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Everything posted by momadance

  1. put on the dam cover, that shit smells nasty.
  2. so that will be what, like a year a half between seasons
  3. wo man, i'm not a communist or anything. i am just saying that the government kows more about you than you think. why do you think they keep pennies in circulation?
  4. the key is dont overplan, be spontaneous and have funn with it. once you start overannalizing it, it loses all its fun. for examlpe, back in the day i would do a lot of acid. one day i found out that your peek was from hour 3 to hour 5. after knowing this, from that day on, let me tell you i was never as content after the fifth hour as i was before. bottome. get the point??
  5. but wait how do they know its you the first time? are we already on file?? spooky ass government i tell ya
  6. Thanks, i'm glad i strarted this thread, i see how many people have seen it and i know it made a lot of people happpy, and thats what its all about, isnt it.... I found something else, its a pencil drawing
  7. Little David comes home from first grade and tells his father that they learned about the history of Valentine's Day. "Since Valentine's day is for a Christian saint and we're Jewish," he asks, "will God get mad at me for giving someone a valentine?" David's father thinks a bit then says, "No, I don't think God would get mad. Who do you want to give a valentine to?" "Osama Bin Laden," David says. "Why Osama Bin Laden?" his father asks in shock. "Well," David says, "I thought that if a little American Jewish boy could have enough love to give Osama a valentine, he might start to think that maybe we're not all bad, and maybe start loving people a little bit. And if other kids saw what I did and sent valentines to Osama, he'd love everyone a lot. And then he'd start going all over the place to tell everyone how much he loved them and how he didn't hate anyone anymore." His father's heart swells and he looks at his boy with newfound pride. "David, that's the most wonderful thing I've ever heard." "I know," David says. "And once that gets him out in the open, the Marines could blow the shit out of him."
  8. I'm sure she was 'workin it' on the dancefloor, does that count??
  9. i dont see any 'on air' link, do you mean 'pseudo live'??
  10. I'm here to stay. ive been even been around to some of the otheres, but there is truly where it is at
  11. what kinda music and when is the latest to let you know by?
  12. dont check this board to much, huh?
  13. i never said it was as devistating, its obviously not to the same degree, but hear me out.. opium (like all other drugs from the poppy plant) is physicly addictive in addition to being phycologicly addictive. one of the things this means is your body stops producing the nessicary endorphins that regulate things like pain, because it gets them from the drugs. then when you stop taking the drugs, your body doest produce them and EVERYTHING is painful. I'm saying although it will take a longer time with opium, and not be as bad, you are essensially doing the same thing to yourself that you would be with heroin.
  14. BUSH FAMILY'S HOMEFRONT DRUG WAR Last week the police busted Noelle Bush, the 24-year-old daughter of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, for allegedly forging a prescription for the anti-anxiety drug Xanax. The offense is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. Gov. Bush, realizing that punishment alone would be of little help, paid $1,000 to bail out his daughter and probably will send her back to one of the treatment centers she reportedly has been in before. That's good. And what's good for a famous parent's daughter should be good for America. In fact, the nation's $20-billion-a-year war against drugs might stand a chance if the governor's brother, President Bush, would urge Congress to correct the imbalance in anti-drug funding, which directs only four cents of every dollar to prevention and treatment. The remaining 96 cents go to what former Health secretary Joseph Califano Jr., now a drug abuse expert at Columbia University, calls "shoveling up the wreckage of substance abuse and addiction in hospitals, welfare agencies, foster care programs and prisons." President Bush - whose daughters Jenna and Barbara both have been charged with underage drinking and who himself was arrested in 1976 for driving while intoxicated - has impressed Califano and other drug policy experts. Bush recognizes, as he put it in one Rose Garden speech, that "the most effective way to reduce the supply of drugs in America is to reduce the demand for drugs in America." Oddly, though, the president's newly appointed drug czar, John Walters, has historically favored punishment over treatment. Last year, he called the notion that drug sentences are too long one of "the great urban myths of our time." Fact is, heroin and cocaine are cheaper than ever, the annual number of heroin overdoses has doubled since the early 1990s and the percentage of teenagers admitting to having been drunk at some time is rising. The United States may be winning battles abroad, but it's losing the domestic war on drug abuse and the backward thinking of key strategists such as Walters is one reason why. Bush and Congress need to correct the imbalances that result in so little federal money for treatment. Legislators should also reverse an outrageous law passed in 1998 that bars federal drug czars from spending even a penny on ads that mention the most commonly abused drug of all, alcohol. Even as alcohol was killing 6.5 times more young Americans than all illicit drugs combined. Adults today send a strange mix of messages to kids, permitting seductive TV advertising, for instance, that promotes the virtues of mood-altering prescription drugs like Xanax, Ritalin and Prozac, while funding school-based seminars in which police officers tell students to "just say no to drugs." And if impressionable youths end up turning to the wrong drugs, we lock them up. This must be confusing for young Americans - Noelle, Jenna and Barbara included.
  15. try tribeca blues, the blue note, or the knitting factory. you want to check ahead to see who's playing (time out NY shoud say) and then try to download a few songs to see what kind of jazz the bands are, since there are many many styles of jazz, pick one you like, and your all set.
  16. he does have a dam good point. opium is heroin without the guilt, if you think otherwise, your kidding yourself and dont know shit about the drugs your doing
  17. wasnt that the older awning, didnt the new one have the phazon logo circle thingy on the I or something
  18. now thats some funny ass shit right there my friend!! and kestrel, if you read earlier, youd see we dont want to start listing all the places where we go. the word got out on vinyl, and look at in now. no way am i gonna blow up another spot. i dont have strong fealings about exit, just the constant flow of newbies that come on here every once in a while with the same immaturity and they all seam to be all over exit as if it was the one and only club to go to. plus this guy has no clus since he promotes his list, which is against clubplanet rules.
  19. whatsup with this.... DOORS / DJ SUPPORT 9:00PM CHEMICAL BROTHERS AT 11:00PM CURFEW IS AT 1:00AM so pete tong from 9-11, then CB 11-1???
  20. yup, but not until people who are in power now die, and the younger generation comes up. its only a matter of time, but right now, there is not a chance in hell.
  21. test [img]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=657072
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