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Everything posted by unclebuc

  1. is that a threat or a promise....just for the record.....I'm the one who had you banned on NCC......your a stupid twat with nothing good to contribute!!!!
  2. there is no comparison. Neptunes is better. Surf gets better talent on the decks but that is about it. Surf on its best day doesn't get as crazy as neptunes.
  3. put what ever you are bringing in a small zip lock bag. then empty a bottle of baby powder into a large cup. put the zip lock in the baby powder bottle and then fill the bottle back up and put it in your luggage. I have done this everytime I fly and did 4 times already this year. I have put weed, coke, pills, and k and had no problems
  4. www.theprank.com/images/burgerking.swf
  5. richie is a half a fag. I am personally gonna see to it that he passes out in the merge booth at one point this summer!!!!!!!
  6. mullets are the wave of the future
  7. Aug 23 at PNC..... The doors are playing. Concert is suppossed to be great too
  8. Beatstock and the doors
  9. the thing is we are not just talking about 2 girls. everything that I have read or saw on the news mention that there is more than 2 girls that these two fucktards banged.
  10. Is this the same ass clown that worked at abyss, MC MATTY C?????
  11. Temps sucks and you couldn't pay me to go to that place..... But i hope Denny Plays Relentless!!!!!!
  12. i like deep dish's version better than emerson's
  13. craig noto is an ass clown..... i've heard him waaaay to much and he never did anything 4 me
  14. I think the internet killed the club scene..... - by downloading music everyone has their hands on all the latest tracks. i remember the only time you would hear a new song would be when the dj played it. Now all the new songs are up on the net in days and in some cases hours. Everyone and their grandmother is a fucking critic. people bash every dj that they don't like. no one makes their own opinion anymore. you come to sites like this and people will say that DJ so and so sucks and then you 50 more people saying the same thing and most of them have never heard that dj spin.
  15. FYI.....Hunka Bunka closes EVERY summer!
  16. PVD at Space this years conference..... shit just kept on getting harder and harder.... He totally re-did darkbeat and tore the roof off with it....
  17. Here is my review..... Surf was waaaaaaay to packed. I stayed outside all day and night. Note to surf staff and management....STOP BEING FUCKING CHEAP AND GET SOME GOOD LIQUOR IN THAT PLACE. a 007 is made with orange stoli....not orange smirnoff. if its not Grey Goose, Kettle, or stoli don't serve it. I never get hang overs. The only time I get hung over is when I drink cheap vodka and it was waaaay to late before I realized that they were serving Smirnoff when I was ordering orange stoli. So I did the next logical thing, I crawled my way to the lovely and talented Ms.Zee's bar and drank a dozen Adios mother Fuckers. Big Ups to Zee for keeping my glass full. and on another note.....the bath rooms are way to packed now. they need more stalls cause believe it or not some people may have to take a dump every now and then and waiting 45 mins on line so Joe Roid Rage can do a few bumparooski's is crazy..... It was good seeing Sandman, Lock, Brian"One Man Gang" 1500, Rature, Hunnie, and all the rest of you nut jobs..... It was also good not seeing Dan Fury.....lol PS- Toooooooooooooch.....you love laura's cans!!!!!!!!!
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