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Everything posted by kove

  1. kove

    Essential Mix

    They have liners? Hrmmm...that blows. The ones that I've heard on Napster begin with a quick hello from some guy, and then he drops a line in somewhere around 10 minutes into the show. I've not heard beyond that, so I don't know. Pretty much, anything that I can get with live stuff would be great. Back home in Chicago, things were a bit easier to come by. I ask a record store for Digweed here, and they look at me like I'm smoking crack. I know that a few places can order it, but it's pretty unreliable. If we can get together and do this, that'd be sweet. By the way, who's got Chi-town rocking right now? I haven't been home (or to the clubs at least) in about 2 years, so I'm pretty much clueless. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. Well, since this was where my first post went, I thought I'd celebrate here. I'm now officially "new skool". Awww yeah! ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. Lemme know when Sasha & Digweed, Oakenfold, Van Dyk or Brandy James comes around. Ok, so Brandy's not gonna be on Ministry of Sound anytime soon, but I still think he's one of the best trance spinners around. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4. Every Buddah I've had recently has been dopey. I'd almost opt for a short roll over a dopey one. 5htp can lengthen it and, money permitting, I can always take another. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. There's been a sweet ass movie on the Independant Film Channel over the past couple of weeks that traces the roots of electronic music, as well as its offshoots. The 505 is explained in there. It's funny, really. Every song you hear, if you listen carefully, you can pick out the 505. A lot of people are using Grooveboxes now, too. Pretty interesting movie, anyway. I think it's called Electronica, but I'm not sure. Check it out if you get a chance. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. *cough* Nice shameless plug for your club, Brandie. Not that I blame you, though. Cheetah, as I remember, was a good time. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. Met4z, Ever have any sickness problems with it? I've rolled hard as hell with the stuff from GNC, but it took 4 pills, and that made me sicker than I ever want to be again. It only lasted a minute or two, then I was rolling harcore again, but I just don't want to have to make that sacrifice. *grin* As hard as I've rolled off of GNC stuff, though, I dunno if I -want- to roll twice as good...that might be just plain scary. Then again, maybe I do... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  8. You can get it at GNC, but someone just posted a great website on another thread. www.5htpdirect.com Their prices are A LOT lower than GNC, and they have a kind that is fortefied with vitamins B and C. Both of these vitamins are essential to the processing of 5-htp back into your system. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. Any UK'ers around who have access to the Essential Mix? I -desperatly- want the Paul Oakenfold, Sasha and other trance artist ones. I've found a few on Napster, but I'm limited to a 56k, so it's a bit difficult to download them. Anyone around who would be willing to burn and mail them? What's the copyright laws on these? I'm guessing that they're a radio program? If anyone can offer answers or info, and especially the music, I'd be more than willing to pay. Thanks in advance. Email if you're more comfortable with that. neokove@quakeclan.net ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  10. kove


    (theme from jaws) Ruh roh... Note to Caly - NEVER, ever, ever piss off the sisters...(/theme from jaws) ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  11. ...is just sittin around thinking of Brandie in bed...or something. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  12. Yeah, rolling during the daytime screws me. My fav place, maybe even more than the club, is my friend Scotty's (name changed to protect the guilty) house. Bring out our "family", the blacklights, body paint and stix. Drop and enjoy the ride. Life is good. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. 5-htp is an over the counter drug that helps to replace the seratonin in your brain. Since E "runs" off of seratonin, rolling will decrease the amount that you have. Seratonin is the natural chemical in your brain that lets you sleep. The best way that I've found is to take 1 an hour before you roll, and another right when you peak. I've tried taking 2/2, but it made me sick both times. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. It takes your body about 3 weeks to fully replace your seratonin levels. If you take htp during the week, 1 pill/day I'd say, then it'll help replace it a bit faster. It's also rumoured to help in the prevention of neurotoxicity. When I roll with it, I usually drop 1 about an hour before I roll. Then, when the peak hits, I drop 1 more. That seems to be plenty. Be careful with it, though. I've had a couple of weekends where I think it made me sick because I did too much. Just got really nauseous and had to throw up, but then I was fine. That's usually after I've double dosed, though. I'd do two an hour before, and then two more when I peaked. The roll was great, but the sickness sucked. I've had good luck with the stuff from GNC. People say that it's bunk, but I've never had a problem with it. If there's other stuff that can make you roll harder, I'm not sure I want it. I've been having some catatonic rolls the past couple of weeks. Anything more and I'd be friggin' brain dead. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  15. Ok, this is just another opinion poll. What, in all of your opinoins, is the ultimate song? Let's break it by genre, even as far down as breaking down house. My current picks, for commercial stuff anyway, are like this - Trance/House (And my overall favourite song of all time): Heaven Scent Commercial Progressive: Amber - Sexual (Thunderpuss 2000) or Fragma - Toca's Miracle Trance album: Tough decision, but I'm going for Paul Oakenfold - Journy into Trance. I know, Amber is REALLY commercial, but it's a pretty textbook example of progressive house, in a vocal stage anyway. So whadda you all think? I'd love to see what the rest of the world lives by. Maybe I can even get some new ideas to incorporate into my set. Have fun. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  16. Rolling's just a strange thing. I had a trip like that first one of your's about 3 weeks ago. I think it was just a bad pill. There's not exactly any kind of regulation on this stuff, so it can vary from pill to pill, even within the same batch. How often do you roll? I'm pretty much every Friday and Saturday. That's really too much, and I should take a week or two off to let my seratonin levels get back to where they need to be. If you're rolling a lot, then the levels are low and you're almost assured at having to ingest A LOT of MDMA, or just having a REALLY slow peak. Last Saturday, it took 3 rolls for me to feel anything beyond the build. Try taking a couple weeks off, and take 5-htp pills (1/day I'd say) thru the week. Get the seratonin built back up, and let your body rest. That should fix ya. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  17. This kinda sucks. All of my roll friends get tracers every time that they roll. I, on the other hand, have only had them twice. Both times it was after A LOT of E. Are there any secrets to getting them/getting better ones? I've had the liquid-looking vision before, but that was as close as I came. Eating carrots, perhaps? If they're good for the eyes, maybe an added boost would help? Could the fact that I wear contacts effect it? If anyone knows, I'd be HUGELY in debt. I wanna be tripping on glowstix, too... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  18. I've never had a problem with the 5-htp from GNC. I buy the stuff that comes in a white bottle, red lettering. Dunno the company name, but I'll try to find it. The rolls that I've had since starting with htp are amazing. In fact, I can't imagine rolling any harder. We're talking fetal position in the living room floor one time. If anyone does have that site, though, I'd be interested. Maybe it's a cleaner roll or something. As for standard practice, I've taken everything I've heard on this board and come up with my own way. It's kinda trial and error, but worth it. I take 2 like an hour or so before I drop, and then as soon as I know I'm peaking, I take another. When the rollercoaster starts, I take one more, and that usually extends the peak for a while. I tried taking 2 before, and 2 right when I peaked, but it got me sick. It might have been funky rolls, though, because a few people got sick that weekend. If you start with two, though, and hit the third when you peak, that will serve you well. From there, just customize it to yourself. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  19. Hey Kitty, Speaking of script drugs, have you ever tried E with Xanex? A friend of mine came into my booth last night and was rolling hard on some Mitsu's. He came back like an hour later and couldn't hardly move - said he had taken a Xanex with it. He said that it was a great roll, and that he didn't even want to move. His mind was all straight, and he could even speak well, so I can only imagine how good he must've felt. So, what's the skinny? Anyone ever tried that combo? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  20. kove


    Hehe, that's not too big of a secret, Evan. Same thing goes for E. You see the guy popping singles when he's got a bag full of triple stacks in his pocket. You know that he's tried the triples and they're shit. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  21. If you -like- weed. I don't like feeling all dopey. Sorry, but I'll take my rolls. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  22. Kove's coming to NY. I keep hearing all of these stories of great rolls and wonderful friends, and I'm feeling left out. Granted, the friends are amazingly good here, but the roll choices and clubs pretty much blow. Wait, I've got it! I'll come spend the weekend in NY, have a wonderful time, and then just come back on Monday. Money? Bah! No problem! I'll just sell my second summer home in the Hamptons... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  23. kove


    *raises his hand* I'll be -more- than happy to fill any extra hol...errr...positio..errr... You get the idea. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  24. I've had A LOT of E over the past 4 weeks, and a lot of different kinds. Of these, I've had great luck with triple-stacked genies, triple mitsubishis and the best so far has been single TT's. My secrets to good rolls are as follows: 1. Eat a good meal about 6 hours before you drop. I also drink a BIG glass of OJ. 2. 2 5-htp's about an hour before you drop. 3. 1 5-htp right when you start to peak. 4. PLENTY of sleep the night before. 5. Have a GREAT group of friends. Nothing can kill your roll like a lame ass group. Hope that helps. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  25. Actually, I'm sure that it has, but I've not noticed it. If I try to roll during the week (for some odd reason) then I don't roll as well on the weekend. The 5-htp really helps with the seratonin level, so I've had increasingly great rolls over the past three weeks. I had a VERY good roll going off of just 1 of the TT's on Friday, and then took another at the after party. Saturday, however, I'd not slept yet and took one. That had nearly no effect until I dropped 2 5-htp's. When they kicked, though, the roll was great. I ended up doing two more rolls thru the night, and then hippy flipping the next day. It was a pretty intense weekend. If anything would up my tolerance, I'd say that would do it. I'd think that, for the most part, if you keep it to a weekend thing then you're pretty well set. I always hook myself up with at least two for each night, but we go until 10am or so after starting at 1am. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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