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Everything posted by mattyparsons

  1. i think i look like brad pitt (with his makeup on and his teeth fixed) ------------------ twilo is my drug
  2. for some reason i barely even saw a single bouncer, let alone any cops....just lucky i guess ------------------ twilo is my drug
  3. "when your lazy butler does a lousy job of washing your sock-garters and they're still covered in schmootz!" -krusty the klown ------------------ twilo is my drug
  4. ok, imagine this- you have a breakfast of two large bran muffins and 3 really strong cups of coffee. then you get caught in mid-morning traffic................ ------------------ twilo is my drug
  5. see- rolly99 has the right idea about where this thread was supposed to go ------------------ twilo is my drug
  6. good music can make me dance like a madman on blisters the size of my hand without a second thought ------------------ twilo is my drug
  7. amen to that ------------------ twilo is my drug
  8. i got my tickets in the mail today and did a happy dance for the next 2 hours ------------------ twilo is my drug
  9. ......uh, dude lighten up......this was supposed to be a humorous post about little things that get on your nerves every day....it seems to have been misinterpreted though. ------------------ twilo is my drug
  10. my god those things are adorable. i've had every pet in my lifetime except for a chinchilla, and i want one someday ------------------ twilo is my drug
  11. i don't think we should stop caring about people when they're not in our circle. if you see someone who's obviously in trouble, give them a hand. simple as that ------------------ twilo is my drug
  12. when none of the driers in your building work, and you have to go out the next day in wet socks and underwear. ------------------ twilo is my drug
  13. miss diva! yeah, 'twas me!!! you ran away so fast i thought i had set a new personal record for the time it takes to get someone pissed off at me. i also was like 10 feet from you at like 6 oclock near the back bar. i tried to get your attention twice but you always looked away, so i kinda gave up. hehe, maybe someday we'll meet for more than 2 seconds ------------------ twilo is my drug [This message has been edited by mattyparsons (edited 11-16-2000).]
  14. oh man i know how that goes, way too well. good luck with your search, and maybe someday we'll meet at a club or something with our new soulmates ------------------ twilo is my drug [This message has been edited by mattyparsons (edited 11-16-2000).]
  15. wait, is danny howells the other half of bedrock? (digs obviously being the first half). or am i thinking of someone else? ------------------ twilo is my drug
  16. i think that a person can have multiple soulmates in their lifetime. As we grow and experience life we change and our soul changes. I feel that maybe there is a person for each stage of growth in our life, if you dont' find them in time, you gotta wait for the next stage to start. but unfortunately, this also means that you can grow out of your soulmate which happened to me a few years back ------------------ twilo is my drug
  17. "everytime i close my eyes, i see your face." it may not be your favorite, but it makes me think of one amazing night. may 12 - pvd ------------------ twilo is my drug
  18. you're not alone... ------------------ twilo is my drug
  19. WOOHOO!!!! i'm not a complete idiot afterall ------------------ twilo is my drug
  20. ok, i saw sven vath once at twilo and i was really fucked up that night. but i remember that it was really good and i think that it was hard techno. i do know that what he produces and what he spins are different, as he prefers to spin techno live. am i right about this? or are my memmories from that night a bit......altered? ------------------ twilo is my drug
  21. when is it? its' high on my list of "things to do after college" ------------------ twilo is my drug
  22. ok, now i've been hearing this debate for a long time now, and i'm wondering if anyone knows the answer- the topic - does e have coke and heroin in it? they had someone mention it on the interview on fox last night that cutting with c or h is pretty common, but i've also read on dancesafe.org as well as bluelight.com that e almost never has coke or heroin due to the price. any answers out there? ------------------ twilo is my drug
  23. "damn the man, save the empire" -empire record ------------------ beer is the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems
  24. yeah i was wondering where the moderator is.........can't we plead our case to him or something and have this little kid kicked off or something? maybe we should just tell his parents that he's using the computer to look up porn on the internet. ------------------ beer is the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems
  25. since clinton has been in office, the dow has tripled. do you really think that cutting taxes and spending the money you aren't getting in those taxes on building up the military to deal with the communist "threat" which was as much of a threat by the start of reagan's term as a kid with a july 4th sparker in his hand. bush and reagan left this county one big mess HELLO RECESSION. i think clinton will go down as one of the greatest presidents of the 20th century. As for the lewinksky scandal, our counry became the laughing stock of the world. not because of clinton's cheating ways, but because the press was focusing so strongly on something which is taken for granted in almost any other country. in other countries, everyone knows that the presidents have mistresses, and almost every president of the 20th century has had a mistress INCLUDING REAGAN AND BUSH! just my two cents ------------------ beer is the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems
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