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Everything posted by entrepreneur

  1. im concerned cos low life punks like you from poor countries come to our country make fun of our landmarks.
  2. you are truly a dumbass. get some education, make some friends, get a life for change.
  3. NY has already been hit big time. and if the terrorists strike again, they will strike different cities like Chicago, Boston, or San Fransisco. They won't strike L.A cos everything is spread apart. So those of you feel scared staying in NY, dont worry.
  4. im sad about alyah sudden death as well.. she was one of the few black entertainers i like
  5. god culture club, i went there 2 yrs ago on thursday. it's small but cozy. if you haven't been there yet, i recommend you go coz it's definetely different than exit, LL etc. better but older crowd.
  6. englewood, it's such a small city. specifically which side is bad?? have u seen those 3 story burgundy condo complexes in englewood? thats the place im thinking of moving to.
  7. im looking to buy a condo in Englewood, NJ to me it seems like a nice neiborhood and very convenient to the city. anybody know more about englewood??
  8. im self employed and work at home but i must say being bored at work is much better than being overworked and not being able to feel boredom cause of the massive works. many workers sleep through their work and still get paid. you should be thankful IMHO.
  9. im glad my thread received the 5 star rating anyway here are my pros and cons of nyc area: pros:well lets just do cons, we all know the pros. cons(these are frank and humorous): 1.sometimes you feel like you are living in a third world country 2.depsite the badly polluted air, people pay extra to dine outdoors at restaurants in manhattan, only to have diarhea. 3.you get depressed everytime you watch the local news. 4.there's always a danger factor from the homeless and the psychos in the streets. 5.you get that nasty looks from homos. 6. there are no Arby restaurants 7.u call an escort service and asked for a white girl, they sent you a hispanic girl instead. 8.the bush admin is dumping ny. 9.city is diverse but most socialize amongs themselves 10. that godd*mn ice cream venor truck is playing that stupid music again.
  10. not all southerners are the same, i dont know much about GA.. that's in the DEEP south. i bet it is hot there. but i lived in richmond va which is 2hr away from DC, it's more like mid-atlantic than south. People there are very VERY friendly and the girls are very beautiful, there are beautiful blondes everywhere. if you are thinking about moving,i recommend that place. for me i can't move cos of my business. well i guess im a bit too picky. i've met some nice people in NY past 3 yrs but you know what? none of them grew up here.
  11. how many of you left your family back home and moved to NY area on your own ? how do you like NY? ever thought about going back home? im one of them i moved to NY bravely by myself from va 3 yrs ago. i still love the city and all the fun it offers but i don't really like the people here. people here seem so angry,lonely, workwoked, rude and somewhat less attractive. personally i became pretty successful financially ever since i started a business here in nyc but my social life was much bettter when i was in VA, it seems to be MUCH easier to get dates and make friends down there. i also found women much better looking in the south. they are my kinds of women, the real american white girls. i just wanna hear what others think about NY and their hometown in comparison. cos i love ny but i sure miss va.
  12. what a bull sh*t. boys and girls you don't need to there by 10:30, just be there b4 11;30p. and the dress code at webster hall is a joke.
  13. exit will soon end up like webster hall.. sad but true.
  14. when i first moved to manhattan i found a $595/month tiny apt witout bathroom in hells kitchen listed on village voice. it was without broker and i found it pretty quick. it all depends on how lucky you are.
  15. thanks for all your replies, they were all very helpful. yes im planning to use the euro rail and i will probably stay at youth hostels if i go alone. im leaving in about 3 weeks. i will arrive in london and then take the train around europe and back to london. good bye ny hello europe(and euro girls hehe, any tips on how to seduce euro girls)? thanks
  16. is there a train that connects between England and mainland Europe underwater ? im planing on a trip to Europe alone soon and im planing to first arrive in England, spend couple of nights and then take a train to main Europe and visit several countries either by train or a car. i wanna visit, UK, Holland, Germany, Italy, France and if i have time Czech Republic and Poland Anyone has expereinced traveling to europe? if so please advise..
  17. on sunday afternoon there were couple of beautiful women gettting sun tan with bare breasts at central park.. they sure made my day. i think we should allow women to expose their chest in public just like they do in other industrialized countries.
  18. one of the difference is between the republicans and democrats is that Republicans are very secretive about their wild encounters whereas the dems go around telling people that they got laid etc. basically the democrats are losers. I agree 100% you took the words right out of my keyboard.. ------------------ a good artist copies, a great aritst steals...
  19. anybody know about real estate? i m planning to buy a house or condo/coop in GWB area. any good advise? ------------------ a good artist copies, a great aritst steals...
  20. republicans party as much as democrats, look at our president bush. he used to drink, party snork coke and reportely had sex with more than 50 women. ------------------ a good artist copies, a great aritst steals...
  21. sick and tired of both ny teams. i hope some other team wins this year. im sorry but my fav is the braves. ------------------ a good artist copies, a great aritst steals...
  22. women are like street parking in manhattan, all the parking spaces are taken and the only ones availables are by fire hydraints and no parking signs. ------------------ a good artist copies, a great aritst steals...
  23. thats why im against abortion.. that was just beyond sick..damn ------------------ a good artist copies, a great aritst steals...
  24. i have an X5 it's a nice vehicle but it rattles alot. ------------------ a good artist copies, a great aritst steals...
  25. come on safe sex with condoms don't feel good at all. vaginal fluids are needed for men to sustain erection and enjoy intercourse. this whole media thing about safe sex is bull sh*t. even using condoms you can get STDs. i think the media and city people are way too concerned about safe sex. sometimes i'd rather not have sex at all than have safe sex with condom on my wiener. ------------------ a good artist copies, a great aritst steals...
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