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Everything posted by nicole212

  1. F all y'all. I'm gonna have you singing Evita by Saturday morning, baby! nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  2. my perfect guy: 1. Greek 2. Fisherman hat 3. Wifebeater KIDDING actually, my ideal guy is a Communist dictator that gets the trains running on time. NIc212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  3. I used to fence...no more though. Nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  4. We definitely have an upper west side contingent. Although I am not down to promote I'd love a low key UW get together. Hate trekking all the way downtown when I don't have to. Nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  5. Where?!? Where?!? I'm a brunch/champagne junkie. My only legit excuse to get bombed before 11am. ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  6. Believe me, I don't either. I don't know what brings it on. I've had sex dreams about 3 of them total! And one was a threesome!!! ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  7. Chick, you're gonig to make it a very long day for the bride. -no wait, I know what your reply to THAT is: SO WHAT! Nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  8. Happy anniversary...I've never met either of you but you seem so happy from your posts, which is usually not the case after a whole year! Congrats! Nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  9. Wow. Well, this guy is married. And I have a boyfriend. So it ain't gonna happen. But I can dream, can't I? Nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you. [This message has been edited by nicole212 (edited 11-10-2000).]
  10. Whew! I had a wicked sex dream about a guy I used to work for...I saw him in the elevator this morning and turned as red as a beet! It was worth it though...mmmmmm...Anyone else ever have this happen? ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  11. '99... I remember when there was more than one bar on Union Turnpike! Nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  12. I just posted in a raver post and it got me thinking of those days. I remember I went to a PRM party at the Expo Center one summer. My friend and I were standing there at around 5 or 6, this girl comes shooting out of the crowd. She was buck naked and had dirt and sludge all over her. Some cops came running after her and tackled her to the ground. They dragged her to the bathroom. My friend and I were in a state where we were easily freaked out, so we kind of just let it go. When were were walking out, we saw the most f'd up thing. I guess all the ambulances that had been lined up outside earlier had been used up or something. There was this body, face down, wrapped up in plastic on the flatbed of a truck. The plastic didn't cover their legs, and they were naked and all dirty just like the girl's had been. We all looked at each other like "oh my god, this girl is dead" when suddenly she started screaming and struggling. It took the cake as the most f'd up thing I saw, at a party or anyone else. Did anyone else see this? Nicole212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  13. I totally agree with that. I went to parties consistantly for about 5 years...had the pants and the shell tops and all that shit. But I never called myself a "raver". It was just what my social life was. And a someone's social life (hopefully) doesn't define them as a person. I do miss those days. Not the pants tho. Walking out of a party with sludge up to my knees. No thanks! Nicole212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  14. I totally agree... I didn't speak with my ex for about 6 mos. We hung out after that, and slowly became good friends. But I loved him as a person, and realized that our relationship failing wasn't either of our faults... Now, almost 4 years later I'm in a serious relationship with one of his best friends! So it benefited me to be patient... Nicole212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  15. Well, the only ones I've gotten are the Lucky Strikes, and they tasted the same to me. They have different goverment warnings on them, that's the only difference I noticed. ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  16. ...If you do I have a good site for you. worldwidedutyfree.com It is an Australian site. I got 3 cartons of Lucky Strike lights for 34 bucks, including shipping (about 1.15 a pack). I've ordered from them twice and never had any problems. The prices on the site will be higher because they're in Australian dollars, but your credit card will be billed in US$. They sell a variety of brands. Just an FYI, Nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  17. Nader... BTW, did anyone here Ad Roc's remix of one of his speeches? Pretty funny shit. Nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  18. I think they said around 8...they're going to watch the game. If you know Chick, he's going to be there... I'll double check and pm you a little later today when I find out for sure what the story is. nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  19. Hey ezdreamer... I think maybe sullivans...you should totally stop by! nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  20. I love it...I am going to be in Bayside tonight and am bringing 2 girlies with me! Chick/Crack it's Michele and Rosie... Nic212 ------------------ The music was our teacher... The DJ was our preacher... Now tell me if I reach you.
  21. That's so funny. Girls, how many of you would put your cup size in a post like this? Ridiculous. nic212 ------------------ HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG
  22. Hey utopia... I was there back when I first started going to parties. Huge parties in warehouses...the real thing. Records would melt. The people there are A LOT more friendly than here, but it still has a big city feel. You'll like it! nic212 ------------------ HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG
  23. OOOO thems fightin words! Not for nothing, I DO want to come. A lot. Rent just kills me. It has been FAR too long since I've seen you though... ------------------ HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG
  24. thanks so much romulus. i guess i can just bend over now. i remember when paying 10 bucks to get into tunnel seemed like a rip off... ------------------ HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG
  25. God I wish I lived by myself...I'd invite all you folks over and turn my place into a crack den at 8:30 am... nic212 ------------------ HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG
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