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Everything posted by highmay

  1. Good question. The way I see it, it depends on the individual. Remember the White Room the night of Dave Ralph? Remember the stereotypical neo-guidos standing on the side, checking eachother out, trying to look harder than the other while, at the same time, attempting to impress and hopefully get themselves one of the 8 girls dancing around to that cheesy music? Remember those 8 girls and how half of them were underage, where the booty shorts they wore were so tight that their love handles popped out like biscuits? Remember the 3 fights that night? Well, that IS Exit. Morality and Integrity are pushed to the wayside, in favor of the John Locke perspective of the brutal, primal, and bloodless animal of a human, working on instincts to mate with the best looking potential female. Forgotten are the music, the comraderie, "the party." The Neo-guido asks his friend "Dave fuckin' who? Who da fuck's da DJ tonight? Domenick Fuckin' Cappello? I luv his shit!" That crowd will never get it. They choose to participate in this superficial culture and their selfish motivations won't lead them to think beyond the comfort lines. They more motivated to get their pills from their regular dealer than for the DJ to drop the Safe From Harm. Now who brought that crowd in? Thorin? Johnny Z? Artie Maydel? Who knows. But I have a good feeling that they'll be there next week, doing it all over again. Now what about the Draper-loving, immature, pillpopping, rail thin, wannabe juicehead 18 year old with the shirt off and body order ever present, who first started going to Exit using his older brother's ID? Would he expeirience an epiphany? That I can't quite tell you. But I'll tell you this: there's a better chance that he'll be in the middle of the main floor, noticing the smiles on the faces of the clubbing elite, with their arms raised up in the air, going crazy when Chris Fortier drops some sick song. And hopefully, he'll think in his mind "am I missing something? Have I been fooling myself?" And at THAT individual's moment, he begins to thrist for more, join the elite, and party with them, all the while looking down with arrogence at the aformentioned stereotypical Exit morons. He also eventually says out loud what he thinks of Exit now, and laugh at how stupid he used to be. But remember that the elite stay with the elite. Only at those parties the elite have a chance to individually self-evolve. Why, then, should he force himself to go back to Exit and get pissed off at how bad the crowd sucks? In short, it is always possible to evolve, but certain dynamics must take place and must already be in place for that evolution to occur. Leaving your comfort zone is one such dynamic. As much as Exit has started opening the door a bit, they still haven't totally escaped THEIR comfort zone.
  2. What you've stated is true, pessimism IS a self-fulfilling prophecy. And yes, there IS a lot of talk about the confirmed lineup that they have coming up. People are glad that there is finally variety in NYC clubland again. But I'll tell you this: the music savvy, clubbing elite only go to the places where the abstract absolute idea of "the party" is held with the highest regard. The effort must come from all parts, not merely one to do all the work. The clubbing elite WILL go to Exit and support these DJs. The clubbing elite ARE streetsmart, but they're also stubborn, and they want to go to and expeirience "the party" at a place that understands that and puts in the effort to keep it at the highest quality possible ON A CONSISTENT BASIS. You see, the effort comes from the club to hire the promoters that brings in the DJs which, at the same time, attracts the wanted crowd. When the promoters do their job, it's the job of the club to keep the wanted crowd and promoters there. If everything is working correctly, the vibe of the party and image of the club will be highly regarded...VERY highly regarded. Remember Twilo? Now with Exit, they've brought in the DJs, but the same promoters of the last party are doing this one, and the majority crowd that is being attracted won't care about vibe, with only a percentage of the clubbing elite showing up. And what will happen when the clubbing elite see what is around them, seeing merely a large group of individuals with their own selfish motivations? They'll leave, and Exit will be the same as it's ever been. That is exactly why I'm pessimistic. But, as I've done before, I'm gonna say "let's see what happens," and hope that, maybe THIS TIME, they get their act cleaned up. Just do yourself a favor and keep your expectations as low as possible.
  3. Wishful thinking. I've been hoping that ever since I was an Exit head. All I've hoped for was a positive vibe in that place. It will never happen. And in the point I attempted to make, you are definitely not going anywhere if you keep the same promoters that brought in the aweful crowd to begin with. The people who post on CP aren't the majority crowd at ANY club. Us supporting this party as much as possible is going to do jack shit unless you bring in the right promoters and instill the correct door policy. Making Exit successful doesn't merely take an effort from us, but an effort from the Exit itself has to be shown. Yes, the DJ's are a start, but having those hosts on the top line, one of which I personally know their clients due to the fact that I WENT TO HIGH SCHOOL with one of them, that party will feel like the previous one. To make a long story short: Good try, Vixen, but IT WILL ALWAYS BE THE SAME OLD SORRY ASS EXIT.
  4. Now I've been seeing a lot of hoopla lately about the "new" Muzik fridays at Exit...it's the "party NYC has been waiting for"... I received this fwded email from a promoter who works for Thorin Aiello: **************************************************** Muzik Fridays @ exit 2 Friday Nights Doors open 10:30pm-8am / Guest List close at 2am ! $30 no list / $20 on __________ guest list 18 to enter and 21 to drink and access to White Room Muzik Fridays @ Exit 2 is the hottest party in NYC and features the biggest International DJs in the world. Some past notables are: Tiesto, Paul Van Dyk, Edgar V., George Acosta, Oakenfold, Sasha & Digweed, Tony Draper, Johnny Vicious, Andrew Mendez, This is the party to check out if your a lover of the music This is the biggest club in New York City. It features 3 floors & 6 rooms of the most intense club experience, All forms of music from Hip-hop, house, to techno and jungle. The NEW crowd at Exit 2 is a mix of classy & upscale to wild and unique. **************************************************** Really?? Are we going to see a "different" Exit, with a "new" crowd? Just because they decide to throw their money at big name DJs and change the name of their party? Now I'm all for the DJs. To me, I always wanted to see big name DJs at Exit because of the sheer size of the damn place. But now, look at who's promoting the NEW MUZIK FRIDAYS: Johnny Z, Frank Mancuso, Thorin & Sevan, PRM, Artie Maydel, Eli, John Miller, Rob T., Steve Take-One, Steve C, Jermaine, Dino Majik,Theory, Realz Ent, and Kiss Hmmmm...gee, don't they look familiar? Familiar as in THE SAME PROMOTERS FOR IMAGINE FRIDAYS? Now, I've had my beef with some of these promoters before (http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=6853#post6853), but I'm not questioning their ability. I'm asking Exit WHY THESE PROMOTERS? The same promoters that you had for your previous party? If you want a new crowd, shouldn't Exit management get rid of all the former promoters that brought the cheesy crowd that definitely helped in making Exit the burning shithole it is now? The same crowd that gets goosebumps once the name "Tony Draper" is mentioned? In my eye, if you want the crowd to change, get rid of the old Imagine promoters, and bring in the proven promoters THAT ARE KNOWN to bring in a classy, music-savvy, and intelligent crowd. Because, as I highlighted above [Oakie, S&D, and Tony Draper: Exit's previous low quality resident DJ being mentioned with 2 DJs who never spun at the club, and regarding all of them as "the biggest international DJ's in the world (redundency)"], the previous promoters obviously brought in a music-ignorant, commercial bullshit crowd. So then why stay with the same promoters if you're trying to change the crowd? Is anybody else feeling the same way as I am?
  5. depends on how you define them... im not elaborating because im not in the fucking mood
  6. ...I'm giving thanks to everyone who I chilled with, and next time I'll see everyone again should be during my birthday week (April 11-14)... my spring break is over with, so that means my coach owns me these next two weeks before cheerleading nationals...in essense, my life for this upcoming fortnight will be nothing but practice, wieghtlifting, and classes...I'll have no life...so if i disappear from all the boards, youll know why... i will, though, be at sasha and digweed @ electric factory in philly march 30th, so if anyone is coming through there, let me know and join the philly meetup... take care, and i'll hopefully see everyone after my 21st birthday Bye!
  7. ...and then, you woke up...
  8. oh hell yeah!! that was insane!!! well what else are we gonna do with the hard tribal beats sharam threw down but go back...WAY BACK..BACK IN TIME...we had no other choice but to bring it back to the caveman, neanderthal, Thomas Locke, instinctful unhumanistic animals in our most vicious and brutal mental state, dancing like those vietnamese dudes who thought marlon brando was their king in Apocalypse Now... in other words: PURE UNADULTERATED INSANITY!
  9. Oh sorry Jon...God forbid I take ARROZ CON GANDULES Y BISTEC over some pussy Gyro
  10. Got there at 1 and closed, and Deep Dish had the crowd going with music full of INTENSE HOUSE. Showing off their versitility, they dropped everything under the HOUSE, including my passion: dark, evil, satanic, and utterly destructive tribal... definitely the highlight of my night was the Safe From Harm Remix (another PQM banger??) into the original mix. They kept you running like the energizer bunny on stacker-2's and Mitsubishi's. Met a lot of the CP heads...you muthafuckas know who you are...much love as usual.. K time to nap.... bye!
  11. aight that was a GREAT line!! but as for the rest of it...I'm not touching with a 10 foot pole... I'll concede that your point is correct and plead my 5th Amendment Constitutional Rights.
  12. well you know what they say: masterbation is the key to life.
  13. Aight I'm sick of all the Greek and Italian pride bullshit going on around here.... I got one question for the true latinos representing: DONDE ESTA MI GENTEEEEEEEE???!!!!!!!! :D
  14. well that was on the email i received from made, and i put myself on the list for tonight a few days with a confirmation..
  15. Oh my god, do you understand how funny this shit was?? :laugh2: damn...that just made my evening...cant wait for DEEP DISH!!
  16. I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you saying Panorama not having good promoters. There's this party they run every saturday night that happens to be nationally reknowned called GLOW. True, their other parties might not be as supported financially as the saturday one (causing them to bring in low quality DJ's *cough*PeteMoutsoJoseRodriquez*cough*), but you must give credit to where credit is due. Saying that they're bad promoters just isn't giving them the credit they deserve. Now when it comes to promoting: yes, there are good promoters and bad promoters. What I found out in my expeirience from promoting (yes, I was a promoter...long story) is that you must have a certain type of extroverted personality to go out each and every week to plug a party with featuring your people's taste in music and crowd. That can get very hard at times, and my respect goes out to the people who have done it for years with resounding success. The problem, to me, about promoting is that all the "glamour" that comes with that title causes the wrong people to get involved in it...which, in effect, has made promoting a lost art. It seems to have been gone years ago before I even started clubbing. I've had veteran club friends tell me how putting your name on a guestlist meant line skip, comp, and VIP treatment. Now a guestlist, if you're lucky, gets you 5 dollars off the price of admission. If the art of promoting wants to get back to its glory, forming teams with a common personality, motivation, and goal should be on the top of every nightclub's wish list. Only then will you see the return of parties with self respect and quality.
  17. clubplanet carries one and made records carries one... from their subscription letter: "For reduced $20 admission please email names to reduced@made-events.com"
  18. nope ... sorry hun...Deep Dish ALL NIGHT enjoy nero!
  19. This man walks the walk... i really wish i could make it out to WMC and check that party that you have running andy... quite simply a SICK lineup
  20. Also I'd like to personally blame Tony Draper for everything wrong in my life...
  21. If I let my ear buildup with was for two years straight, Q-tip it out, put it down, record it, and give it to Draper, he would STILL make it sound like shit...
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