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Everything posted by jjcbebe

  1. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!11 This is THE BEST.. I LOVE TIESTO... It been almost a year that i have been deprived. PVD & TIESTO>>>SWEET
  2. a picture of me Miracle... U know.. that girl with that really long sig..or at least that is what u people from CP tell me when you meet me.
  3. I am DEF giving the $$ to TIESTO, I love him.. and think of it $30 for some lame ass night at Exit.. no dj just draper.. with 20 more $$ you can see the best DJ in the world..and that is not me just talking .. he won the award that is World renowned/ No kidding but i have been waiting for Tiesto since the last time he made NY go crazy at Exit.. the man was trying to kill me.. all the sick beats he did not let me sit for a minute.. We all have our fav. I would pay 50 for Tiesto, PVD and several others.. especially that only spin in NY on occasion. And when they come it is a concert.
  4. does anyone here every wonder if the T.v is liek some big joke. For instance right now on the "Metro Channel" They are giving a show called "Strictly Personal" has anyone seen the losers on that show.. I totally thought that it was a joke. this chick named cotton_tail, and some loser named Gutter-something...
  5. I like this thread. But I have to say that i have always believed that Electronica was the typw of music where there was no right or wrong way to dance. I mean I love the old style pure "rave" with like a circle of people all going around. But I appreciate anybody that at least tries. I mean you can't say its right or wrong with electronica you have to let your body feel the music, you have to let go. I have issues with people that go to a club and sit down the whole time and get wasted out of their heads and get up occasionaly to make a few innane steps.
  6. No shit. Wait a minute was he raving, with glowsticks? I can't believe he's into electronica i mean listen to the music he makes its nothing like the divine electronic beats
  7. I knew it. Hip hop..that si why I did not go. i had a feeling. I mean its supposed to be Britanny's place and she has that video with that hip hop dude, so what could you expect. Lucky for me I didn't go, but thanks for the review. And I agree that I am a big spender, but i have to be tempted to spend. If I don't like the treatment I pick up and leave and i am not afraid to leave alll of $0 as a tip. do these people want classy people or idiots with money?
  8. I consider myself poor, when i have to say to myself well if I go to this club this week then i can't go to that club next week.
  9. Well I for one, rarely buy cd's. about 99% of my collection is copied cd's I burn my friends cd's. I buy a cd once in awhile, liek if i hear it online and i really like it. But its funny because just today i was thinking that cd's cost a lot. And this is me, I consider myself a big spender, but $20 for a cd is a lot to me. there are a lot of cd's i would have bougtht had they been like $11 . In the last year, i honestly only bought one cd, and it was one of the Sounfactory Cd's
  10. This is one funny thread. All the Wanna be Guodi's go to SF on Saturday/Sunday morning and walk around like they are the big shit. But the big shit are thier shitty moves on the dance floor/ At Exit one time one of them was trying to dance with me. He has no idea how too so he decided to pick me up like that was dancing/ And they travel in packs. Although I can't complain a few have been very kind to me.
  11. where was this fantastic apt a few months ago... I lived out of a bag for months, living with all my friends... Sorry this totally sucks
  12. this is the first year of my life that i have not had a phone since 96' ITS been a hard year. I thought I could not live without it but long behold i am still alive
  13. seperation of the minds. I love the fact that our music {trance/house} is not mainstream because i know that a lot of the people that liek it LOVE it.. and there are a lot of people like me that are extremely loyal.. I mean electronica is my life.. I refuse 2 listen to hip hop. you knwo why our music isn;t mainstream because there are only a few minds out there with the same mental capacity to enjoy quality music that can make your head spin, your thoughts materialize, in our music i have seen this total Utopia.. {and i am not refering to anything related to drugs} I like the connection that i feel with my fellow music lovers, ther are few and far btwn but when i listen to my music and a fellow lover comnes by and hears my headphones and comments we have the deepest of conversations. i rather have that. then a lot of people that are not really into it. in my mind like people from the burbs like me singing about the ghetto.. we have no idea about the ghetto, and it all seems so fake when i see peope that went to school with me sing about it like they know it. that may have seemed off topic but i am sure a few of you know what i mean
  14. Oh my GOD! I am so sorry. Please don't feel so sad.. I knwo so much of how you feel. I know u may not realize it now but things will get better. you will feel pain for awhile.. I don't suggest drinking or drugs of any kind.. they will imapir your feelings and face it you will have to comne down eventually. No guy, no person is worth your life. Your too good for soem guy that cheats on you and lies. There are so many guys out there. Good ones.. That are looking for a good woman. I wish i could call you and make you feel better. Listen we here are all your friends remeber that. and we all care about you. Plus a lot of us have been through all types of experciances. hunny if people are making it after 9/11 you can make it through this. and you will feel better.. you were you before him and you will live after him.
  15. I totaly agree with you. i am a person that was originally brought up with House and hey I will never knock it. But I like Trance now. I love the way it makes me think and feel. The diversity in the world is refreshing. The U.S, well we started the whole thing. So kudos to us. Europe is fantastic but NY and Miami can be great too. At least the DJ's come to spin here..things could be worse . everyone, the media...etc is concentrating on the "Rave scence" and "E" which makes me feel sick.. And i am sure you guys know what i mean.. i mean we all know there is a lot more going on other than "E".. you know..what about the jars, and the hits... if you get my drift. KTU is disgusting... They don't play house or Trance in the one of the best cities in the world. We have these great clubs and our radio stations SUCK. Party 105 is a little more like it. The knowledge in the United States SUCKS.. I mean i have friends who refer to house, trance, tribal, jungle... they refer to it as TECHNO. That is like to late 80's and early 90's.... Well I am gettin sick with all these thoughts..
  16. I would like to be a critic, fashion, restaurant and club critic... ohh yeah. I would love to work with Tiesto.... following him from club to club...
  17. Def the 18th. I have been planning this event for a month. Tiesto and the Phazon system at Roxy should make for a sick event. See u there
  18. that annoying song from a car commercial, sounds kind of country..
  19. i like the thought of going to NYLA, I would give it a try since I like to try all types of places. But I don't like the idea of them spinning hip hop, that is usually my cue to leave. Is there another room where I can escape hip hop?
  20. that reminds me of some LOSER. I mean seriously if that reminds you of NY.. then Your going to have to come back... to the better side of town and have an other LOOK SEE.
  21. I am generally very upset right now. I think you should really really think about this. If you can grow to love something and then just give up and give it away, what does that say about you and your stability in life. An animal.. is like having a baby..FOREVER. Unlike a baby who grows up and eventually can say, "mommy i need a new diaper, I'm hungry, and so forth." An animal is always completly dependent on you, for your love, and companionship. How can you give up the puppy that in a previous post you said was your "shadow" I think you acted extremely irresponsibly. He thought you were his world. I am just so upset because when I see dogs inm the street I prefer to see the person that bought the dog.. in the St. I think you have a lot to think about, and a lot of maturing to do. Prior to buying this dog you should have known all the pro's and con's. UNBELIEVABLE.
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