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Everything posted by jjcbebe

  1. I am hyped about Tiesto, I hope he wont disappoint.....I think if a lot of us go then anyway the crowd will be hot and that is what every DJ needs a Hot Vibe from the crowd....
  2. I think the DJ makes the music... People always like the dj's that spin their favorite type of genre in the best way.... The DJ picks the music he is going to spin as well where he is going to put high's and lows, and drop crazy, sick beats...a lot of times a DJ mixes another DJ's music in a better way...
  3. i think its both but.. I have noticed that bigger clubs get a lot of people based on the dj..bigger clubs post flyers in the street, you can check their website, or they send the flyers to your house. ...smaller clubs "neeeddddd " promoters that way they can get the word out on when they have events plus if you know promoters you can get into clubs for at least 5 dollars cheaper and at a lot of small clubs be comped and after a few times at a small club maybe you will go back every once in awhile
  4. oh yeah..i by some hooch i think she was walking on the other side though... the reason i said about profiting was because I notice things sometimes and dude how come some people get to bring in lollipops and gum and apples and stuff..i refuse to belive people smuggle that in...not that it matters i am happy i always fimd some... and yeah sometimes i do think its all a big show...because they do not want to closed down....i know all of these clubs are under a lot of pressure and heavy scrutiny
  5. Soundfactory with those stupid signs saying they do not tolerate drug use ..is SHIT they don't you let in with lollipops, gum or anything...why? i mean once your in Drugs are rampant.. plus, whenever i go i always meet cool people that have lollipops are give them to me as welll as gum and apples..i mean how do they get this stuff in... EXIT with their searches is FULL of shit..they fully searched me too..I had excedrin migrane and all they saw was the E on it and some hooch bugged out but the guys was cool...and would i be as crazy to take pills with a big E and leave it where they can find it?? ....Security was all over my bra too.... I think they are all trying to cop cheap feels...because once your in the club drugs are a very very very very easy find...what is the deal with all the BS then....
  6. I am really feeling that i think i am going for the "straight up kill" on AOL...
  7. Yeah..the dumbest idea in the world was to make those individual bathrooms..if u have to go to the bathroom you have to wait on a disorganized line that is in the way when you want to move around the club... At the start of the night the bathrooms are clean and then you wait 10 years becaue people are having sex in there...then at the end the bathrooms are the nastiest places..last time i went, there was puke everywhere but the toilet..someone puked on the wall and on the floor..oh it was the nastiest.... :mad:
  8. same thing happened to me...this is making me SICK................
  9. Thank you for the Compliments..i'll be at FLOAT the 30th...
  10. wow That's awesome ..... :) :)
  11. This is ME :D :tongue: Miracle http://www.geocities.com/venus_vaz/miraclertk.jpg http://geocities.com/venus_vaz/miraclertk1.jpg I don't know if you can actually see them on this post..so this is my website http://www.geocities.com/venus_vaz/Piks.html
  12. there was a group of friends named acid,extacy , shrooms and cokeand ofcourse his evil twin K : they all had a different story and tale to their existence that is acid he manipulated the mind like his cousine mesc ofcourse mesc was alittle more well... incourageable he was harder to keep under controll so we ll get to him another time extacy was a smooth talker he loved to dazzle the senses with : unspeakable pleasures especially if your with your significant other : if you no what i mean wooo! well anyway shrooms was the coolest cat of all he always showed u truth in your self and nature ofcourse one and the same but he was puzzled by everyones fascination with aci ex and coke oh yeh and his evil brother K he wondered if he could show all the truth ever desired by nature and the language of song why oh why did they stray from his richous path dont mind the spelling you can obviosly see i'v done all of the above : at once even but thats not the point bach to shrooms he never under stood if i can show them the visuals they love so much why do they cheat on me for pleasure strength i'v got all that good shit you take one hell i remember and so does the mind assimulate people if you felt it once u can remember and have it again find the right mood or thought u had at the time : try it u'll see the power of the shroom i mean the power of me well i smell some fresh cow shit gotta go coke wanted to say : something but K bitched him out of the room for any one who doesn't no what K stands for it stands for straight up kill because if it doesn't kill you its bound to kill someone else or use u to do it's dirty work you would have to drop 400 viles of acid a year to amount to the damage the average K user does to his brain : yearly but hey it fells great doesn't it shut up K stop corrupting my flock i shrooms am the real way after all u have to dive into insanity to find yourself down the rabbit whole everyone ..................................................... YEAH
  13. once upon a time there was aboy he had ADD he was an unusual boy his name was bob bob lived in the forest over the mountains and he was always ashamed of this so he created his own friends he called them skitso and cracked he loved them very much and one day cracked died and was gone forever this plagued bob he couldn't fathom what he would do then he rembered skitzo had more friends than anyone and dicided to meet all of them one was named insanity and he was well he was fuckin crazy insanity introduced his friend skitzo to his friend e extacy that is he fell in love : at first sight it was magic they made love to one another day and night bob was jelous : so he confronted the two they told him you were there too : he said no i wasn't they said u skitzo freakinsanity ridden extacy head what the fuck r u talking about bob aka insanity : turned away from the mirror and said damm that was some good shit MiracleRTK: THE END :eek: :eek: :eek:
  14. This is ME :D :tongue: Miracle http://www.geocities.com/venus_vaz/miraclertk.jpg http://geocities.com/venus_vaz/miraclertk1.jpg I don't know if you can actually see them on this post..so this is my website http://www.geocities.com/venus_vaz/Piks.html
  15. Iwas once one of those girls in the skirts...the good girls always wore shorts underneath..the bad girls went straight undies... some girls got a kick out of guys looking...staring at them, :eek: :eek:
  16. all i know is that Eddie Baez is spinning there..
  17. I am thankful for being alive..seeing as how i took a lo tof risks and could very well be dead I am thankful for second chances at life. Thankful that I am speaking to my family again Thankful for a good year in which my life changed more than it had ever changed before. Thankful for lessons learned..also still learning.. Thankful for being able to a carry a life with me.. Thankful for all the people that were there for me and did not even know it Thankful for the clubs, great people, and the great music that made me belive that life was worth living and that there still is beauty in the world Thankful for the kindness in others...when they let me crash at their houses for weeks at time.. Thankful that friends that introduced me and helped me attain everything i ever wanted..they helped me to see it was not all i thought it was but ..hell I have some great memories and a lot of sick stories.. and thankful to all of you cause this is where i chill during the week when i am bored..the topics are great..keeps me going.
  18. I know that it is possible..for guys and girls to be friends...I have a few male friends that are just that.. "friends"...we go out to clubs, have fun.. There are also catagories of friends...friends that your friends with out to a club and out of your other four friends you prefer to be with them and maybe you kiss occasionaly.. But there are always a few friends that are in it because they eventually want a relationship..like my best friend..we were best friends for two years..we hung out every day, talked on the phone..but he never made it a secret that he wanted to be more... Ι liked him too but i was not ready for the comitment, I also did not want to ruin the friendship that i cherished...He has been the bestest friend i have ever had... Then one day he got into this terrible car accident and I realized that me thinking i could go out with him later...there is not always a later...I realzied that I wanted to be with him..because i always knew i loved him. Well two years later we eventually did go out and now we are getting married..
  19. Your Great...yeah he is my boyfriend now..and we are getting married oin june and everything.. "I have used to the force"
  20. Dude that is some sick shit...what kind of pot was this...and where can i get some j'k...are you still smoking this same pot? oh and good luck with your new dog talking... I think that some drugs do sometimes show TRUTHS
  21. that was Great... Santa is getting pretty vicious huh.... thanks for posting that. :laugh: :laugh: :D :D
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