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Everything posted by crommy

  1. My vote: Feb 2. I hear ya about organizing. I'm rounding up some folks at work for a snowboarding trip that Sat and it has morphed into such a project. Not to mention arranging the flights for the indecisive a**holes I am going to Amsterdam with --- JK -- *HUGZ* to you all
  2. Dennis You know who to turn to when you have a question about lineups Ben hooked you up of course, but don't forget Sat, Feb. 17 the rave in New Rochelle with Dave Ralph, Christopher Lawrenece and Space Girl. Also I read that Sandra Collins is playing that night at Tunnel Also, March 3 is Tiesto and other Gatecrasher DJs @ Limelight...and you know what March 9 is of course. muhahahahahah Danielle
  3. Bump this shit up!!! Words cannot express how freaking excited I am for tonight. There is a Danny Howells at Twilo poster around the corner from my place that I plan on taking down tomorrow when I get home. I have been looking at that poster everyday on my way home and I just get the biggest smile on my face when I look at it. It's going to be FIERCE! Vejita: The machine is going to be in full-effect tonight!
  4. Suits? We don't wear no stinking suits It's casual Friday, baby!
  5. hey brett, check your PMs Hmmm...if there are no other takers shall we postpone?
  6. Schweet. I'm there 1 p.m. I was there the other week around lunch with about six people and there was no problem getting a table.
  7. Vejita, stop with those negative thoughts, damn it. Instead use your brain power to make sure the weather holds up until Danny's plane lands I'll be there front and center in front of the booth!
  8. I'm in the WFC too. Friday would be cool, where were you thinking? What about that new Mexican place Chevy's. It's right across the street from the northern most tower. I know its a chain, but its spaceous and the food is pretty good. We could do lemongrass on liberty street, although it gets pretty packed. not sure if it takes reservations. anybody else have thoughts....
  9. I'll be seeing Nick and Sander in Amsterdam two weeks before, so I'll give you guys an early preview of what March 23rd is going to be like.
  10. Dee No wonder you got sick! Must have been a great time in India, especially for new years. Even if I had a fever, a broken leg and could only see with one eye, I would still find a way to make it to Twilo on Sat. So, you could say I'm going Rest up! It's going to be a fun night. See you there. [This message has been edited by crommy (edited 01-16-2001).]
  11. I have no doubt its going to be an AMAZING night. Plan to get there early to take in the whole progression of the evening. Diego, you should have DJ Que and Mr. Patrick oncall just in case there are passport issues with Danny again Dee -- welcome back from the dead!
  12. Great party Diego. Bill and Matt were on point. Nice progressive tunes with a little harder stuff thrown in there. "Reap What You Sow" got a big thumbs up from me. I have yet to be disappointed that Diego is involved in throwing. Really liked the space. Thought it was just going to be a lounge and some good music going down, but was pleasantly surprised to find a cozy dancefloor. The crowd was great too -- good-looking and friendly. Art, Brenna nice running into you guys there. See ya'll at Howells on Saturday!
  13. There's the MLK day rave in Queens on sunday...6pm to 6am @ Amazura Ballroom...
  14. Okay, just signed up for the Jan 31 class in Union Square -- lots of cool bars for some extra-ciricular activities c'om people, time to give back only 7 spots left.....
  15. xxlea, you called it! Well, I guess I'll you there. [This message has been edited by crommy (edited 01-12-2001).]
  16. Ben: What a great idea for a thread! Oftentimes people say (including me) that want to volunteer but they dont know where to go. I was going to suggest New York Cares, but Mel-o-d knew much more about it than I. (I didnt know you did that stuff Sam; how you doing btw?) On the subject of dogs, I inquired about volunteering at the ASPCA, but there was this long-ass form to fill out and I never got around to it. But I know they have information about it on the web, if you want to check it out. Does anyone know how to find out when the next New York Cares orientation meeting is? Now, **that** would be a productive way to have a group meetup.
  17. This is from the Gatecrasher Web site: Next time those cyberkiddies will be back in town is.... Feb 3 @ Limelight -- Christopher Lawrence + Ashley Casselle + Alan Sax And for you guys down the turnpike Feb 4 @ Transit, Philadelphia - Christopher Lawrence + Ashley Caselle + Guests Break out the glowsticks
  18. To reiterate what some many others have said - glad to see this thread get started. From college onward, my closest friends have been guys. Hasnt been a conscious effort on my part, it just always happens that way. For the most part they are less judgemental and more straight forward than most women. Guys are just more fun to hang out with too, IMHO. To be sure, I wish I had a close female friend to lets say go shopping with or just gab about girl stuff but I have no plans to trade any of my guy friend in. Yes, sometimes complications airse, feelings develop on either side that arent mutual, but I found that once that is delt with it just makes your friendship stronger. But hey, the most important thing is that they are your close friends, doesnt matter what gender they are. But also glad to see other females on the board finding themselves in the same situation.
  19. Why oh why did Lawler leave so early? His 2 1/2 - 3 hour set was incredible and went by way too fast. Right off, when he came on with Midnight on West 27th, the whole energy level and vibe changed. He is so freakin' dirty with his sexy tribal tunes. Relentless too. I cant say enough good things about his set. Threw in a bunch of crowd favorites:" pushing too hard, muzak -- and a Depeche Mode remix that made all the new wave fans go nuts. Quivver was a letdown, but how could he not after Lawler's performance. However, I wouldnt equate Lawler with Deep Dish like noiseboy did. Moreso Tenaglia -- especially the way he keeps the crowd way up there -- something you can only tell from seeing both DJs live, rather than just listening to the CDs. Stayed til close and I bet about half the people left were clubnycers! Great seeing all you guys again. Next DJ to get all hot and excited about: Danny Howells on the 20th spinning a 7 hour set that I wish Lawler had.....
  20. They get a big thumbs up in my book. Really enjoy the music, but moreso the vibe. No attitudes or pretenses usually. When are they making an appearance at 95 Leonard? Have good memories of seeing Adam Freeland there. Didn't make it to Shine on NYE, how were afterhours?
  21. Two words: Steve Lawler! I thuroughly enjoy his NuBreed CD. It's trance on the tribal tip, wouldn't you say? Can't wait to hear how he sounds on the Phazon system....and i'll hope and pray that he'll play Rise In. I love that track.
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