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Everything posted by highmay

  1. last time i checked, i didn't need your permission to be in a cynical mood...
  2. Plenty of reasons...most notably the culture issue..NY isnt all about clubs, it's a stimulating environment where foward thinking is the infinite trend...NJ is merely there to feed off of NY's success... and you obviously cant read the subject line you illiterate maggot...read it, and then realize who i'm referring to...schmuck
  3. totally right...the UNDERAGE MORON has already faked her death 4 times on this board... QUOTH...I wish the best of luck soul searching...hope you come back self actualized..
  4. listen you hoboken piece of shit, if nobody tells you what to do, and you CHOOSE to live in NJ, then you're as retarted as your empty threat to me... kiddo, take that one glowstick that your circling around you eyes away and learn how to intelligently respond ... because little smilies giving me the finger just dont do it... you waste of fucking life
  5. what kind of an ignorant fuck would ask questions like this?? were you somehow fantasizing a 50 reply thread about who here is involved and what family from which sector they work for?? do you have anything better than to ask a STUPID fuckin question like this?? you obviously dont, so update that resume and gain some competency...
  6. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=16 CP has a wasteland where you can post your bullshit... Stay the fuck outta NY..
  7. ok amateur let me tell you something...Tiesto is merely another Paul Oakenfold with a larger record collection... and is it me or am I the only one who notices this false sense of pride coming from such a sorry sad son of a bitch such as yourself... I'm sorry to break it to you, but that "WE" that you refer to can care less about you and your 10 -12 follower friends... you follower...you better grow up and realize how the nightlife industry works b4 posting about how all of us have the problem bashing exit....
  8. Holy Double Post, Batman!
  9. good meeting you too sweetie...
  10. wow...good comeback... rookie.
  11. hope you guys had fun because acosta was simply aweful this past friday at glow in dc...
  12. great finally putting more names to faces... acosta was sub par, and the crowd was very iffy, but i enjoyed, and my cousin, it for the most part ... peace! ps. vixenfoxxy: im back and im safe hun
  13. Thank you Zehra!! And thank you everyone who supported me... And to end this thread, I'd like to say. THEY DON'T CALL ME MOTHER FUCKING HIGHMAY FOR NOTHING!!!
  14. Yo juice...I always wanted to ask you... Who do YOU think is the greatest running back of all time?
  15. this bedwetter has GOT to be kidding me... losers in life never learn...pretty sad
  16. :spin2: I'm a wild and crazy guy!!
  18. Glow...Acosta...Highmay Gonna be an interesting night.
  19. We also have coffee from vending machines...the pope every single morning drinks coffee straight from the fields of Guaco, Puerto Rico. Puerto Rican coffee is regarded as the best in world. And Starbucks was started by some cano from Seattle. Do the research, and see what I mean. :tongue: :tongue:
  20. since i just woke up and i have no class today...just my undies...
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