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Everything posted by crommy

  1. I left around 7, but my friend stayed til 8 or 9, or so, and said there were a few encores. he said they took it to another level after I left, isn't that always the case. Thanks for your feedback
  2. So, was anyone else at Twilo on Friday night? I hadn't been there since Carl Cox in July and was surprised at how much room there was in the place. Don't get me wrong, it got crowded, but there placed cleared out early. Dave Seaman was off the hook. I was dancing in front of the dj booth and could totally see him looking at the crowd, really getting to spinning for the masses. He only played for 2 hrs or so and didnt come back on once the DJ's were rotating back and forth. He was definately the highlight of the night for me. Can;t wait for his GU CD to hit the stores. Was also in great position in for the cold air blasts. It's great when you can't see the people you are dancing next to and can just vaguely make out the colors of the glow sticks and lights all around you. Not to mention, the break from the heat that builds up in that place. I can't believe how tight the security has gotten there. There were three male security guards hanging out in the woman's room and they would check out what was going on in the stalls every once in a while. Never seen THAT before. It was a pleasure not to be packed in like sardines and wait so long to get in like for S&D and PVD. I'm surprised to see so few posts about that night. Did anyone else on the board go and what was your take on the night?
  3. This was my first time seeing Oakey and while he started off real mellow, he was kicking it by the end of his set. Sandra Collins was working it and really wanted to keep playing past 4 or so, but the management kept turned on the lights and turned down the volume to usher everyone out. With a lineup like last night, it's a bummer the show ended so early. Overall I had a great time. Was skeptical about having a show like this at Roseland, but was impressed on how they changed the place for the show. That being said, the sound could have been better and louder. Now it's back-to-back nights with Carl Cox at Twilo tonight!
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