge to it, and it's not always a "Bang Bang" hard beat type of hard edge. It's very tastefully done, with alot of emotion within the songs. I like Krieger, Aquagen, and Cosmic Gate's creations. The one song I don't like from Aquagen is the English version of their "Ihr Seid So Leise," which was "Why are you so Quiet." For some reason, the vocals within that song sound retarded. What is said is not necessarily retarded, but the voice that says it is. As for the techno, I'm not sure. I have heard some disgustingly sick Gabber from Germany that has rivaled anything I've heard in America. With all due respect to the country of Germany though, fuck it. I live in New York, and I love this city more than anything. Fuck Germany, and any other country that I don't club in. New York City is the phattest, most diversified club spot. Fuck everything to the North, South, East, and West of it.
  20. Wu-Tang: Enter the 36 chambers, without a doubt. Mobb Deep: The Infamous (Always will be a classic) Camp Lo: Uptown Saturday Night. phat, but unappreciated album.
  21. Is fuck Lee Lee Sobieski up the asshole without a condom, and them cum in her mouth. She's a hot one. Something about her...not quite sure what it is, just something.
  22. The world isn't becoming too PC. It just so happens that a large majority of the comments/jokes that are made are pretty ignorant. What seems funny to one is not necessarily funny to another, and one shouldn't have to "See the humor" in it because the one who cracks the joke does. Even if not meant to offend, alot of the people who say the shit that is said happen to be stupid, so it comes off as offensive. It's a delicate issue, and jokes regarding race/culture etc. should not be dismissed as being mere jokes, in some cases. Granted, the incidents you listed aren't necessarilly negative depictions of Mexicans/Puerto Ricans, etc. I think the Sopranos is a slightly different case however; audiences like stories about the mafia, or any organized crime. The fact that the Sopranos are Italian doesnt make the show any more interesting to me; if it were about black gangsters, the Yakuza, or any other type of crime syndicate, I would love the show. I don't find the Italian actors within the show to be anything special; the plot is what is really great. Many of the HBO shows have superb writers (Especially "OZ"), and they are lucky enough to be successful with most of their series' as a result. But no, the world isn't becoming too PC. Some people just talk too much, and when the bullshit they say is finally recognized as being retarded, they often hide behind "humor" or "harmless intentions." That is what the true bullshit is.
  23. Nothing will even describe the love I had for growing up in the 1980's. Watching my cousins stop by my house before they went clubbing on a saturday night; the emotion and excitement they all brought into the house with their headbands and ripped jeans. I remember alot of wierd shit from the 80's. I remember my cousin actually doing something where he turned his shirt inside out, and put pieces of rubber tape on the part that was to be against his skin so that the shirt would stick to him. I remember spending hours watching Muppet babies on CBS in the morning, followed by Pee Wee's Playhouse, then Wrestling Challenge on channel five, then at 11:30 at night they had Wrestling Spotlight on what was once known as WWOR 9 (now UPN). I remember when wrestling used to be truly exciting, and the feeling I got when I heard Hulk Hogan's music come on as he made his way down the isle. I remember my babysitter's daughters cranking live performances of Noel on MTV. I remember them licking the palms of their hands like Twisted Sister used to do. I remember the craze over Prince when "Purple rain" dropped. Everyone and their mother thought he was sexy for some reason. I remember watching "Small Wonder" with Vicky the Robot and Jamey the gay fucking son. I remember watching "Freddy's Nightmares" that used to air on Channel 9 from 11:30 to 12, followed by "Monsters." I remember being scared shitless watching Friday the 13th marathons with my older brother. The entire feeling of having nothing else to worry about other than what weapons will go on what GI Joe's. I remember bothering the shit out of my father to take me to Woolworth to get my first GI JOE figure in 1985. For those of you that live in Queens Village, it was the Woolworths that used to be on Jamaica Avenue around 214th street, or Springfield Blvd (one or the other). I remember watching Godzilla movies all fucking day on WPIX 11. I remember walking up to the corner store and buying a shitload of Blowpops, Nerds, Cadbury Cream eggs, and other tooth decaying shit. I remember the Rambo cartoon that used to be on TV with Colonel troutman and the gang. I remember my father buying me Nintendo for my 8th birthday and spending hours trying to beat Super Mario Bros. I remember walking to Blockbuster day after day to rent games like "Hogan's Alley," "Rad Racer," "Super Mario 2," "Rampage," "Phantom Fighter," "Lifeforce," "Jackal," and "Contra (with the 30 man code)." I remember buying a cheap semi gold trinket for a young 8 year old girl who never acknowledged my existence, heh. I remember the look on her mother's face while wondering why a little kid is giving this to her daughter. I remember the excitement of opening the new transformer toys my father would buy for my brother; I remember when he first brought home the original Starscream in the box. I remember "JEM" on tv...."No one else is the same....JEM IS MY NAME!!!" I used to love that fucking cartoon. I remember taking a trip to Florida to go see my uncle in 1987 when Def Leppard's "Hysteria" hit the stores. I remember listening to "Love Bites," "Pour some Sugar on Me" and "Armageddon It" while taking a shower. I used to have one of those shower radio things that came out in the 80's that stuck to the shower wall. I remember Stacey Q all over the radio. I remember the current HOT 97 used to be another station before it became hot 97. It was 87 point something....or something of that nature. I remember they changed their station to 97.1 around the time of the release of Public Enemy's "It takes a nation of Millions to Hold us back." I remember listening to real rap artists with talent, like Eric B. and Rakim, Slick Rick The Ruler, Run DMC, MC Lyte, Big Daddy Kane and the entire Juice Krew (Marley Marl, Biz Mark, Craig G, Masta Ace, Kool G. Rap). I remember the anticipation I had when my father told me he would take me to see Batman, which opened on June 29th, 1989 (I think). I remember the craze that followed with the Medallions, tshirts, etc. God...if there is any time worth reliving, it would be the 1980s. I would do anything to repeat that period. I only wish I was a bit older to have enjoyed everything from 1980 to 1989 with full memory; I wish I could have been old enough to club in the 80's and fully emerse myself in the entire culture of it. It was definetly a beautiful period in history.
  24. Burton's take on Planet of the Apes was an interesting one, but the movie wasn't as breathtaking as I thought it would be. The makeup and special effects wasn't as convincing as I thought it would be, especially the gorilla masks. I thought they would look more realistic; at times it even seemed as if the actors' mouths couldn't open and close all of the way. Burton is an extremely talented director, but this movie fell a bit short. My favorite of all his films would have to be "Ed Wood." Johnny Depp played a terrific role in that film, along with Martin Landau as the late Bella Lugosi. ".........Bee-varrre.........Bee-varrre.........WAIT!!!.....PULL DA STRINGSTHH!!!!......PULL DA STRINGGSTTTH!........"
  25. The original soundtrack to the series isn't on the Movie Soundtrack, but that is a good soundtrack nonetheless. I like the song on it (I don't remember the name) that was played during the movie when the Decepticons make their first attack on the autobot ship; megatron starts blasting away at veteran autobots, killing them off as if they held no meaning at all. I remember the music combined with that scene when I was watching that movie for the first time; watching all of those autobots get slaughtered that I grew up watching. It was emotional. The song has the words "Instruments of Destruction" in it, and those words may be the actual name to the song, I am not sure. And if the ArialBots fought the Constructicons, they would get destroyed. I've always been partial to the Combaticons.
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