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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by highmay

  1. HaHaHaHa!! Well no need to worry about that anymore in a month or so. Check the sig and join the world tour!
  2. well i hope that your s/n isn't the factual reality of your virtual self, that's one.... and a ghetto fabulous glamour guido totally commercialized to the umpteenth degree chillin out at the former house of the underground is just plain old sacrilage, that's two... let's just say that a comment like that coming from a name like yours makes me wonder if anything in this world is sacred anymore...
  3. now this post is just soooo fucked up on sooooo many levels
  4. hey baby! Hope you join Highmay on his WORLD TOUR. But not now. I'm off, as of 6:30 this saturday morning, to work a high school competition ALL DAY TODAY AND TOMORROW. Say a prayer for me that I don't come back home in tight blades yelling "I'M BACK!" at the top of my lungs. Peace
  5. When I die, I wonder how many combined years were of me lurking, setting up threads, replying, and spending time on this damn website. But in any case, everyone have fun at DT's b-day tonight. Im out. I'm gonna go harness my chi.
  6. mike myers is pretty good and all, but i dont know if i just wanna listen to for 12 HOURS... i can pretty much predict overkill for those patrons that night....
  7. OK, first off, Trish - I'm loving that response..."Kiwini's Cosmic Bowl-A-Rama"... Classic! We gotta talk about my birthday celebration in a few weeks. Let's talk. Now even though I said my feelings about Exit more times than John Walker Lindh calling his future wife "that dirty whore," I might as well lend my 2 pennies on the fate of the club. The bottom line is that you must take the club for what it's worth: EXIT IS A CARNIVAL, not a club. Clubs are merely designated party spots, and remember, parties are meant for positive social expeiriences. With the demographics of the crowd, the different music being played, and the plain fact that nightclubs are business, Exit will never reach a point where every paying customer has a positive expeirence. It's just too big for that to happen. Now, when dealing with the fact that you must bring in a few thousand people every Friday and Saturday to stay in good shape business wise, some of those patrons are not going to be the most educated when it comes to contributing positively to a vibe. Since the size of the club demands a large number of heads to fill it in, the chances of Bang Bang's finest underage, commerical-savvy, blissfully ignorant teenyboppers with tighter clothing on than an anorexic speedskater will skyrocket. And that has already happened. There's an old saying in the nightlife industry that says if Marvisi saw 3 thugs outside Exit, he'll ask if they have $30, then just let them in. This means, as another already pointed out, that Exit's image isn't the best. Now do they want to bring in international talent? Fine. The musical fans will go, but also the patrons which I alluded to earlier will infest the club as well, making the experience not a total positive success for those whose mere motivation was to listen to good music. I can go on, but I have a life, so I'll leave with this: Exit will keep bringing in talent. For those who want to go enjoy them, go right ahead. But you are forwarned: You're risking a lot when you deal with Exit. So buyer beware.
  8. beauty...utter beauty.... i feel like two drunk newlyweds on their honeymoon night...
  9. whateva's cleva baby... the plans will be set in due time.... we'll talk...
  10. can somebody confirm this???
  11. Great to see you girls on the board again... as for next friday...my bball team lost in the 1st round of the A10 tournament, so it doesn't seem likely that theyre going to the NIT...which means I can chill out with you girls the weekend of the 15th and 16th... Roxy on the 15th seems like a possibility, so I'll update everyone once I know my plans for sure... Love you all
  12. my bad...got the dates mixed up... the 15th we'll play it by ear...
  13. It's been a while since I've seen you girls...I truly miss you girls... and with that said: How does March 15th sound?
  14. it's anarchy...it's a certain philosophy...read up on it...
  15. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=85346
  16. a cookie would be more like it....but you probably took it and had it for yourself already, big pop'n'fresh....
  17. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...damn good feeling... anyone else feeling my joy??
  18. that was as weak as your bench press...
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