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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. I would also say that other than the chocolate track, one of my all time favorite anthems is "The Lightning," By Future Primitive. I love that song.
  2. I've been a die hard house music fanatic for quite some time now and I would have to say that the fattest track I have heard to this date has to be Whachamacalit's "The Chocolate Track." Without a doubt, that song if fucking evil and unrivaled by any song I have heard so far, even on the European Front.
  3. It has happened to me, the first time I did it at CPI's. That initial stage means: "My body doesnt like this...I could die very easily, I should not do this again."
  4. It has happened to me, the first time I did it at CPI's. That initial stage means: "My body doesnt like this...I could die very easily, I should not do this again."
  5. You should make a correction to that statement....Jersey Dj's are hardly finishing what New York Dj's started....they are helping to spread it.....to places that couldn't appreciate it to the fullest potential and more importantly.... .......they are doing a horrible job at spreading it. The word adopting it and simply passing on a weak taste of it is more like it, buddy. Enjoy the music
  6. that is some funny shit... Call her Natalie, and watch her kick you off the line faster than a rabbit gets fucked.
  7. Here is an even better suggestion: Go out to have fun. If you know your body, and you havent done E, K, Speed or any of the other shit, don't do it...if you are not sure how your body will react to it, don't even make the attempt, especially with the shit going around in the clubs. Regardless of what anyone says, it isn't a good vibe and it isn't all about the music and the love, no one gives a fuck about you, but you. If you have done it and you had a bad experience, or heart palpitation, or whatever...don't do it again...it isn't worth risking death just to feel the progression of the house music even more. For those of you who truly love the music and the clubbing experience, you know that all you need is to just be in a good mood, be awake, and have a few drinks at the most to have a good time. As for those of you who love to take double digits of E and do all the bumps and shit, have fun, and see you on the dance floor.
  8. Yes, that is her...she looks latino, and she is really a male underneath that feminine look...at first I couldnt tell she was a transvestite. Take a good look at her skin when takes off that overcoat, it is disgustingly mangled for some reason.
  9. The Chocolate Track 99, by Whachamacalit is one of the best tracks I have heard Last Summer. There is not one song I have heard of thus far that tops that song. Anyone agree? Also, anyone know of anything new being released by Whachamacalit..any singles/compilations/ or even compilations that some more of their work might be part of?
  10. Twilo is a frequent friday night venue for me, and the last friday of every month when sasha and Digweed usually spin, sucks royally. Their set is weak. both of them have the weakest compilations out as well, none of them are worthy of praise.
  11. I am a die hard NYC House house music fanatic.....as well as a fanatic of the many European Imports that are making their way into the venues.... However, I can't help but feel that some Chicago House music, (which I once thought to be tasteless), is actually sounding pretty phat. Bad Boy Bill blows, but I heard a compilation from Dj Naw-t-Boy that was actually fucking sick. Some Chicago house is hard, and is sounding better and better.... Anyone agree with me? [This message has been edited by rudeboyyouth (edited 07-21-2000).]
  12. Someone said previously that rather than compare NY to NJ, one should compare Abyss to Exit. That is impossible, since EXIT sucks gorilla nut and is (as was said before), nothing more than a Garbage spinning Jersey club jammed on the west Side of Manhattan. God help NY when clubs such as Exit are making their presence felt in this beautiful city. As for NY vs. NJ...it is a stupid discussion. Ny always has, and will forever hold the crown....New Jersey venues are of no comparison.
  13. By far, Denny Tsettos and his weak remixes of big room anthems are the worst by far. And this is not a useless topic, it is merely a topic just as all the others are....and last I checked, nothing intellligent was posted in these message boards anyway.
  14. Sal Parm, Jason Ojeda, tony Draper, Johnny Vicious, Eddie Baez, Junior, Robbie Rivera, Dj Boris, Louie Devito, Rob James..and then some. Weak New Jersey Dj's may be making the venue a mainstay in jersey for the simple reason that they bring it up to mainstream par. The underground dj's that have made New york City the underground capital that it is, and who now remain unrivaled as the finest dj's in this country, will never be rivaled by the few decent dj's that new Jersey houses. truthfully speaking, Tsettos is wholesomely weak and poses no threat to what we New Yorkers know far too wel.... what you weak Holland tunnel/Lincoln tunnel/NJ transit kids are learning now. Your clubs are of no comparison....and your dj's will remain second rate. The dj's who sculpt the New York nightlife produce/spin styles of house music that could never be conceived by any New Jersey dj, let alone Tsettos. New york dj's bring the flavor, originality, and the true evil into house music...that type of evil that can be found nowhere else, other than New york (or Germany). Once that flavor has been done and established, the New Jersey venues then do what is known as "The Adoption process." Overall...Jersey venues are weak, the dj's are weak and the flavor lags FAR behind us.
  15. Trance music had and always will suck. Far too floaty for me.
  16. As much as Drag Queens are a part of the Manhattan Venues, Fuck them. Stupid, worthless and hardly glamorous. Stick with the hard pounding bass, a good dress code, and a good dj.....the party will live on from there.
  17. ANCHOR, I couldn't agree with you more. Vicious playing for the current tunnel crowd seems highly unlikely and unimangiable. what they need to do is reinvent that place. Gatien has the ability to do it, he should use his somewhat notable reputation to get that place off it's feet. At least for one Saturday a month, start off slow if he needs to. That place is such a gem and it could be made so much better, it would be a shame to see it die out. New York has been with the tunnel since 1980, to see it die would be a disgrace.
  18. Sometimes I wonder what the hell happened to the tunnel....glow sticks, faggots with baggy pants on, little gothic pussies, and so forth. That club went from the tightspot of New york, to a joke in literally a few months. If they bring this place back, it will be unstoppable, as it once was. The age policy isn't bad, they should keep it 18 and over, just enforce it and not let in the people that have given it a bad name. Just thinking of that place being brought back with the talent of Johnny Vicious, accompanied by Eddie Baez makes me want to piss myself. It will be UNRIVALED. I hope it really does happen. I miss going there so much.
  19. CPI Saturday is your best bet. It is unrivaled by any other Long Island Club that I know of. The music is spun by Limelight's Jason Ojeda. The only downside is that the venue ends around 5/5:30 in the morning. Give it a whirl, you will like it. For afterhours, you could always take the long hike out to the city.
  20. Junior's SICK and EVIL tribal remixes spun at Twilo Saturday's are off the hook. My first time going there was definetly an experience. However, recently his style is falling off, and the commercial, sickening, disgusting vocals that he tends to drag out for what seems like hours gets to me. It is not danceworthy and so much time is spent sitting there waiting for the progression into something more, then he hits you with nothing more than a harder version of that same vocal. Nothing surprising and his style seems all the more primitive as the Juniorverse venue at Twilo progresses. I havent heard anything decent out of him or Twilo Saturdays since 98. Junior is definetly changing and not in a positive way, but a sickening, lazy, tasteless way that is keeping me dancing less. The dj's who are cutting up the floors (as Junior once always did, and sometimes still does at Twilo around 12 pm), are without a doubt, Ojeda, Parm, and many of the garage dj's making their ways into the manhattan venues. Although their careers could never measure up to Junior's, THEY are what is keeping New York banging, not Junior.
  21. The shirts coming off I can defintely do without. But we all know that in many clubs,(namely Cpi's and Twilo in the Summer), the juice heads flock to the venues. Most of these beef heads spend the entire winter juicing up for the summer to have the luxury to take their shirts off, as Lula says. Some of these juice heads should think about working their legs out. Nothing looks dumber than dancing at factory and being bumped into by a mini pint sized guido who's upper body looks like Lou Ferrigno, and his lower body looks like Jerry Seinfeld.
  22. You won't get served and the fake id's hardly work. You will need a real license, or form of identification, since they scan it. Unless of course, you know someone in proper channels who can conjure an ID for you which can make it past the scanning.
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