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Everything posted by jjcbebe

  1. that was Great... Santa is getting pretty vicious huh.... thanks for posting that. :laugh: :laugh: :D :D
  2. that is pretty sick.....hit the nail right on the head...
  3. Shrooms story... Ok i took the shrooms, and i went to take a shower.. and then i did not feel much but i started laughing and ging pop pop pop pop... a huge smile on my face...{I was with the Bf in the shower} Then in the Room I was gettng dressed...Any given Sunday was on...all of a sudden this hooch Cameran Diaz started to repeat herself over and over and over and the scence kept on playing over and over..it was like play rewind play rewind.. I was about to break the T.V when I saw the Clock Flash and trhen it stopped..I turned off the T.V and I lay down on in bed with my boyfriend and we turned on Pnk Floyd....I was there in the music.... As i looked at the black light pics..there is one that has the man that see's the world and he was bugging me out..as well as the one with all the eyes..each eye was staring at me. then i saw the Devil in the corner and he told me to look to the side and I saw a nightmare i had and this guy killed me...he was chocking me ..and he told me that ..that was how i wa sgoing to die....i was scared as what.... Somewhere in there I got on a plane and I was on the floor and i saw the whole world around me..i was on top of it...and then i went to the bathroom and i could hear the voices in my head going strong...it was my boyfriends voice in my head telling me that he loved me over and over and over... and then in the room ..the voices went crazy...they were telling me that i was not myself that i was looking at myself from another angle and it told me that my bf was crazy..becaues of course he was talking me right through the high...because the voices were talling me to call Bellvue and tell them that i was not myself i was someone else nd i wanted to know where i was..and he told me not too..he told me that i was me..that it was the drug and i was giving it too much power...and then all of a sudden i was talking about how i wanted to feel normal again and i was sick of the shrooms i wanted reality again..and i was talking about how much i Loved X and how i felt ttally normal on it..and i never felt any high...but that the shrooms were sick... Then he told me to think about the X and try to think i was on it and i remembered how i felt on it and i calmed down...we got on the bed and then...booommmm I felt myself falling down the rabbit hole..i was following the white rabbit..my bf was the mad hatter...{he was wearing a hat} and then we got off the plane.. and we touched down on this heavinly place where I could see into his soul and he coud see into mine and i saw myself through his eyes and he saw himself through mine..i was looking at myself when i looked at him..it was sick.. I saw our parents and them making love and our conceptions... we were connected... then my boyfriend turned on house music and he started raving like SICK and i was ina corner petrified of the glowsticks.... Then he took me off the high by telling me drugs were no good..all the meanwhile he was on the same shit..and he was on weed too...i closed my eys and it was the next day... there;s more but its too long
  4. Yes, i did die about 3 times..the third time i had anther one put in and several months later it died again..but in the middle of the street in the city...ohh i was devasted... I don;t remember how many miles it had but it was high...I bought it from an auction.. That was the end of it... no one knew how to fix that car..and i w was making me sick... it spend more time at the mechanics than i drove it.. my Gas mileage was pretty good but i live in the suburbs...In the city no matter what car ..half the time gas goes like crazy.. in my new car i drive to the city drive in the city and drive back home and that $20 right there.
  5. I have always gone to clubs with a lot of my male friends, each guy friend brought a girl friend...mostly i went with my male best friend because I knew i would have a good time with him, i knew he was a good dancer and he did not want to be bothered with girls at the club. That has always been the case..my friends and I have never gone to these clubs to meet people..to hook up with..if anything we were into meeting the club owners and going to the after sets at a promoters loft. then there are a lot of guys that take girls because they don't want to meet girls at the club because they think of those girls as "club whores"-which i always thought was sick...but then there were a lot of girls that thought of a lot of the guys as protein juice heads who took one to many bumps in the night.. The best thing for me was was that my best friend and I met at school and we both love clubs so we started to go together now we are together.
  6. This summer... in the city and in the Hamptons.. I partied with my friends from Thursday until monday morning..or at least sunday night.. sometime in Aug...i started to doze off at different parts at the day.. life was turning into this thing where i was at a club and i did not remember how i got there...In fact I remember that whole thing like opening and closing my eyes and I was always somewhere else.. i also used to curl up in the couches at the club and doze off for two hours.. After awhile you become irratinal i was easily agitated and i could have a fight with anyone in a second...and i was hallucinating.. After the second day i didn't need drugs to go crazy anymore i was already there:tongue: :tongue: Partying every wknd two years in a row.. I at least used to sleep saturday morning.. after friday night and then go clubbing saturday night at like 12..
  7. the information for Tiesto is here: http://www.nettwerk.com/artists/tour.jsp?artist_id=336
  8. Exit started out good..but ever since then it has been a downward slope from bad to worse...
  9. Humm ok, oh yeah I was getting sick of the lights being on for hours at a time...and the guards were acting up like crzy shinning lights and throwing people out like crazy... I still liked it though... Anyhow the point being is that i hope Exit plans to get better...
  10. is EXIT smartening up??? I mean this is amazing.... Exit was becoming very very very very STALE!!!!! As said in another post the only time i ever had a great time at Exit was on July 3rd for their GlowStick party...that was my first and last great time there and I have been there a lot. When i See it I will believe it..but count me in on going to these events and giving them a chance
  11. YASOU......in a old make belive butlers voice says..."How are you doooo ing? I hope itsssss BEEERRR YYY BERRYY GOOOODD..and then winks...
  12. this thing gets sicker and sicker every single day... Contact your local drug dealer maybe he will cut you a deal...: :goofy:
  13. Actually "E" as it eats away at my brain... makes me feel really normal...I don't feel as hyper..and I can relax a little...but that's my "head" There is a lot of sick stuff going on up there.. I like to sit down and stare at the sky on E {example}..that's E... now a cocktail is what get's or shall I say what used to get me going...as in for partying.. normally i have thoughts that go a hundred miles an hour and i am too hyper to relax..ever..I can't even concentrate ona film long enough to watch it..put E in the pic and we are talking a more calm, talkative ..ME In the end i am pretty Sick!!
  14. that goes without saying.....Pink Floyd on anything is Great..Pink Floyd Normal is GReat
  15. The last time that I had a "Great" time at EXIT was July 3rd at the Glowstick party...that's the closest Exit has come to a Rave...it was great..that was the first and last time i Truly truly enjoyed myself there.. As for Tiesto at Exit...that sounds great to me..I know its a different sound but hey some Variety could spice the place up.. Exit's music is getting stale...they need all the help they can get and I think that so far Dec might be a good month for Exit.. Jason Ojeda and Tsettos staring to Spin on Saturdays...that brought a smile to my face.. and now Tiesto ....hummm I guess Εχιτ got word that people were starting to get sick of the place...I think they might be smartening up..but I guess I'll have to see it to believe it..
  16. Any movie on shrooms has a whole different effect... :eek: That is why they are magical..
  17. Scary Movie movie 2 on E scared the life out of me...although i did come to a lot of realizations that everyone that i spoke to agreed on.. ~~I was also convinced that this world was straight up SICK!! and that every boundary had been crossed that is why a lot of bad things are happening ~~Anyhow i am still convinced the devil made that movie to taunt us..but that's just my crazy mind. Training Day on E was another SICK movie..i felt every single thing that happened in that movie..and that movie is SICK!
  18. About the Heroin and coke...it all depends on what type of E you are taking.. I always preferred the "E" with the 'Cid".. E is like the solar system there's a huge expanse of it..that comes in different colors, combinations and purities
  19. Yeah! Harry Pothead was pretty good...j/k Actually it was worth the money...especially if your into fantasy..wizards...witches..unicorns... It was enjoyable...better than a lot of movies than i have seen..
  20. I'll probably get there at around 8 pm...Right after I do my morning stuff and as soon as I can get myself to the city.
  21. There is always fun to be had on "e" but I never really felt the music and the vibes until it was almost out of my system...you know when you start to wake up out of that dream and then reality seems a little cooler than it was when you stepped out of it.. Now without it i am like the energizer bunny because I am waking up ...the club is about to close soon and here i am I bust out like what..raving...yeah and people wonder what I took...you know what when it all gets wicked is that moment when i am taking in some reality..i am getting off the space ship and reentering earth..and boom they dropped me off at a club...!!!!!!!!!! The only thing i ever thought any of it was any good for was because without anything my hear felt felt like it was going to explode and I could not breathe and my legs would hurt...but with the "Utopia" as i like to call it...I felt invisible my body let me dicate the feeling with no pain or problems...I guess that's how people die you know...i am sure my heart was still racing .... other than that I had to stop it all..i am about to have a little raver.... It should always be about the music making you high just let go of your mind when you listen to the music....no thoughts at all just the music....you can see every beat in the air..and you dance in it...-mind you this is without anything REad my poem...
  22. This is good news..now that everyone can find out about Junior...Tell me about the Flex issue..is he in or not and what is he spinning... If he is in how can we voice an opinion and get him out.... :laugh:
  23. This is my car...97 Diamante LS http://www.geocities.com/venus_vaz/Diamate.html I used to have a Subaru SVX 94 in Barcelona Red http://www.geocities.com/venus_vaz/redsvxbeuty.jpg
  24. My name is Miracle Karabinas....First name speaks for itself....Karabinas means machine gun..Yeah.... my CP name means: John Jay College Baby
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