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Everything posted by james954

  1. that game wasn't even close
  2. treep, since you can't decide between the 3, then choose three! you know those other cats are gonna make the top 100. place a vote for three and maybe he'll break in on the list.
  3. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  4. austin leeds will be doing the opening duties as well. gonna be a kick ass night.
  5. i'm pretty close to someone who's been working very hard on the crobar nyc project, and unless something has changed in the last couple days, then i'd say this is just a rumor. as of monday (the last time i spoke to this person) they didn't mention anything to me.
  6. yeah, jon and dave playing together like the groovejet days. how sweet is that gonna be?!
  7. october is gonna be a GOOD month at crobar! plus i think lola will have a few suprises as well.
  8. i've been wanting to see this since it was first released in the UK about a year ago. glad to see it finally get released stateside. doubt many people will get it at all really. the whole madchester scene went pretty much un-noticed over here in the states. the soundtrack is indeed great. i've looked at the tracklist a few times. i passed on the purchase though as i've got most of the tracks on old tapes and vinyl. just curious, did they get into the stone roses and the manchester revival at all, or did they focus purely on the early 80's? i know the mondays made the soundtrack, but, how couldn't they w/ a focus on the hacienda? speaking of the hac, a friend of mine is bringing me over a brick from the old place. fuckin' a! don't worry, i'll sell tickets for the viewing as soon as it arrives.
  9. one of my all time fav dj's dave seaman will be returning to miami @ crobar on oct 18. everytime he comes back to town i get all reminisent of the old groovejet days and his legendary residency for the bliss parties. from representing renaissance, GU or cream in the earlier days up at club boca, seaman has always played south florida right!
  10. scratch that oscar, i just found out he'll be playing the other room, most likely at the same time as you. but by all means, if you get a chance peek in there a couple times. here's the flyer: GO UM!!!!!
  11. august/september... whats the difference. it's all the same. hot, humid and rainy.
  12. first off, i'd like to apologise to sobeton. i never meant any of my comments to piss anyone off except saleen. that kid just gets on my last nerves w/ all his negativity. DT and DHM bashing was the last straw for me. he's always talking about his right to his opinion on everyone and everything else down here, i decided to give him mine. sorry you took things personal. now about jimmy van m. i never stated that he should open for tenaglia. in fact i think he would be a horrible opening dj for tenaglia. the only suggestion i made would be for DHM. that sound would work 100%. i agree w/ you edgar that zabiela wasn't the best opener for sasha. jimmy van m would have been better. i've been following zabiela for a of couple years now, and i must say he currently is a MUCH better dj than sasha. right now james is almost as good as sasha USED to be. but since his name recognition in the states is very little, he has to start somewhere. in the UK, james headlines or tag teams. that night at crobar, james simply blew sasha away. i could have cared less if sasha came on at all. i just used the name jimmy van m because i love him as an opener, but i'm not into his headline sounds. now my reply to oscar. now that you let the light in about danny's flight problems, i fully understand. honestly, it was about 1:30 where you completely lost me. but since that's when you planned to play until, that is fully understood. not knowing the circumstances, i wasn't impressed with pumping beats before danny was to come on. i just get worn out too early that way. in defense of danny, he did the right thing by chilling everyone out. it was the right thing to do @ 4:30am, when you know you are gonna play another 10-14 hours. you can't add that on top of the previous 3-4 hours of high BPM's. i don't think many people understand the ebb and flow of a night in a club where you can play/listen to a set for 16+ hours. you have to make people dance, you have to put some emotion to it, you have to slow them up. give them time to re-group, chat w/ friends, get a drink, take a piss, whatever. then build them back in. scare the shit out of them. turn all the lights out. then blow the horn. it's like an extended movie. take the godfather for instance. the flow of that movie is the perfect analogy for the perfect extended dj set. build a slow plot line. throw a few twists, slow it back down, then in one swoop, kill everyone. then let it simmer a bit. pull it back down before letting loose again. get my point? by the way oscar, your opening dj in gainsville is a friend of mine from london named jonathan lisle. this guy is a master! i dunno how well your sets will mesh, but by all means get there early and check him out. he's on par or possibly a bit better than james zabiela. his style is very northern exposure vol 1.
  13. the only stereotype is given by saleen himself. i call 'em as i see 'em. he calls HIMSELF a "guido". what's there to be insecure about that? i come to him on his terms. now about oscar. i have respect for him. i know that they are friends etc. i'm just saying oscar is a headline dj. NOT an opener. i have heard very few that can cross the line. say jimmy van m for instance. he's a brilliant opener, but his headline sets leave much to be desired. oscar is other way round in my opinion. if it were my choice, nobody would touch the decks in that room all night except danny. he can build his own sound.
  14. was saleen even in space last night?!?! DHM ripped that patio up. they played a set like an outdoor patio should sound. take that guido shit and shove it you your monkey asses (guidos-monkeys... i can't tell the difference. shirts off, chest bangin, can you?). DT played one of the top 5 sets that i've ever heard from him. lots of classics that don't get much club play. remixes etc. so as you can guess... this wasn't my "first" time seeing danny. duh. his mixing is never all that great all the time. but it's the tracks he plays and when he plays them that counts. a bit of techno, a bit of floaty trance, some epic, nice house, bits of tribal and mixed in the funky bleeps and noises from nowhere. it's about a full night. not a couple of hours. foreplay. but monkeys don't get that. they just hump and jump in the trees again. only agreement w/ the resident CP monkey is that oscar's set totally blew. i'm sorry, but oscar is NOT an opening dj. his sets peak time sound great, but he should never be allowed to open. if anything, oscar should have been out back, and DHM should have built the house one brick at a time. not the entire building in one swoop like oscar does. c'mon, a bangin trance remix of new order's bizarre love tringle @ 1:30 am?? i know it was probably danny's fault, but it would have been nice to hear him earlier than 4:30 am. back to DHM. now i'm not that big of a "house head" like so many refer to here, but i know good music when i hear it, and those boys are top fucking quality! seeing them saturday and again on sunday night, these guys are in TOP form at the moment! keep it up. if luis is smart, he'll have them back on the patio MANY more times. joe, do me a favor and take back that invite for saleen to come out for dixon. i don't wanna hear his ass cry come next monday cause he couldn't go all ape monkey pumpin in lola. send his ass back to the lab cage, i mean new jersey.
  15. greg, check your private messages.
  16. saleen does not follow the crowd. i repeat... does NOT follow the crowd. how could he possibly?? he's from jersey and just recently moved to broward. he's still 2 years BEHIND the crowd. just like the rest of jersey (except 1). he hasn't even caught up to the porterhouse sounds yet.
  17. ground something fucking wicked whatever it's called. i just listened fully last night. i need to shoot that boy an email thanking him.
  18. i have a 10 gig mp3 player in the car and here's what's making the rotation this past few weeks bill brewster- praxis 2 cd set matt licata- grounded vol 1 hellpass- base forms 2 cd set sasha- live @ bedrock aug 2002 2 cd set lee burridge vs. sander kleinenberg (WOW!) jonathan lisle- live @ gatecrasher summer sound system 2002 90 mins sasha and digweed- live @ zen orlando, aug 31, 1996 90 mins ( i just dug this out of the personal tape collection archives and ripped to mp3)
  19. there's the news you've been waiting for!
  20. chris is in my doghouse now. he better make up for it on friday.
  21. james954

    Drunken words!

    :laugh: :laugh:
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