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Everything posted by mattyparsons

  1. my heart and strength go out to you. ------------------ twilo is my drug
  2. i usually equate being on mtv and being mainstream crap. i've never seen skribble live so i can't judge, but i have seen pvd live quite a few times and i do know that the large cult surrounding him is quite devoted to say the least. and how many cd's or original material does skribble have? speaking of which, i'm listening to "vorsprung dyk technic" right now 3 cds' of pvd remixes. if you see it i suggest getting it ------------------ twilo is my drug
  3. the best thing to keep reminding yourself is that "there's always more parties" school comes first, then parties. if you don't have a good night at a club, who cares. you dont' have a good semester at school, you're fucked ------------------ twilo is my drug
  4. mikey, let me know when you get those pics up! i can't wait to see how cracked out we all look. and i remember when he played the solar stone track, fucking blew my mind. i had no idea how pumped a guy like him would get during a set. you think that after 15+ years he wouldn't give a shit anymore, but he was back behind the decks going nuts with a huge smile on his face. ------------------ twilo is my drug
  5. to all those who are familiar with the chicago superfans "i think we all know what the best club is. it starts with a "t" ends with an "o" and in the middle is "wil". ------------------ twilo is my drug
  6. i downloaded the depeche mode song "enjoy the silence (sasha and digweed remix). while i was listening for the first time i downloaded in my pants. ------------------ twilo is my drug
  7. awwwwwwwww maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnn i wanted to start some drama! is it still too late for me? ------------------ twilo is my drug
  8. twilo's the type of place where you can go and you won't see a bunch of shirtless juiceheads running around bumping into people and ruining the vibe. the people are generally down to earth and very friendly. the music is .....for lack of a better word........OUT OF THIS WORLD..... but it's still a club and it's not perfect, there are still problems with it just like you can't go to a club and not find a single asshole inside. but on the whole, twilo's got it goin on! ------------------ twilo is my drug
  9. my first pvd was an amazing experience. it was back in march and it was the 1 year anniversary of his residency so they had the place all decorated and they had the laser show set up. i was stone cold sober that night and i remember feeling like i was high all night long. absolutely amazing, that one night will always go down as something to remember. ------------------ twilo is my drug
  10. you hit the nail on the head. that thing they put your id into and it pops up on a tv screen is just a way that they can take a picture of all the people who enter the club. my friend almost got raped at sf and they showed her the video of all the id's from that night so she could try to identify who the assailant was. ------------------ twilo is my drug
  11. OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!! TWILO! let's just put it this way- in the last four fridays i've seen 1- s+d 2- carl cox 3- pvd 4 dj remy and "parks and wilson" who didnt' actually show look at that lineup! and just the last four fridays! the bouncers may be assholes, the overcrowding may be a problem on big nights, but on the whole, the people at twilo, the music and the atmosphere rule! ------------------ twilo is my drug
  12. i love a thong as much as the next guy, but i also really find a girl in boxers and a t-shirt to be VERY sexy. something about that whole snuggly-comfy thing ------------------ twilo is my drug
  13. damn thats' some good shit, i needed that laugh. njguido, keep the posts coming ------------------ twilo is my drug
  14. thank you captain random for one of the most pointless posts i've ever seen. ------------------ twilo is my drug
  15. ilich, are you on this board? if you are, it's matt they guy you met in the back corner of twilo at carl cox and again this past friday at "parks and wilson" ------------------ twilo is my drug
  16. sure can i'm not much of an expert on the subject but there are different phases of sleep (r.e.m., and the rest which i can't remember the names of) and they usually come in cycles which are about the same every night for each individual person. it's the deep sleep which actually rests a person and causes them to feel rested in the mornings. according to this study which was done on people who did e less than 20 times, this cycle had been dramatically altered which can leave a person getting less of that every so precious "deep sleep" that's the extent of my knowledge ------------------ twilo is my drug
  17. actually, my med-school brother recently informed me that tests have shown that people who have used e only from 1-20 times, receive permanent alterations in sleep structure. ------------------ twilo is my drug
  18. why is love always so damn complicated? why can't it be nice and clear-cut? ------------------ twilo is my drug
  19. does anyone know who spun at twilo this past friday? it was supposed to be parks and wilson, but i'm now hearing that it wasn't and someone else filled in for them. let me know so i can find out where these guys spin on a regular basis so i can have a new hang out place ------------------ twilo is my drug
  20. i've been in the dark and scary room and that name is not entirely true...it's more of a hallway than a room........ i'm so sorry for this post, but i'm in one of those moods ------------------ twilo is my drug
  21. i appologize in advance because this is not relevent to the topic because we're talking long term effects, but i can't help myself it's hard to see someone on e getting violent when they're going around hugging everyone telling them how much they love them "man, i don't even know you, but you got that hat, and i love that hat....gimme a hug man" ------------------ twilo is my drug
  22. what can i say? good vibe small crowd good music it was my friends' first time at a club and he was absolutely bugging. ------------------ twilo is my drug
  23. hi! yeah i did see your post and i responded actually....guess you haven't seen it yet. try and go and find that thread because i'll be damned if i remember what i said i think the topic was either deep thoughts or love ------------------ twilo is my drug
  24. take a look up, people are adding their comments. i didn't mean to add comments about my post, i meant to add your experiences. ------------------ twilo is my drug
  25. well, in my opinion, deanna11 is one of the best dancers i've ever seen. she doesn't know this, but there have been occassions where i get choked up watching her. especially when the dj plays a real slow song at the end of the night ------------------ twilo is my drug
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