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Everything posted by crommy

  1. Be careful what you talk about Bloomberg monitors messages sent through its system.
  2. Vejita-- Cant make dinner tonight. Made plans last week to catch up with a friend who I havent seen in ages. However, I'll give you a call later to see if I can catch up with you guys after dinner. Who else is going from the crew?
  3. I agree with nycedee, with a communications degree with can practically enter any field. In college I got lots of slack from my friends for being an English Lit major, but having a broad Liberal Arts degree like that you can apply it to many different areas. My bio friends were forced into two directions, grad school or get stuck in a lab. I have been out of school for three years and worked at the same place. I have worked my way up, and while I am not in love with what I do, it is challenging and pays pretty well for being a journalist. I am envious of people who love what they are doing. If I knew what it was that I had a passion for, I'd jump at it. The transition from college to the working world was pretty tough, but you'll be passed that point before you know it. I know a lot of folks who found permanent positions by starting off as temps. Give it a shot. Why not try a dot-com? Those are always exciting places. Granted they may not be hiring as much as they were in the spring but, trust me they still are hiring. My friend sent this to me. It's hard to live by it, but I think it's so true "Success is not the key to happiness Happiness is not the key to success, If you love what you are doing You will be successful"!
  4. Graduated SUNY Binghamton in '97 Didnt see the sun come out in the winter for four years....
  5. My My My Funkysoulbro How you have changed your tune on exit. What happened to my friend's uncle cousin is an owner, blah blah. If you were in the city this weekend, why did ya go there stedda PVD@ Twilo on Friday or Gatecrasher@ Limelight on Sat? My peeps hit both parties, I was at GC on Sat. You missed a good time. Hope you were more careful with the Vicks Inhaler this time around
  6. Gatecrasher was great! The music kicked my ass. My legs are still sore from dancing so much. Spent most of the time on the second balcony dancing in a little enclave area. I loved dancing as I looked down at the crowd going nuts, and checking out the DJs from above. Although the crowd was NOT doing it for me at the beginning. Too many guys there looking to hook-up and not dance. Is it too much to ask dance with your friends and not have some dude up all over you? Grrrr... Anyway, that feeling quickly went away once the "party favors" kicked in. Havent rolled as hard as that in a while.. Loved the bathrooms. No line, clean, Twilo should take notes Also loved that chill out room near the bathrooms with the fishtank, and ivy covered sphere-thing in the middle. Plus, we found a space right under an air vent where we could go to get a breater and cool off. It was a nice change of scenery from Twilo. The multilevel balconies, stairs all around and did anyone else get fucking loss staring at the stainglassed windows? GC DJs play a lot more vocal tracks than what I'm used to, but that was all good. Do you guys remember when they played "Plant Earth" by Duran Duran? I couldnt believe it. Anyway, had a great time. Pure bliss. Tried to meet up with the board at the sky bar, but it just didnt happen. That's all for me until S&D at the end of the month. Let the countdown begin....
  7. test please ignore ((btw, cant wait for GC tonite, baby!))
  8. Boo Vejita! Wont be the same without you there Check your PMs
  9. Thanks Blue Coming from you, that's confirmation enough for me.
  10. Since there appears to be confusion as to whether there's going to be a Gatecrasher night at Limelight on Sat and who is spinning, I took the direct approach of emailing the Gatecrasher folks. To my amazement, they responded. They confirmed that: Scott Bond, Robbie Nelson & Matt Hardwick are spinning. However, I am still dubious since there's been not a peep about it from anyone/any venue/anything or anybody in NY. Confirmation from a second source would be most conforting. Who's planning on going anyway?
  11. So, What's up with Gatecrasher? DJs confirmed at multiple clubs, limelight hasn't got a clue. Grrrrr. Does anyone have any concrete info?
  12. Hey all: It was nice running into you guys. Sorry I didnt stay and chat longer. I ended up meeting some friends including vejita and mr. nice and hanging by the spot by the pay phone for most of the night. I'll be looking for you guys at Twilo for PVD next Friday and Gatecrasher at Limelight on Sat.
  13. Sorry Vejita (there, thats better) Yeah, Mr. Nice was down for tonight as well. Is it just a normal Liquid Thursday or is there some special DJ spinning? Hopefully getting in touch with Dennis or someone to figure out the details. Why dont you wear your red leather pants and black mesh top. You look real HOT in that
  14. I'll be there ! Vegita, why do you have to be coherant for work? Just drink a couple vodka red bulls and you'll be fine the next day? Where's all that energy you are so famous for anyway
  15. I think Nation in DC gets some good acts Sandra Collins in Sept and they had BT earlier this month I think.....
  16. Wow! What a night S&D took me places I have never been before. First time at S&D since March, and they tore it up. Got there with a crew of 12 at 5am, no line, just waltzed right in. The place was still packed though and Digweed was spinning some awesome shit. Wish he didnt have to take off so early, but Sasha held his own. We were all on great rolls, too. After the funky breatbeat tracks Sasha was laying down he ended the night with Music Saved My Life at 10:30. I also remember the Baguio Track, but thats about it. Ended up chillin in Washington Square Park til 1 afterwards, still having some E left in me. Ah, man, it ranks up there with one of my best nights at Twilo not only because of the music but also because of the folks who i got to enjoy the night with Mr. Nice, vigita (whatever your screename is Jesse) and funkysoulbro we HAVE to do this again soon. Blueskygirl, was cool meeting you.
  17. funkysoulbro dude, what is your deal? you know who i am right? Crommy
  18. To all you veterans out there, I'm looking for some advise. The plan is to hit Vinyl for DT, then jet over to Twilo around 5:30 for S&D. I love S&D, but dont want to get their til late to avoid the insane crowd. I know DT will have Vinyl pumping, especially after last week's fiasco, but I want to still have some energy left for Sasha & Diggers. The music will no doubt make my body want to move, but sometimes you need something a little extra. I'll be throwing back Red Bulls, of course, but any other advise? What do you guys do to keep it going through the night? ---PS -- FunkySoulBro, are ya with me?
  19. Blue, you work for Merrill? Cool I'm also in WFC, the south tower on liberty street! Getting set to go outside, sit by the water and have some lunch. That's the best thing about being down here. Plus, you dont have to deal with the mob scene that is midtown manhattan
  20. Anybody have any details about this show in Montreal at Olympic Stadium over Labor Day weekend? BT, Dave Ralph and others are supposed to be there I think
  21. I'm with ya eggmok. Hail to the Redskins!! Mr. Synder has gone out and bought himself a very good team. I hope that Bruce Smith & Co. can teach LaVar a thing or two about work ethic. The offense is great, no doubt. And a secondary of Darrell Green, Champ Bailey and Dion Sanders can handle anybody. Came way so close to advancing in the playoff last year against Tampa. It's the most furstrating thing in the world being a Skins fan in NY where you are subjected to the awful product called the NY Giants -- the most boring NFL club to watch.
  22. I grew up in Forest Hills, but moved to the Manhattan a while back. Where do you guys hang out? I cant believe the diaper guy was on Howard. I know this is a long shot, but did anyone go to Russell Sage junior high?
  23. I left around 7, but my friend stayed til 8 or 9, or so, and said there were a few encores. he said they took it to another level after I left, isn't that always the case. Thanks for your feedback
  24. So, was anyone else at Twilo on Friday night? I hadn't been there since Carl Cox in July and was surprised at how much room there was in the place. Don't get me wrong, it got crowded, but there placed cleared out early. Dave Seaman was off the hook. I was dancing in front of the dj booth and could totally see him looking at the crowd, really getting to spinning for the masses. He only played for 2 hrs or so and didnt come back on once the DJ's were rotating back and forth. He was definately the highlight of the night for me. Can;t wait for his GU CD to hit the stores. Was also in great position in for the cold air blasts. It's great when you can't see the people you are dancing next to and can just vaguely make out the colors of the glow sticks and lights all around you. Not to mention, the break from the heat that builds up in that place. I can't believe how tight the security has gotten there. There were three male security guards hanging out in the woman's room and they would check out what was going on in the stalls every once in a while. Never seen THAT before. It was a pleasure not to be packed in like sardines and wait so long to get in like for S&D and PVD. I'm surprised to see so few posts about that night. Did anyone else on the board go and what was your take on the night?
  25. This was my first time seeing Oakey and while he started off real mellow, he was kicking it by the end of his set. Sandra Collins was working it and really wanted to keep playing past 4 or so, but the management kept turned on the lights and turned down the volume to usher everyone out. With a lineup like last night, it's a bummer the show ended so early. Overall I had a great time. Was skeptical about having a show like this at Roseland, but was impressed on how they changed the place for the show. That being said, the sound could have been better and louder. Now it's back-to-back nights with Carl Cox at Twilo tonight!
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