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Everything posted by jjcbebe

  1. American Beauty, The Matrix, GoodFellas, Neverending Story. The Crow, Hackers Vibrations
  2. humm what to say to this excpet..i don't think i like it for the pur fact that ....that si why a lot of people have misconceptions about house trance and the Rave... and come on...we all know there is A LOT more than E going on at these clubs.... ask me and i'll tell you E is not even where its at anymore for "clubbers" i don't thinl the music itself has been commercialized enough to be putting stuff like this on TV.. the media is always two steps behind what's really goin on
  3. i had a great time...met Bkissa and DJFabioC..i totally wish that i met more of you.... I was upstairs then dancing on the stage..red and black dress, then i was sitting on the couches..anfd later back to the stage.. unfortunatly some one took the one CD that i got..totally sucks...oh well.... Ok remember that guy with the digtal camera ...does anyone remember what was his website? i want to see pics from Float ... Oh and the music was great..reminded me of the old clubbing days.... Vibe was great... thanks for the GREAT Party.....
  4. Hey Fabio i met you too, by the time you met me i was a little tired but I was the one stitting on the couch and i was talking to Bkissa....i had on the red and black dress...i was with the guy in all black... Miracle.... hope you remember... We had fun..to bad that place was crowded Oh and i thought you and Marina were going out...
  5. i'll def...be there....I have to break the cycle..i have not partied in one month...and Friday will be the start of the clubbing all over again... My name's Miracle..so if you meet me don't be surprised...ill be in my red and black dress..so i can freeze after it all ends as i walk to 41st to take the bus and freeze again...
  6. i will be there for Tiesto!!! good or not I have to go...Live life with no regrets... :D
  7. i don't like Hip hop AT ALLLLLL!!!! since the vibe of it does not appeal to me...neither do the people that listen to it...and i hate the beat...I need Pure Energy...you know like Trance and House I find hip hop beats "DARK" reminds me of ugly places..my imagination see's ugly pictures... With Trance and house its uplifting..great pictures of beauty... but to each it own as long as they don't try to influence me or come to me hop hopped out... Because this here is a House Head and a Raver and I stay true to my tunes since the early 90's.... If i can't rave to it..i am not listening to it...unless i can sleep to it... :D this is hip- hop
  8. I love E better then anything....I started off big though i never really played with weed because i got used too "flying" I like E better ..I use in a way that it eally does n't feel liek much anymore..it feels like a little more pleasure and a more social me...I don't like E at clubs as much though..E outside of a club is better for me.. somehow weed doesn't do it for me..but hey that is what happens when you fist trip on LSD, E and Shrooms... Weed is too low and too relaxing...and i just keep on taking bong hot after bong hit after bong hit and then drinking wine like what cause i don't feel enough i get sick of it all and then get my pill...oh yeah..here comes the pleasure... E says "welcome home":D :D
  9. I like to believe that they are still out there dancing somewhere still feeling the vibe every single good beat. they think they can close a club..not possible the spirit of it is still so strong because it still lives in the spirts of people.. To Die.......... is sometimes not a tradegy as many people may see it.. To Die can be a welcoming experiance.. a planned experiance. to just want to get lost in it is everyone's goal but to die means that you are still there living there everyday ..and that the music will go on forever For You!... You have achieved that goal that everyone desires... I can see that.. In a club so dark.... yet so bright becuase the spirits are bright and happiness reigns it can rag you in.. but only you can allow it too I can see why people give into it.. its dark, yes, but its brighter than out there.. here, Yes! this is your world.. Yes the music dictates a feeling that is strong and while you are out there you stay to live with in it but here you do not have too instead of living within you live.. it! and so i can see why you may want to give into it.. Never wake up from that dream.. because after awhile I had to decipher which is the dream and which is reality.. life is supposed to be what we want..what we are to make of it but for so many of us its nothing like what we want.. Is This My Life? this isn't want i want.. then you walk in .. the beat grabs you and it takes over..oh yeah!!!!!! YOU ARE FREE here they understand...there is no judgement. this is your world..who are all these great people..yeah... i feel that...... Your letting go..and the music keeps on playing... Sweet Sweeter...Taste is Tastier..Magic lights..illuminate.. you close your eyes you want to live in this yeah.. to remember when your anyway My real Best Friend is the DJ becaue he knows how I feel..he feels the same way/.... Sweet.... I closed my eyes but will i open them?... No you think i am here in reality but i am not..no way..i am still there Dancing.. I want you to know that when i close my eyes and they never open i'll be there ..feeling,tasting...yeah... i am not scared anymore.. But will the DJ spin forver because that is how long i will be here... i think he will he feels the same way i do... Written by Miracle..ME
  10. I am already hyped and raving sick just thinking about it...TTTIIIIIIEEESSSSTOOOOOOOOO............ :spin2: :spin2: :balloon:
  11. This Guy is crazy....if he really knew anything he would know how to keep his shit hidded..other than that i knew with all those parties and girls that he was up too no good...Evan you have a thing or two to learn...
  12. i take E first... then write or at least record all the sick and beautiful things that i see, like about space time, dimensions, ...finally publish my book on the human thought and how we are all one in one time that has always and always exist... then Do this... at a club I would: take E for pleasure ACid to control time{ u know because i want to feel like i have more time left...} then EaT shrooms and explore all that's left in my own mind....see the world for what it is.. all this at a club.... Hey if i am still not dead then right after i demand that the DJ please play Oakenfolds Resident Disc 2 everything from song 4 down...Loud... First i'll take E because E and that music is a fucking revilation all of its own....right after I will take Acid then shrooms again and i guess i would probably be DEad then...hopefully because if not i might just go insane...as i wait to die I want to die at a club for my poem: I like to believe that they are still out there dancing somewhere still feeling the vibe every single good beat. they think they can close a club..not possible the spirit of it is still so strong because it still lives in the spirts of people.. To Die.......... is sometimes not a tradegy as many people may see it.. To Die can be a welcoming experiance.. a planned experiance. to just want to get lost in it is everyone's goal but to die means that you are still there living there everyday ..and that the music will go on forever For You!... You have achieved that goal that everyone desires... I can see that.. In a club so dark.... yet so bright becuase the spirits are bright and happiness reigns it can rag you in.. but only you can allow it too I can see why people give into it.. its dark, yes, but its brighter than out there.. here, Yes! this is your world.. Yes the music dictates a feeling that is strong and while you are out there you stay to live with in it but here you do not have too instead of living within you live.. it! and so i can see why you may want to give into it.. Never wake up from that dream.. because after awhile I had to decipher which is the dream and which is reality.. life is supposed to be what we want..what we are to make of it but for so many of us its nothing like what we want.. Is This My Life? this isn't want i want.. then you walk in .. the beat grabs you and it takes over..oh yeah!!!!!! YOU ARE FREE here they understand...there is no judgement. this is your world..who are all these great people..yeah... i feel that...... Your letting go..and the music keeps on playing... Sweet Sweeter...Taste is Tastier..Magic lights..illuminate.. you close your eyes you want to live in this yeah.. to remember when your anyway My real Best Friend is the DJ becaue he knows how I feel..he feels the same way/.... Sweet.... I closed my eyes but will i open them?... No you think i am here in reality but i am not..no way..i am still there Dancing.. I want you to know that when i close my eyes and they never open i'll be there ..feeling,tasting...yeah... i am not scared anymore.. But will the DJ spin forver because that is how long i will be here... i think he will he feels the same way i do... Written by ME ..miracle
  13. Shrooms are all about the Mind....ifi you had anything sadness inside you or deep worries..then that fear was that...you can't hide anything from the shrooms..the shrooms wanted you to face your problems...they uncover all your problems but then they can also show you so much beauty.....oh its like heaven.. does anyone else notice i really like the shrooms or what....
  14. i am feeing the need for some shrooms again too..damm i haven't chilled in alice in wonderland in about a month...dam it...no rabbit holes for me... i might go back down the rabbit hole soon.... and has this happened to anyone...you do e one day the next day you do shrooms and then four hours later you take a bong hit and you feel like your rolling on E again.?? Well my fav to do is 1/8, half an ounce whatever the shrooms call for...you never jniw how sick the rise is going to be till you take it... And Outdoors on shrooms is beautiful...watching the sunset and a sunride is off the hook..anyone ever been to the festivals where everyone's shroomed out...its GREAT!!! Oh and remember shrooms are a very mentally stimulating..control the voices..its all you..seek the truth and ye shall find...you can take this oppurtunity to learn a lot about yourself...
  15. I had this dream that i was at factory on Saturday and after his set they announced that he was no longer spinning and each person got to speak to him personally....he was sad in my dream and i remember speaking to him and telling him how a lot of those saturdays kept me and my best friend happiness and something to look forward to when the world seemes bleak. Just thought i would share.......... :confused:
  16. you need at least 3 8th's but a half ounce if u want to get really fucked but some times the power of the shrooms varies i personally need my own bag..about $30... oh and it will be a magical ride.... get ready to turn of the tv, hear great music, get some great visuals and be ready to FLY.. and remember your not losing your mind..your on drugs... have gum ready too because shrooms can make your mouth feel nasty
  17. how do we get to float via subway...last time i went i took a cab...so i don't remember..
  18. I actuallty liked it when i was there..I was having a great time......but all my friends were my fellow wknd ravers as well..i used to go to school with my video camera and record all the crazy antics...sitting in front of school..talking laughing...i really miss that...and class was fun especially the ones with my friends... Last semester I took 7 classes and every week i had at least 2 papers due, for the finals i was drowned in papers...college and clubs, are hard to balance...especially when they are both up there on the priority list.. My semester took so much energy out of my that in the summer I exploded like a volcanoe...parties every single day..so happens i didn't straightnen up in tme to go back this semester...I was off living everywhere but home... Now I am just a Lazy Raver..I relax all week and club all wknd..and i still don't have a permanent home..i can't get too comfortable because I am about to move soon again.. Being out of school..well the fun was there but its hard to get back in because now they are requiring me to take a test and all this other headache.. Although when i talk to my friends and they tell me about all these papers and tests all i can do is remember and smile at myself because i get to wake up at 2:30p.m and relax and come the wknds I am revitalized...
  19. i think they mixed up our order..i ordered a quarter pounder with cheese and they gave me a double quarter pounder with cheese....
  20. i had a lot of fun in my drug class, it wasn't a heath class though....it was a drug class, i am minoring in drug abuse and prevention...go figure.. we mostky talked, and studied MDMA & LSD we specifically talked about acid, k , and e, and coke..the whole semester it was fun talking about the highs and lows ... then we all got to talk about our own individual experiances:spin2: to bad we glazed over shrooms....that was the only thing that upset me..i wanted to think about the magic mushroom and talk about it in class.. we also talked about the fun of prozac, ..oh and ritalin gives big migraines...no fun:mad:
  21. I totally agree with you...I know bouncers that work at the club so i have personally seen how things work during the week and before they open on the wknd...and you know what i was told that my comment was naive....look up....the post right after my orginal post....they quoted me
  22. yeah yeah i know...but this guy came out with it from somewhere i know he did not buy it anywhere...they club had just opened..
  23. nothing surprises me... at EXIT one night when they were about to close,..this was in july the 28th i believe....well all these cracked out guys where dancing with some tranny that it was painfully obvious to all of us that were sober and only on minimal substances that this was no real girl... all these guys were all over this "thing" it was wearing a bikini top with a really short top. .knee high boots and for a while there all the guys were dancing with it and touching it tits... and then "she" was dancing without the bikini top....straight tits and skirt... My friends and I were laughing at the guys...... :laugh: anyhow right before Exit closed all that was left was a bunch of horney guys and a few girls... the only good thing that happend is that right before they closed they threw the soap bubbles and sounded the fog horn.. :laugh: Ohh and i think there is something wrong with any guy that flauntes all the hooches he has been with... If he is a good looking guy we girls will assume he has had pretty girlfriends..hum so is this guy proving something to himself... us or who..scary...
  24. what kind of music do they play at SACI???
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