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Posts posted by pangelid

  1. OK, finally 2 of the 3 lockers are open. Everyone has been sent their emails. Please use this thread for any requests or after ups.

    For the remaining people, i will have the third locker up and running soon. Give me a day or two. Sorry!

    Otherwise, let's step it up a notch. There is alot of music to be shared! For newbies that are interested, please contact me with a pm. Thanx!

  2. Originally posted by dog6

    Jakatta-American Dream

    Here are the mixes:

    Joey Negro

    Different Gear


    Java & Jan<<<Newest

    Different Gear mix is my fav.......:D

    also there's the "Charles Hart Raw Mix"

    they are all relatively similar

    some of the tracks may be listed under jakatta - american booty as well

  3. There are actually two separate songs that have the american beauty sample. I have 5 mixes of it, but am not in front of my home computer right now, so the only ones I can remember are

    Joey Negro Mix

    Lucid Mix

    Different Gear

    The Lucid mix has more trance elements while the other two are housier


  4. All the emails have been sent out. I'll be waiting for a response from everyone. After I get that, I will re-send the Locker passwords. Its pretty easy.

    I'll be switching people around too, since I doubt everyone from the summer is still around. all Good!!

    waiting to hear from everyone.

    Oh, I'll be adding new people too, so feel from to send me a pm if you are interested. Thanx

  5. Whats up everyone.

    I'm back from a long CP hiatus and am happy to say, I will be getting the summer myplay lockers back up to speed.

    I have the original lists to the three lockers from the summer and will be contacting everyone from them. Hopefully everyone is still around and still collecting beats.

    For the newbies, myplay is an easy way to share music using a www interface. We share hard house, hard trance, progressive and vocals. Send me a pm if you would like to be invovled.

    Old members, stay tuned for more information.

  6. Originally posted by bigart

    ok well this is just from personal KNowledge and experience, so if you have any doubts or want to add to this post just Reply and do so, thasnk

    first... I was in the white room last night Chillin and as i was watching the lighting effect a friend turned to me and said , "did u know that the lighting is spelling out in MOrse Code "XTC", At this point i got mad chills and started BUggin, LOL

    second... Same friend then told me that the reason Draper Plays like shit sometimes, is because He is Trying to sell you YOur goodtime, For example he would play a vicious set , BUild BUild BUild and then PLay some whack shit , or BUild Build BUild , and play some Goodshit , Followed by some Horibble shit, This same friend told me it was a Scheme, so that WHen ur rolling on E, THat U get to BUild and enjoy E WHen the music BUilds , You dance, But then when its whack , Ur roll, gets slower , IT basically Fluctuates - and this is done maybe 13-18 times throughout the night, Just to Make ur E better, Because You cannot BE dancnig like a maniac for 11 pm - 8 am, u would get tired, so when the music sucks, basically its time for you to rest and enjoy, the ROll, but when the BEat drops and The music Starts to play HArd, Get on your Feet and dance.

    Third... WHen you take Ectasy, when Naturally happens is that Your Spine muscles tense up, and COntract , Bringing your Spine closer Up into your Brain, which causes You to feel pain and PLeasure Differently, Ur whole Sensory system is KNocked off track and diverted, Now the Most fucked up thing is that The Seats in Exit are designed for you to lean your had on that Cushun thingie , and what it does is Push your spine EVEN farther into your brain. ( fucked up shit right )

    I dunno you be the judge, Reply all and thanks


    i def. think there could be some merit to this and when I thought about it more, I really couldnt make up my mind. Long heavy builders and dark deep stuff seem to work on my roll the best, and Draper does bust that shit out all the time so I can see where you are coming from. Plus its every dj's job to cater to his crowd, and if a large percent are on whatever drugs, why not make them happy. The reason I doubt this is I honestly think he just doesnt know how to sequence his songs in a logical order. PLus, I doubt EXIT management wants to be associated with havin a DJ that caters strictly to the kids on Extacy. I dunno. Thats my opinion.

  7. Locker Members. I just got settled in at college over here at Virginia Tech but I dont have an internet connection quite yet.

    As of right now, Locker 3 is down and I won't be able to up to the other lockers for a few days. Please carry on with out me. I will have a huge update as soon as I get back online. Thanx!!

  8. after reading everyone else's posts it's all coming back to me now.

    Fanto1: whats up. I saw you dancing on the speaker for awhile. I was gunna jump up there with yah, but too lazy. Next time. I had the sky blue polo tshirt.

    Court877: good to hear from you on the board. See you again soon.

    XtcGspot and Linabina: I wish I wouldav known you two were sober. My dumbass was sober the whole night too. I had about two drinks and they were already worn off by the time we had the meetup. Alot of people were faaaaacked up outtah there minds though.

    Shouts to Karch, Blaznny, Msoprano, Sexxybabyd, and everyone else. Till next time.

    Yo, did anyone catch the dancers 2 guys and 2 girls on stage, at like 4ish. Turns out one of them was a friend of mine from high school. [the one on the right] I def did not expect to see his ass and then his wang popped out to say hello too. Ughhh, terrible. Me and my boyz almost puked. And the girls didnt show off anything. Whats up with that?

  9. I really wasnt impressed at the beginning of his set. I had heard about 2 out of every 3 songs before, but at around 4am, some sort of switch must have clicked in Vicious brain, caus he def stepped it up like 10 notches. Every other song I was like "Damn" or would yell "Oh Shit" uncontrollably. It was pretty funny!

    The 2am meetup was pretty cool but weak compared to the shear amount of us that were actually in the club at that time. Met a few kats, umm, "bigpopanils, airatomic, dolik, xtcgspot?, linabina more cp ppl, and alot of newbies that dont post [what up bebe!]" Don't be afraid to post your opinions newbies, we don't bite.

    I still have to hate on the amount of drugs that are done out in the open at that place. Its really really bad, and sooner or later, someone we don't want to, is going to notice. Hopefully more later than sooner.

    Well, going back to college today. It was great meeting and making friends with some of you all. Till the next holiday or break...happy clubbin and be safe!

  10. The night has finally come. Just wanted bump this up as a reminder to everyone.

    Also, for all the EXIT heads, this is not the last Friday at EXIT. SLYONPROMOS sent a mailer stating that it will definitely open next Friday. Why miss out on Johnny Vicious when you can hear Draper next week? Just a thought!!

    See everyone at 2am on the 3rd floor near the waterfountain and bathroom.

  11. the art of turntablism was created using vinyl. Once people start using CDs more and more, its history will begin to fade. Even though I am always one to progress with the times, I have the most respect for vinyl hip hop djs. They keep the art of mixing truist to its original form.

    The only solution to this problem is cheaper vinyls. I can't believe they haven't lowered in price over the years. In fact, they are a little more expensive. That's bullshit. Its just a piece of plastic.

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