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Everything posted by jjcbebe

  1. what I need to know is what is Flex going to be spinning on the mainfloor? I mean from what i know he spins hip hop..don't tell me he is going to spin House? then again what is hip hop doing being spun on the mainfloor? I am just trying to sort out the details because Exit is kind of pricey that night and I am not feeling me getting upset that night...
  2. I totally agree with you, Flex can not spin on the main floor...maybe they mean he will spin in the hip hop room or something... I think it would be Sick if each DJ spun at the same time in all the different rooms....
  3. That is by far the sickest thing that I have read....what i do have to say is that a Good*** DJ dictates his rhythm from the Crowd...the crowd feeds the DJ...we can make the music louder faster...at least that is the way it is when a crazy, sick DJ spins... Ever notice that Live Cd's are usually a lot better..the crowd feeds the music...
  4. It def got sick after that time...it was perfect the way it should be..I did not leave until they threw me out at the end of the night...
  5. what do you mean, during the week? or Wknd?
  6. JV has his nights..everyone does...but it all depends on you..what type of vibe where you looking for....maybe JV is not the DJ for you... I know that Aug 24th at Factory he didn't get sick till the end end of the night....at least that's my opinion...
  7. Yur dream could be a warning..the shark could mean stay away from that person that you do not know... From a dream dictionary: To dream of sharksdenotes formidable enemies. the bridge could mean you have a path,problem that you have to overcome and maybe you are trying to take the easy way out but by swimming you can't the sharks are there and you do not know what type of people you are encountering and so maybe you should consider crossing the bridge...safely... The person shark could signify blocks in your path.. I really hope this helps you....
  8. I am def going to be at this event...hope to see a lot of you there... :-) I think this is going to be great... What is going to be good afterwards? We should all group up and invade a club after....
  9. Originally from Selden currently living in Port Jeff... Zachery's and Wall Street and good now...
  10. Originally from Selden {Suffolk} moved to Port Jeff...Now live half the month in Long Island and the other half in New City {Upstate} -because I am looking to move there. Lived in Beekman Place {NYC} and Quogue with my friends for the summer.. You can call me transient..the place i have lived in the longest was Selden in Long Island
  11. Who strictly listens to any of the genre's of electronica...or at least listens to it 98% of the time??? House, Trance, Progressive, Happy Hardcore, Ambient, Jungle, Acid House...you get the idea
  12. I have not been able to find the movie..where are some places it can be found?
  13. "bigpoppanils"-i just wanted to tell you..luv that Subaru SVX i had one awhile ago a 94 in barcelona red..before i sold it for my new car.
  14. senior in college.. taking a semester off.. I go out every wknd by way of Trust fund, Rich friends that are willing to pay or my well to do boyfriend. -another bunch of East Side trust fund kids. Get into the scene and you start to met a lot of people and in the end you know club owners and go to party afterhours at their lofts...and that is free as well as everything else there.
  15. American Beauty The Matrix The Crow Hackers Party Girl GoodFellas The Never Ending Story Vibrations Fast and the Furious
  16. Well it's still considered a cd, and I feel that it is a good representation of of Earth's music, because of the explosions, sounds and words...but if you want to be technical I'll change it too Pink Floyd "The Division Bell"
  17. Personally, I have been listening to House since the early 90's and I know listen to Trance, Ambient,...etc I only listen to House-Trance {strictly} I venture out only to listen to Pink Floyd. When I first started listening to House I was in JRHigh and I was not even thinkng about drugs...most of all the media was not playing the drug and House game they play now. As a peson who LOVES the music, I go to clubs to be with others who also love the music and the Vibe..whatever happened to PLUR {Peace Unity Love and Respect} I have always felt a sense of Unity with my fellow "Clubbers-Ravers and all those who appreciate the music. So, you go to a club and people are "cracked out" that's life I say...its not my life... People do as they wish... So the media does not pick up on the positive vibes on House and Trance? They bring out the Stereotype about clubs, ravers, glowsticks and the drugs..whats the real connection? The media talks about the beats of house-trance as if the music was purely made to reinforce a high! I will not feed into that trash.. I won't deny there are those that are only into the drug and then go to a club because they don't know what's its really about... How many "pretenders" have I met....only a few hundred....But a REal person can spot them from afar. They speak about the gretness of the clubs and "oh the E, oh the Cid...yeah a few bumps in the night" You will always find those that say that they love clubs and then rant ands rave about drugs...hey I have verbally fought many a person because of that..because I honestly love the music and i love to express myself by dancing to it in a club and feeding off of the energy that the music and the people exude..sometimes its just pure magic.. And i hate to say this but a lot of people that talk trash about clubs and people that attend them are usually "so called reformed people" People who soley went to the club so that the music could feed their high...oh the e and the cid are not as good without the music...and when they quit the drug they quit the club- that is when it is a part of the phase. If your not into the music and your into the drug then I encourage you to get out of it, because for you its a negative phase that you might not live your way out of. To me there was never a connection and there never will be..everyone follows their own path... I unite with those that Go because they LOVE the music and when you go there with the same intention you will find these people as well... I met my soulmate {3 years} because we both went clubbing, loved house-trance and we both went to college. Now we are married, have a family and Still club...its still all about the music...
  18. I am totally starting to think we should start posting on their board and show them what CP is all about....
  19. I think its sick that they even take out the time to write about not liking CP, i mean if they don't like it why are they reading our posts... I think some people from the Exit Board have problems and have no idea what they are talking about.. I guess this is what they do during the week shit talk..just because they aren't old enough to club during the week..
  20. Paul Oakenfold-Resident: Two Years at Cream Disc 1 and 2 Soundfactory 8 Generation Trance 2000 Pink Floyd "Echoes-The Best of Pink Floyd" Pink Floyd "The Final Cut" :rainbow:
  21. i know there is a Rave like every wknd..so where is the next one?????
  22. When was this taken? I love Raves..where and when is the next one keep me updated...
  23. My thoughts: Personally, I have been listening to House since the early 90's and I know listen to Trance, Ambient,...etc I only listen to House-Trance {strictly} I venture out only to listen to Pink Floyd. I attend college, went to a private high school, {was on the honor roll} All the while....listening to House-Trance and attending clubs... As a peson who LOVES the music, I go to clubs to be with others who also love the music and the Vibe..whatever happened to PLUR {Peace Unity Love and Respect} I have always felt a sense of Unity with my fellow "Clubbers-Ravers and all those who appreciate the music. So, you go to a club and people are "cracked out" that's life I say...its not my life... People do as they wish... So the media does not pick up on the positive vibes on House and Trance? They bring out the Stereotype about clubs, ravers, glowsticks and the drugs..whats the real connection? The media speaks about the vibes, of house-trance as if they music was purely made to reinforce a high! I will not feed into that trash.. I won't deny there are those that are only into the drug and then go to a club because they want to be "trendy" You will always find those that say that they love clubs and then rant ands rave about drugs...hey I have verbally fought many a person because of that..because I honestly love the music and i love to express myself by dancing to it in a club and feeding off of the energy that the music and the people exude..sometimes its just pure magic.. And i hate to say this but a lot of people that talk trash about clubs and people that attend them are usually "so called reformed people" People who soley went to the club so that the music could feed their high...oh the e and the cid are not as good without the music...and when they quit the drug they quit the club. To me there was never a connection and there never will be..everyone follows their own path... I unite with those that Go because they LOVE the music and when you go there with the same intention you will find these people as well... I met my soulmate {3 years} because we both went clubbing, loved house-trance and we both went to college. Now we are married, have a family and Still club...its still all about the music...
  24. I totally agree with the statement made by Randy.. Clubs have always been the same, the music changes with people because the vibe changes. You vibe may have changed. I know mine has..I was always into House-Trance, strictly { i don't listen to any other ganre of music} but now I'm feeding off of the vide of REsident by Paul Oakenfold..so when i go to a club that's the same vibe i seek....I then start to let go and just enjoy what they are playing.. Sometimes the DJ's are completely catering to a drug out state where the music gets a little too sick and not good sick like you could rave to it...but just a straight Sick vibe that if your feeling a drug you might not ctach on too. It also depends on what time you go to clubs..according to me the best time to go to a club is after 3 almost 4am. Lets say SF on Sat you have to there like at 7 am. But in the end its all about You. :rainbow: ~Miracle
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