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Everything posted by crommy

  1. Watched Human Traffic and Groove in back-to-back nights, too. They both had their good parts to be sure HT is a movie about getting ready to and the after events of a night out in a club, while G is a movie about the party. I loved the direction in HT and the British accents give it extra points of course. spliff politics was classic. Groove, though, got me in the partying mood. Next up: better living through circuitry.
  2. Cant make dinner but will try to catch up with everyone @ Circa Tabac and if not there, then definately @ Twilo. **Make sure to load up on those carbs to prepare yourself dancing later...
  3. Hey there! How's it in going in Las Vegas? You're coming back on Saturday, right. Looking forward to <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New Year's</a> .... Danielle
  4. Hey Junglekittn Did you know that Bones lives in Forest Hills? I dont know where, but I read in Mixer that he lives there bc he travels so much and it's five miles from JKF and LGA. I laughed when I read that bc that's where I grew up. Imagine running into a world class DJ on Austin Street? HAH Yeah, WTF with Nice and Smooth? We jetted downstairs when they did their thang.
  5. Was there from 4:30 to close !!! Somehow I missed Digweed. I was holed up in the VIP room when he was spinning and by the time I came downstairs Sasha was manning the decks. At the start of the night, while waiting in the coatcheck line for 30 minutes bc the racks fell down (how many Twilo employees does it take to fix a coat rack?) I was thinking, "why do I bother coming to S & D" However, at the end of the night as Sasha was spinning Hide U, Heaven Scent and other favs, I was like, "THIS is why I come to S & D nights!" And whoever asked, yes Sasha did spin a bit of Doom's Night... It was cool walking around Twilo and recognizing so many people from the board. Until next time.... Danielle
  6. Hey, when did Frankie Bones spin? I wanted to see him, but I think I was downstairs or something when he spun. It was hard to choose which way to go bc the music was so good at both places. Yeah, that jungle stuff at the end downstairs was insane, but it was too HOT down there. It was literally a suana downstairs, you could see the air it was so heavy. My favorite was Jon the Dentist. I loved watching him spin. He was so into it. Looked as if he was having as much fun as we were. True, they have been saying they are gonna to tear down Roseland for a while now. I've seen many good shoes there over the years, Beastie Boys, Mighty Mighty Bosstones and Hole. Hope it lasts just a little while longer....
  7. Anybody else hit up Brass Monkey on Sat night? Wasnt planning on it, but a few of us headed over there since it was so close and had an awesome time. The energy level there was incredible. DJs upstairs and downstairs all kinds of music. The place was candied out to be sure, and they had these security dudes walking around in military fatigues. Completely different from S & D the night before, but an equally good time. Sure there was no journey, no build-up, but sometimes (especially when you only got four hours of sleep) all you want is the DJs to cranking out high-speed beats to keep you going. What a great weekend. Sometimes, the best times are those insane, unplanned events.
  8. I watched the movie for the first time with friends on Sat in -- as part of our "let's take it easy night after closing out S & D" Well....from the moment we started bouncing on the couch, we knew we were going to like the movie. We were so pumped after the movie, we ended up bouncing over to the Rave at Roseland! So much for taking it easy. One of my favorite parts is when the very first DJ comes back on to spin bc the other dude's records melted in the car. The look on his face as he prepared to mix in a record, hoping it would work, and when it does succeed and the crowd goes nuts is priceless.
  9. Dee -- LOL You are so right. I was actually thinking that the interviewer did a good job keeping Lawler on track and pushing him for details. Thumbs up! Did you see the newspaper thread? I've seen that email numerous times and always get a kick out of it...I especially like what it says about my publication.... if they only know who wrote that stuff they read...heh heh...
  10. Thanks Diego Real informative, detailed interview.
  11. Sasha & Digweed are all about the journey. it's a winding road that lasts seven, eight hours with a big payoff at the end. Some might say, early in the set its a little slow, a little boring etc. I like to get there around 4 or 5 when its picks up a bit. I like that there is a logical progression to their set, rather than a series of anthems or one progressive tune after another a la Gatecrasher that doesnt lead you anywhere. That's fine for a two hour set, but not for a longer six, seven hour stint. Individually, they are great DJs, no doubt, but by the way people fixate on S&D starting a week or two before they roll into town (same with PVD) you would think that they last DJs on earth! True, since S & D are so popular, you get lots of folks who come out for them who wouldn't come out for Pappa or Quivver or other lesser known DJs. But, IMO, the people and vibe from 6 on is great. And while some may go out for the people or the vibe, I go out primarily for the music. And if the music is top-notch, the rest will take care of itself
  12. Check out a Zagat guide. they have a listing for Pubs I believe. If you want pub grub (but not necessarily in a pub) check out tea & sympathy in the west village. If it's soccer action you are looking for, go to Nevada Smith's, right around the corner from webster hall and near the lowes village 7 in the east villagish area. or check out Chumley's on bedford and barrow streets in the west village. its an old speakeasy that has a pub-like atmosphere complete.
  13. Chance to be packed in a room with a bunch of sweaty 20- and 30-something crackheads bouncing up and down to the sounds of two british bloaks til brunch on Saturday..... HELL YEAH Damn, the Powerbar corner is going to be packed with peeps come 6 am.
  14. ...Calling me up from sleep to listen to her graceful tune She makes me feel alive her power more than words can say Sends shivers though my person clears my head to face the day I see the sunrise up into a clouded sky of blue Coaxing the shadows back to let the sun's light shine on through I feel it touch my skin, its warmth flows right through to my bones Drifts up and though my body, heats my flesh then stirs my soul... **Made the mistake of bringing in the Bedrock Foundations CD and once I got to Lawler's Rise In I found it unable to concentrate on my work. It's such an uplifting track. Anyone know if Digweed has dropped it in the past? If not, then I hope Lawler isnt too shy to play his banging tune. [This message has been edited by crommy (edited 12-18-2000).]
  15. Just picked up Lawler's NuBreed this weekend. Nice down and dirty, tribal sounding sounds. Good mix of vocals and some really interesting trippy samples. I've had a hard time taking disk one out of the player, but I'm just pulling myself away to get a taste of disk 2 He is going to sound great on the Phazon system. Anyone know who else he is playing with on Jan. 5?
  16. "Drugs are better." I uttered those words two weeks ago while lying on the floor of my friends apartment after having way too many drinks/shots. As the room was violently spinning I proceeded to explain how this never happens with E and that drugs are better Just five days later at home after rolling @ Twilo, I had second thoughts about that statement. Seems as if I was grinding my teeth like a freak all night and had this unbelievable headache and was feeling all together like shit. Unable to sleep for two hours and wimpering like a wounded animal, I had second thoughts about if drugs are better... Point is moderation is key with any drug you chose, whether its alcohol or our club drugs of choice. my two cents
  17. Wow. Headed to Vinyl to see Danny amid all the questions about Sven Vath turning up at Twilo. Well, I heard that Sven did indeed make it and was off the hook, but Danny blew my mind. He turned out some phat banging tunes last night -- I left at 7 this morning, not bc I was tired, but that my legs were in so much pain from stomping on the floor all night. I finally got to hear Wack Ass Motherfucker. Now I understand why Danny and Coxy like it so much. Really got the crowd pumping. He also spun Flash -- but without the hook, Camera's ready prepare to flash, which I liked. There was one point perhaps at 5 or so where he has this massive build-up and when the music, the crowd, the lights peaked, he kept up that level of energy, of craziness for so long...i was in such pain but couldnt stop dancing. That was impressive All in all a great night. As DT says, there's no drama at Vinyl. Just good peeps out to dance their asses off. And to top off a great evening, in my cab ride home, we headed east down 30ths street and had the most fabulous view of the sunrise. I love New York! Cant wait til DT comes to Twilo with Coxy in February. It's going to be INSANE
  18. heh heh That's a good question. As far as I am concerned the market isnt open when I'm not there...just kidding. i actually turned on CNBC today, but thats as far as I got to the stock market. We are kinda wavering on whether to go to Twilo tonight if its unclear if he's gonna show. Put our names on a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guest list</A> for Vinyl just in case gonna check pms now.... later!
  19. 3AM Powerbar, I'm there Hope Sven Vath shows. I'm gonna call Twilo before to doublecheck -- not that they have any reason to tell me the truth of course In lieu of the red atari shirt, I found an equally unique and identifiable red one. It wont invoke Pac Man memmories, but it's sweet nonetheless. nycedee -- check you're PMs
  20. It was great meeting everyone at the meetup last night. To all those who didn't make it to FUN, well, it was fun. Great music, from all the DJs who spun. Everyone kept on saying, "can you imagine hearing this at Twilo?" I had a better time in the two hours at FUN than the six hours I spent at Twilo last Friday for Deep Dish. Despite the lack of a cabaret license, there was much dancing going on. there was a great crowd of people there too. and you could actually hold a conversation with someone without screaming (too loud) And despite my lack of sleep, I am surprising upbeat this morning. must be the good vibes and energy carrying over from last night. Mario: great pictures! thanks for posting them so fast. See ya'll at Sven Vath Friday
  21. Vejita and I are planning to hit FUN after the dinner meetup -- plus anyone else we can drag along It's the right price, cool atmosphere and good tunes. what more could you want from a Wednesday
  22. Hello all: Offshoot, where ya been? I have to concur with my comrades that Deep Dish just didnt do it for me. They were very restrained. Played alot of deep tunes, but never let the build-up escalate and let the crowd go off. They even manged to mute the baguio track; it failed to get the crowd as pumped as they wanted. Actually, it was the first off-night at Twilo I had in a long time. I did get to meet more board people than usual though, so that was a bonus. divalicious, mirlyn I remember meetin you two. and suneil, nice seeing you again. you gotta tell me how the warehouse thing was. Hopefully I'll get to converse with you more all this wednesday at the dinner. I was actually contemplating taking a break from Twilo and checking out DT this Friday. I need to rebound from the lackluster DD night, and the energy and crowd for Danny is always right on. -v-
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