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Everything posted by themoo

  1. I don't take any of that crap, just protein bars and shakes. I honestly don't want to be a big dude or gain weight. I'm happy the way I am. Here's a little secret....most girls don't like meatheads, I'm out to impress girls not guys!!!
  2. Good one Kirk, those shots killed me and Tony, you bastard!!!! Oh my god, one of my boys is on elimidate, this is hysterical, got to go
  3. I don't know if the tear actually came out, but I was defenitely glassy eyed.
  4. Come to Axiom tomorrow, I'll even do it on a non bench day, I could do that after my workout. I don't even know where colonia is!!! Come to Axiom in Fairfield RT46 east, it would be too pathetic for me to actually drive to Colonia to prove something. I will be happy to do it for you, but you got to come see it.
  5. I'm sorry to hear about your father. God bless your family and may you all be strong in this time of sorrow.
  6. Dude I got a full time job and was out in Long Island at a client until 8:00, and you can't just suddenly decide on when it is going to take place, it has to be convienent for me. I'm thinking, you are the guys doubting me, come to my gym!!!
  7. Here's some insider info, you can short the 330 until may but until then I wouldn't short anything under 315
  8. Actually that post was on my message board, someone copied and pasted it here. So i never came here asking anything. But I'm done with the BS now, its old.
  9. You guys aren't going to stop those belmar pics are you? My camera is beat up from all those crazy Tempts nights and I havent been taking the pics lately. As far as clubitup goes, they are good kids and I wish them the best of luck. Without getting too revealing, attached is a glimpse of yesterdays stats, it was a slow day. Wednesdays are always over a million, yesterday sucked. Anyways good luck EHD and clubitup.
  10. I'd say Bus, I'm a lover not a fighter And 60 lbs lighter
  11. Hey bus you should put some money on this, I'd be happy to take your money. Actually I'll take everyones money!!! 275 you should of put a rep count on that.....I can't wait to see stacked with that shirt on. I love south park btw
  12. I'm at a client in Long Island now, don't think I'll make it today unless you want to come visit me at my gym Axiom later?
  13. My favorite restaurant is Bellisimo but I would settle for cheesecake factory
  14. And if you lose, you have to wear an NJGUIDO T-shirt modified to say Moo made me his bitch!! LOL
  15. I said 330 by memorial day You said that I can't do 275. That was the deal, don't try to change it man. 275 was the number....your post still says it, don't make me dig it up
  16. I still love clubplanet and I still love the drama. I think that at some point it gets out of hand though. I can take the abuse. It is annoying though when you come on here for some general reviews and see about 10 posts bashing you for no reason by people (losers) that don't even know you. Thats my beef, it is full of low class internet tuff guys, but I can live with it, I have for long enough now. From here on I will ignore it. My time is way too valuable to spend with low lives.
  17. Stacked when can I come win my dinner?
  18. Bus I was asking for a personal review. Rod did the same in his retirement post earlier this week. If he wants a review he can ask for it too. I think Rod does a great job opening up each night. He's just a really nice, genuine guy.
  19. CP must see me as a threat to their business because now even the moderators who are here to keep the peace post crap about me. That is just an example of why CP is going down the tubes. Sad how low class some of the people on here are. Sorry to all the good CPers though.
  20. When someone cooks something for you, is it wrong for them to ask how it tasted?
  21. After all the drama in the beginning of this post, I would hope that the moderators finally saw the original CP heads thoughts towards the end here. That is all I wanted out of this whole post. I love this site and in sense is an inspiration to my site. I am just disturbed at where it is headed. It was never this bad. I guess I am just going to have to ignore the jerks, I tried stooping to their level but realized that it is just not me. So from now on I am going to continue to be myself and ignore the haters.
  22. Never said I was bigger shortbus. I know you are much bigger. Anyways, I'm having a bad day and now I feel better. So thats that. But you guys see how much I take and I give a little back to you and it seems you cant take it at all.
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