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Everything posted by james954

  1. honestly, i think space is a better venue( even after the remodel. i just think they've failed to reach their potential. as far as how the clubs are run, crobar has them beat hands down talentwise, security and crowd. too many mingers at space.
  2. other than tenaglia, deep dish and desyn, space's lineups have been laughably easy. they've never been a club to try something new. all they've done is capitalise on what shadowlounge/the mix did so many years before. and i wasn't that impressed then either. the only big name that space has brought out is pvd. and that guy is about 3 years past his prime. you should have heard him 5 years ago at groovejet (no place had a vibe like that). actually i take that back... you kinda have heard him at groovejet, cause he still plays the same records today. but you are as usual late, just like the rest of jersey. you'll get into howells and lawler etc in about 2 more years. besides it's not about being cheap, it's about being smart. 2 different things. when you've been in miami for more than 5 mins and in the scene for more than 10, you let me know. then we can have a semi-educated discussion. mikey, crobar couldn't pull a crowd july 3 cause everybody jumped on bliss's bandwagon and booked events. bliss has been doing that party for years now. basically space and crobar played copycat on that and everyone lost. i will agree that 40 is too steep. $30 would have been reasonable if you ask me. but then again, sasha don't play for free.
  3. i liked his essential, especially the first half hour. i agree his kiss mix wasn't all that, but the annie show was wicked good. i'm still looking forward to hearing zabiela more than sasha.
  4. no talent on saturday nights at crobar?? dude you really need to lay off that crack. once again you've gone and made an ass out of yourself. june 7 chris fortier oops you missed that june 14 three and sean cusick missed that one too june 21 steve lawler you complained about the decor brought in by outside promotions june 28 satoshi tomiie oops again july 12 josh wink umm who? agreed after that it's been slow at crobar on weekends the past month, but thats smart of them to hold back out of season. when october comes around we'll see whats up. oh, and in my opinion, the reason sasha is on a monday, is due to the fact that miami is one of the few cities that can be trusted to pull on a week night for an event of this stature. the weekends are usually booked in smaller markets that need the weekends. it's all economics.
  5. i put forth all the changes w/ forums etc. but it's still not 100% the way i want. but i just throw out ideas and such. they still have final say on the forums. the color changes i have none to do with. thats all GUHQ in the UK on that. personally i'm not fond of the red colors. it'll most likely be back monday. start complaining on the board. we listen over there.
  6. not yet, i just got the sopranos first season dvd's and i'm spending many an hour catching up.
  7. disco came from rock, rock came from jazz and blues. fuck, beyond rock comes from is before my time. sounds good though.
  8. the dj that really fit the vibe and flow of what that patio should be like was kelvin andrews july 4th 2001 at the bliss party. that was possibly one of the best, if not the best set i've ever heard. bring kelvin back! also, i'd love to hear sasha out there in the morning. sunrise, some of that floaty trippy shit he's been known to throw down. in terms of local talent, you can't do any better than stryke. his old sets on the patio at the edge were incredible. him and daydreamin + ken coleman.
  9. jewsophat productions in da house!
  10. electro existed several years before techno, but in the early years it was lumped in w/ hip hop mainly because of the vocal style. but if you trace it back, you'll see electro had a lot more in common w/ what later became techno... 808 baby. but it all came from disco. as far as drum and bass, it's just hyped up breaks. and breaks are just re-worked electro, and electro is just 808's programed w/ led zeppelin's john bonham in mind. (pre samplers)
  11. geeze diego, for a cat thats only lived in nyc for a couple years, you sure have become a local short on memory. typical ny'er though... give 'em 2 months of nice weather, in which time they throw 1 or 2 decent boat parties and they think they have the market cornered. i guess you've subscribed to the other nyc notion that you guys discovered sasha and digweed too. right? just bustin chops! i have to show some nyc respect though... to billy!!
  12. tim skinner - barry robb demi - sian aka deeper substance (again) lee burridge - three jon lisle - james zabiela sasha - jimmy van m john digweed - chris fortier bill patrick - matt licata
  13. take notes on after parties and boat parties? we invented those things.
  14. andrew, you obviously don't know me. so maybe you should STFU. i don't have to prove myself. i know i know my shit. whats the point? nobody ever said kmfdm, meat beat, nine inch, kraftwerk or otherwise were tech. it was a reference point that was made about past electronic artists (probably from before your time). artists that if didn't exist it's a pretty decent argument that tech wouldn't have progressed to the point that it is. and if you don't know what kraftwerk had to do w/ cabaret voltaire, to what they had to do w/ kmfdm, to what they had to do w/ meat beat, to what they had to do w/ the orb to what they had to do w/ jon marsh to what he had to do w/ terry francis etc then you need to really get up to date. it's all relevent.
  15. oh yeah, danny howells has played KMFDM before. as well as jack dangers... er i mean meat beat manifesto.
  16. andrew is right. i know absolutely nothing about music. in fact i don't own any cd's, tapes, md's, vinyl or 8 tracks. i have no stereo. i've never been to a club. i know nobody. i've never met anybody, especially nobody of importance. no friends either. i'm just a name on a screen. thatks for putting me in my ft lauderdale place. are you sure i can't be your friend? i need at least 1. please.
  17. andrew you are soooo cool. can i be your friend? you are the know all, be all of everything we should all aspire to be. god i wish i was you.
  18. betweeeen good and evilllll....
  19. in terms of prog... 3 years at least. especially nyc and nj.
  20. i've been listening to techno for over 10 years, and i've never heard it referd to as anything else other than techno, but it's all cool. i guess different parts of the country refer to things differently.
  21. since when has tech ever not meant tech house. for peole in the scene, they KNOW what tech means. as for your comment "tech House becuase it flat out sux and belongs in the sewers of nj" then why to you follow up w/ a sig that says "www.djpetedekan.com For Trance & Tech Mixes." what's your definition? and if you have no clue, then why are you passing judgement? besides, it's not our fault the rest of the country is 3 years behind.
  22. dude saleen, what the fuck are you on!?!? it can't get much more tech than that. i think you mean techno. 2 TOTALLY different things. get your head out of your ass. this is tech house... people in jersey will be about it in 2 more years... as usual. terry francis? dave mothersole? evil eddie richards? get fvcked? probably too old school techy for you. they existed long before the 3 years ago that jersey/ny "discovered" the scene. ever heard of ralph lawson? back to basics? i've got mixtapes of his that are probably older than you. this mix is good kurtis... it's obvious some people in here have no clue.
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