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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by momadance

  1. this just in... florida govener jeb bush's daughter got arrested trying to fill a false perscription for xanax.
  2. you know youll be psyched at the end of the semester though when you go see them
  3. no, there already is a FTP site that some members put up about a year ago. it was put on on someones extra bandwidth at work, and there are plenty of tracks and full mixes up. I am saying that most people dont even know about it, and I want to get the word out, and would also like to know the upload. i know standard FTP etiquite and would never give the address out, but i am looking for the siteop, whoever that is, so they can bring it back to life
  4. to bad that civilian casualties are inevitable. and among those 'civilains' how many islamic extremist do you think there were??
  5. There hasnt been talk of this in a while and i'm sure with all of the new members on the boards latly, there is more music to spread around. who is in charge of this FTP site anyway?? we could all put a lot of nice tunes and mixes up there for eachother, everyoneout there needs some new music i bet!!
  6. he is from jersey? is his acent on the show not real then??? he really knows how to beat a muthafuka down!!
  7. just thinking about people on K trying to fight makes me laugh
  8. i am sure you can find plenty of fools to fight in jersey, so why dont you and your 'boys' stay there next weekend. your cheep asses will save on gass and tolls
  9. are you trying to spread hate or just negitive vibes????? i always had respect for you, but this is not appropriate.
  10. i had that shit 2 weeks ago. just take amodium AD and smoke a lot of pot
  11. 2000+ posts and you dont know who rodger sanchez is?? i guess vinyl is going to be crowded on 2/2
  12. ive been getting good use of my mt snow season's pass. sure the beginingof the season was week, but now its raging up in vermont.
  13. last week they started the 'construction parties' so you can swing on by and see the club progress. hows that for progressive?? www.clubshelter.com
  14. what time to these shin-digs usuly run to, and when do they peak?
  15. how many times will this one go around. its not to much of a mystery, breasts look different sizes in different outfits, with different bras on.
  16. trance is just silly music. i can do without all of those sound effects.
  17. take only 1 xenadrine. you get plenty of enery, and you can still eat.
  18. you want to elaborate a little more on this. i love skiing and all, but this is more interesting to me for the moment....
  19. i have a sugestion -- if you want to improve the vibe of your party ,tell the people at centro-fly to re-hire the staff they had a year or two ago and not the pricks they have working their now who treat you like dog meat.
  20. yea and spend 5 minutes with more energy, just to crave more the whole day, no thanks.
  21. I'm sorry, I took your quote out of context. I understand your usage of it. I did not realize i was actuly quoting when i made this post, i did not actualy read the whole other post, i just remembered some phrases from it that were representive of the things being said. understand?? peace:)
  22. seiously, people are actuly like "we dont want your kind there" and "l was at MY spot on the dancefloor, and......" yea, great vibe at vinyl
  23. hello, do you watch oz???? if thats anything what max security is like, which is supposedly is...... john walker will get murdered in prison:blown:
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