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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. i just fly there on a fat bowl of crack ------------------ "real fucking high"
  2. my roommate is from dix hills. nice, pretty place ------------------ "real fucking high"
  3. there's also a place on fifth and eighth. and yellow rat, canal jeans, ground zero. or if you just see a candy kid wearing a pair you like, take them ------------------ "real fucking high"
  4. cathyo, you know what's up that's pretty much how i work. and i go through phases, so for one week i'll call everyday or more, and probably bug the hell out of whomever. then i won't call or feel like talking for a week. then i'm bugging them again. new friends probably think i'm schizo ------------------ "real fucking high"
  5. i'll bet partially hydrogenated oil isn't as bad for you as that crack you're smoking ------------------ "real fucking high"
  6. with all your paranoid concerns about pesticides and healthy, natural stuff, i'm going to laugh when you die before me ------------------ "real fucking high"
  7. oooh, the lights! were even better than at DT/CC time to write a paper. i'm never going out again ------------------ "real fucking high"
  8. when someone asks for your number and you don't care to talk to them again, what do you do? a) say no, give them a fake number, c) give them your number and blow them off when they call i have a hard time saying no, especially if we were having a chill conversation and there's no reason why we shouldn't be friendly. i also don't want to give a fake number because after i meet someone, i ALWAYS see him again. so sometimes i give my room number (i never answer that anyway, and i have an answering machine to screen the calls) or my cell number (caller ID and i usually don't pick up unless i know who's calling). but then it's fucking annoying to just have the phone ring and to get messages would be so much easier if clubs didn't have searches and metal detectors, so i could just bring a gun and shoot these people before the night is over ------------------ "real fucking high"
  9. snow sex, huh? things would have to get pretty damn hot. in which case, i'm down ------------------ "real fucking high"
  10. i thought you said his second one was weak. you missed Lawler, bitch ------------------ "real fucking high"
  11. i'm at the damn good parties, i miss the inferior ones. (that is not a coincidence.) you're best off just going where i go ------------------ "real fucking high"
  12. werd! it kinda sucks that that the people who don't know music are eliminated from the dating candidate pool. that's a lot of people. and you're right; it's impossible to date someone who doesn't know/isn't elightened. can't talk to them about it, can't go out together, can't agree on the right fuck music, etc. ------------------ "real fucking high"
  13. Matty, you freakin' loser. is the first thing you do when you get back sign online and post? what a lahoooo-saaaheeerrrr! Matty, i forgot to get my cell from you yes, Lawler is awesome. i got there just as he came on (he was waiting for me) around 4. he dropped some great tracks, one or two i hadn't heard in a long time and loved, and was overall yummy... love his style! just wish i had a lil' more energy to keep up (i'm sorry i didn't dance enough, to you who wanted me to) glowsticks, you missed!... ------------------ "real fucking high"
  14. sometimes, i'll be talking to someone and i'll start thinking, "damn, this person is mad chillz! i wish we could hang out more." but then i know that as well as we click, we probably wouldn't hang out much because they aren't into the music and clubs like i am. and i KNOW from their personality that if someone introduced them, they would love it i wish i could take all these kewl people and give them a little bit of the guidance they need to realize that they should be clubbing with me. but truth be told, i hate babysitting and couldn't be the initial tour guide. anyone around like popping cherries and babysitting? (god, this sounds so pedophilic!) oh yeah, and then there are the people who ask me to take them clubbing, and i know from their personalities that they wouldn't like it and wouldn't know what to do with themselves in a club. they just want to say "yesh, i'm kewl. i go clubbing" ------------------ "real fucking high"
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!! hey, that's not kewl *smack* ------------------ "real fucking high"
  16. i want him. i would take him in a second, except for the fact that i don't ever know where i'm going to be in a few months, much less if i can take him with me. and if i couldn't keep him at some place i'm living, then i would feel horrible making kitty have a different owner ------------------ "real fucking high"
  17. there's a party tonight. i may go ------------------ "real fucking high"
  18. hey, i heard about this "love" stuff! heard it's the best high; "higher than before". if anyone can hook me up with a nice, fat ball of some pure, crystalline love, let me know. i don't want any skinny or cut crap either i want it to be so clean, i can take it in any way. and each way would be its own high. something that will fuck me up incredibly ------------------ "real fucking high"
  19. hey i have a speech impediment* wtf is there something wrong with speech impediments? (*ish a shlight lishp you might notice when i'm fucked and hyped up. shum people do notice, shum don't. peash) oh yeah, and acne tends to result from increased trafficking through the nasal passages ------------------ "real fucking high"
  20. exit2heaven, you play tennis? if you were a ball boy for the us open, you must be pretty decent. want to hit sometime? i used to be champs level (rusty now) ------------------ "real fucking high"
  21. beam me up, Scotty haha, j/k. maybe i'll see you guys at Twilo though ------------------ "real fucking high"
  22. i just heard about this. epicenter was 11 miles northeast of Olympia. 3 seriously injured. power is out i can't reach anyone in Washington, not friends in Seattle or family elsewhere. all i get is a busy signal when i try to call. hope everyone is all right. if you have people in WA, find out if you can ------------------ "real fucking high"
  23. you sure as hell don't act like a lady; you act like a confused slut njbabe, it's wonderful that you know all the things that make females attractive. now eat shit and die, bitch people who know me know i don't talk like i post. they know that in reality, i'm much more hardcore ------------------ "real fucking high"
  24. when i'm stressed, i definitely need something (i.e. someone) to help ease my stress. by finals time, i'm going to need a sexy study partner for the study breaks; i seriously cannot concentrate sometimes horniness = ADD ------------------ "real fucking high"
  25. glowsticks, i thought i was your party girl! ------------------ "real fucking high"
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