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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. Do I glow too???? Yucky, white is boring. I want color!!! ------------------ [This message has been edited by uknjx2 (edited 09-26-2000).]
  2. OK, so we've beaten the subject of guys who grab and rub up and grind, etc, to death, but what about this one? Why do guys think it's hysterically funny to try to undo a girl's shirt? Three times I had to tell this dude to knock it off this weekend. He kept pulling on the string of my top. Thank God I'm smart enough to double knot. I would never march up to some guy and try to pull down his pants!!!! Please, especially when I've asked you to cut it out, just cut it out!!! ------------------
  3. Good for you!! Looking good is the best revenge!!! It's a tough situation but you made it through and had fun doing it!!! ------------------
  4. ....until it's gone!!! I get home from work today to find out there'll be no water in the building for three days!! AAAGGGHHH!! A water main burst and the basement of our building flooded. At least I can be grateful I don't live down there, but this just sucks!! Ok, time to find a place to stay. Just needed to vent my frustrations!! ------------------
  5. Ha, that praying thing is very good. If there are no patients in the office ( I work in a surgery center) I'll just go right to sleep. I don't have a boss so I can do that!!! If there are patients there's just nothing I can do about it except feel like hell!!! That's the worst feeling, I can totally relate!! ------------------
  6. I didn't know these guys!! Never met them b/f in my life. Ok, maybe they're all fucked up and shit but to have to tell them three times to knock it the hell off....it's guys like this that give the good guys the bad names!! ------------------
  7. Ha! Ha! Haaaa, NAMBLA, hee hee..... Very funny! ------------------
  8. Whaaaah, waited all week for Friday in antipation of a kick-ass night at Vinyl. We had just pulled up and were about to get out of the car when we saw all those damn police vans pull up......Couldn't believe our eyes. What a bummer!! ------------------
  9. Yep, I have to agree, Napster rules, but since I discovered it my neighbors hate me. ------------------
  10. I'm going to try like hell, and you have a good weekend too!! ------------------
  11. OH MY, that look will kill one of these days!!!! ------------------
  12. Check your pm's!!! ------------------ [This message has been edited by uknjx2 (edited 09-22-2000).]
  13. This worked for me once, but I was wearing big heels.... I turned around and looked up and said "holy shit, look at that!!" so the guy looked up and I took my heel and stomped really hard on his foot!! Ruined that guys night of dancing. Tee hee. ------------------
  14. You can get this stuff from herbalife, it's like an iced tea mix but i forget what it's called....it's specifically for energy. Anyway, that stuff had me wired for hours after one glass. I forgot I even had it but I'll break it out and get the name if you want it!! ------------------
  15. oh, thanks, i though i was going crazy. I'm digging my little bunny anyway. It was time for a change!!!! ------------------
  16. Yes, I do, but some girls say they don't and they really don't... I know this b/c one of my friends is 31 and she's never had an orgasm (can you believe that??). I told her to try her hand at it (HEE HEE) and she totally won't so I told her to get a toy or something if she's grossed out by the concept of touching herself...The thing is how is she ever going to be able to communicate what she wants to a guy if she doesn't try it for herself? Talk about sexual frustration. I'm frustrated for her!!! ------------------
  17. Thankyou, he likes you too!! Does anyone know why my signature disappeared from all of my posts for no reason? Maybe I'm just totally stupid or something but it was just two smiles..... so strange. Whatever, I like the bunny better!!! ------------------
  18. OK, to hell with the old one. I'm adopting this bunny b/c he's so happy!! ------------------
  19. Here's the bunny, but i lost my signature and I don't know where the hell it went. Whahh, I want it back!!! ------------------ I Lead A Double Life
  20. ?? ------------------ I Lead A Double Life
  21. Pass the dutchie on the left hand side!!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  22. .....it's Friday! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  23. ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  24. About Last Night. The first scene in that movie cracks me up. Plus I used to love Rob Lowe back then... ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
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