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Everything posted by highmay

  1. this is what i dont understand...if STEVE DASH is the one spreading the word of glowbana, then maybe we should at least anticipate SOMETHING... steve has been around since the garage days, he has no reason to spread lies...q
  2. no...theyre actually lying...stay away from vinyl..it sucks...stick to the shit you listen to...matter of fact just go back to exit and live your dream of becoming a dancer for marvisi...
  3. two weeks in a row now...hmmmm...an SF head in the making???
  4. OOOOOOOOOOH NO!!! JP played deep kemical!!! i've havent heard that since the underwear party!!! oh man im kicking myself now!!! :rolleyes: thanks for the info baby...but i'd rather listen to anthony pappa and come home unimpressed than listen to JP spin the same tracks again...and again, and again.... looks like you had fun thuogh...so im glad for that...peace...
  5. how unbelievably beautiful were the women??? how many perfect bodies did you count??
  6. i was in the middle of the dance floor with andy, glowsticks, and bklyn kid....pure insanity....you?
  7. great seeing you muthafuckas...to the lightweights that couldnt hang for more than an hour at vinyl (and you know who you are)...you miss tenaglia played such evil tribal with so much hatred i beat the shit outta the people around me in conclusion, big ups to every one i met...you know who the fuck yuo are...
  8. in my opinion, not quite...he WILL BE a legend in due time, but since he's only started maturizing his sound just recently, he has a long way to go to be critically called THE BEST..in my opinon, Piccoto is the legend, and the kings of hard trance now are the trio of JAM X, DUMONDE, and DE LEON...
  9. if cox is there...most likely shampoo will run to 6am...philly is stupid...but not THAT stupid...
  10. ahh the tunnel...my first nightclub, NYE '98 with Eddie Baez on the main floor and Double-O 7 downstairs in the library... eddie dropped got the groove that night along with Elements...damn...the memories... what i love most was how the bright white lights use to flicker so much they hypnotized you and you werent able to walk or think straight for a few seconds...
  11. tis true... i havent heard danny since halloween weekend...damn...im in need of some dark and deep tribal...
  12. he really does...you gotta come through and intro yourself sometime man...
  13. just got it DLed...and the bassline is siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick....and youre right about the vocals...its too...uhmmm...draper-like... other than that the synth is craziness...once again the genius of scot project is reflected....
  14. perform fellacio on me, mike...56k all the way baby!!
  15. I'm in the mood to D/L some music while im cleaning my apt...and i aint a DJ so i dont konw whats good out...recommend some names to me please...ppreciate the love in advance....
  16. has anyone signed his young ass yet? let me know...ive lost touched the scene...
  17. Jungle Bros. - I'll House You that'll take you back.... "house music all night long"
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