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Everything posted by james954

  1. james954

    NYE Attire

    i'm gonna wear that dress in the photo a few posts back. i hope she doesn't go to the same parties as me....
  2. i'm SOOOO looking forward to tonight. it's gonna be nice to see some familliar faces in the house! tomorrow night at lola is gonna be kick ass too. joe, sorry i missed last week, i was at my parents in tampa for the holiday. not gonna miss tomorrow though good job saving the girls. was it 4' clean offshore or chop? doing any diving while your there? i hear the water is super clear there.
  3. no... that would be red and brown stripes
  4. james954

    Return Of Sl

    shadow was good in it prime for vibe, but lets be honest here... no place will ever be like groovejet was. and give maze a break. it's a new place... i takes a while to get things moving. especially in the current state of the economy. just wait...
  5. dead or alive - you spin me round (like a record) circa 1985 though it's popularity hit radio in late 86 i believe.
  6. it a shame how baja moved in that space and ruined the venue. you should have seen it years ago when it was the theater. it was an awesome venue. the lighting system was VERY similar to maze w/ a moving rig. the sound was pretty decent. back in the days... spin spin sugar, professional widow and the gift were the theaters anthems...
  7. this is really cool. you guys rock! congrats to you both and good luck.
  8. 1. 2. i'll read. 3. 4. now this is an interesting idea... i'd go to see audioslave play on the patio. in fact even though it's a complete switch in direction for the club... it could be done on a sunday or monday evening. outdoor... intimate... wow. 5. nice to see the fins doing well. since i work in the media i have semi regular contact w/ many players and these guys are all very down to earth. not like the typical ego involved in the NFL.
  9. i was there til around 3am. as seems to be the case with every venue last night, the crowd was a bit thin. but that didn't matter all that much. less wait time at the bar if you know what i mean. i know a few of you were "supposed" to show... so what happened?? guestlist and some free drink passes hurt the wallet too much? nah, just bustin chops w/ that last comment. but this place is WAY too nice, and the staff and mgmt is WAY too cool for this venue not to start to make an impact soon. the drinks are great as well. not mostly mixer/less alcohol like some other venues that are quick to take $9 out of my hand. d-fuse was allright. no complaints from me, although i did enjoy marcus's set more. he seems to have a pretty good feel for the sound and direction he wants to take things for fridays. it'll take time, but i have major faith in this place. all this and mazegirl and the door girl, who i fully expect to be introduced to (ahem), are the best looking girls on any club staff in miami! what more could you possibly want?
  10. frank, what time did you and mr danny leave? we stopped in there and you sleepers were already out?
  11. as usual.... i have to work and miss all the good shit. coldplay is one of my favs as well.
  12. i'm gonna be at maze for a few hours then head over to catch the last of jask's set. should be a good night all round. i can't wait to see/hear the maze setup in full action. the tour i got monday blew me away! this setup is for real. just need to get the heads in there to support.
  13. LOL! then next generation in dj/promoter communication... the message boards. go sean! playing w/ monk etc. nice.
  14. hey noel, good to see you on board over here. welcome. it'll be good to have you back down here working it! -james sheridan
  15. i have to agree, i have not met a girl off this board that isn't beautiful. but if i had to pick one... it's be the MIA calix... bbflux knows what i'm talking about ...and for those of you that have named names, how is it possible that you passed by the lovely miss mazegirl?? or kris?? DOH!
  16. i'd love to have some serious input on the music direction of fridays. the place sounds like it's aching to be tore up! plus as of right now, i feel they are totally going in the wrong direction. and judging by the reviews the friday crowd thinks so too. saleen and pod hit the nail on the head too. saturdays will float them for some time to come. now it's up to them to pick a solid direction for fridays. trance is a dieing monster. with the success of saturdays they can afford to experiment a bit. and build a proper night for fridays. but don't sleep too long or it will pass you by...
  17. i was listening to wink live in jersulem but now i'm here at work listening to the hum of computer fans and routers. every now and again the phone will ring like a breakdown/buildup.
  18. thanks greg! as for liz... that girl is AMAZING beautiful!!!! there, i said it. always thought it, but never said it.
  19. wicked! nice to see bliss back in the game!!
  20. james954


    i dunno about remixes, but audioslave has renewed my faith in rock music. they're fucking great! i always liked soundgarden, but the singer of rage always got on my nerves. this is a perfect combo.
  21. i'm with saleen on this one... the times are changing. the days of $20 covers and $10 drinks are well past everyones budget. it's time for the clubs to stop pocketing the profits and pony up to help keep themselves in business. you'll still make plenty of bank w/ $10 covers and lower ALL drink prices a couple bucks. this isn't 1998.
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