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Everything posted by thepulse

  1. Not really my particular flavor of music, a little downtempo for me, I only listened to part one so far, but its great for a change of pace and to chill out to. Mix is put together well.
  2. I'm Feeling Mt Rushmore-You Better
  3. Dubliner's cool, do they have a name. The Irish are cool with me, I'm Kraut-Mick mix, myself.
  4. I heard a rumor that some LONDON club owners were thinking of coming to NYC soon and were looking into the old TWILO space in NYC? Anyone know anything about this??
  5. Tony Guerra or Emi Guerra, email or where they are working now. I did some work with those guys when I was in Fla and am trying to get back in touch with them. Shoot me a PM with the info. Thanks
  6. I wouldn't waste the time to PM you, and I wouldn't call out people unless I had a reason. HYPE is a punk and definitely too skinny to be talking shit to me.
  7. what I snort or don't snort has nothing to do with this post, and I haven't been out or partied in a long time- and don't plan on it, that includes any drug that you may say I've done. Second, when I am in the booth I don't even drink, so there you have it. As for who respects me and who doesn't especially on this board, I could care less, This board is only a minor voice in clubland, And I definitely don't need respect from you HYPE, I can care less about respect from anyone, I spin what I spin because I enjoy it, and the people that enjoy what I do-I'm happy, Those who don't- I could care less. I don't claim to please everyone and don't try, for everyone that likes something there is always going to be someone who doesn't. Get a life.
  8. Tell them whats up. as for Tempkid, another asshole talking out of his ass, yeah, my whole resume is sat afternoon at Surf, give me a fucking break. Denny deserves credit for his work especially the temps thing. Tooch I heard spin once and the place was dead so I wouldn't hold that against him. As for me djing the sat afternoon at surf, I only did it after Joey asked me, I was already doing the sunday afternoon shift. I guess I did 4 summers there cause I sucked- Go FUCK YOURSELF. Talk shit all you want, I'm still working, and I'll still be working long after you overdose on G you degenerate. As for the NJ scene and the music that is played, it is what it is, I'm not the only one who says the music is generally the same in every venue-especially down the shore, but hey as long as the crowd comes and pays the bills, who cares. When I play in NJ I serve up the music they want, the music that pays the bills- That's that. And now with the MP3 downloading running rampant, every so called dj has easy access to the music, so I don't think you will hear too many different things going on. By the way, its assholes like you and HYPE that have made people stop posting on this board
  9. I prefer Sound Forge and the CD Architect plug in.
  10. Mr HYPE: I'm just curious why you seem to be one of the people with the most to say about DJ's (Me Inparticular) Yeah Lil Cee might have had an off night, everyone can't be your favorite and great every night, But not for nuthin, Lil Cee worked his way up payed his dues, and is doing pretty well, He deserves the spot he has this summer down the shore as well as everything else he worked for. As for you dissing me all the time on this board, I usually don't bother to respond to you because you are a punk, I proved that when I saw you face to face, So if you have something to say to me, make sure you have the balls to back it up in person, I'll listen just come and tell me what you think in person. Stop being a punk- The is something they say about critics- They really wished they had the talent to spin, produce, act, direct, dance, etc, but they don't and so they choose to be criticize those who have the balls to do it.
  11. in my opinion, and has been for a while( about a year and half) the music is changing(always does) but its true you don't hear as many GREAT records coming out as usual. Lounges are picking up where the big rooms left off and of course a lounge is going to play different music because the Big Room type songs don't really go over in a lounge atmosphere. As for as the amount of quality club hits coming over it could be a lot of things- Could be that the music industry is waiting to get a handle on the MP3 technology and find a way to use it to their benefit-(It has put a huge dent in the profits of the business-especially dance music-we already had a major NY Dance label go under in the past year). And my personal opinion is that the war and the economy are really affecting the scene- Generally when times are bad-(since 9/11) people want to reminisce when times were better-98-2000. Thats always been a trend, people like to remember good times, especially when things aren't that great right now. So its not just one thing, its a combination of things. In New York, the fact that Peter Gatien and his clubs closing have created a void in the Big Room Scene, those clubs closing, Twilo closing etc. all dealt the scene a big blow. Personally I prefer the lounges-The Big Room scene is all but done for me-Unless I really want to go hear a specific dj that is appearing.
  12. No smoking in the club, a ban on cigarette smoking, no ban on knives I guess? THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO Hmmmm! I definitely don't agree with the smoking ban (especially in a bar or nightclub where the other aspects(drinking etc are just as bad for your health) and believe it or not, the invention of the smoke eater and the proper venilation in some venues makes the smoke bearable, I also don't agree with stabbing someone, never had the urge to really kill someone for smoking or asking me to stop smoking. but the law didn't do this, I'm sure there will be more to the story, the knife is the reason this guy died. DEFINITELY NO REASON FOR A KNIFE IN A NIGHTCLUB.
  13. DISH and I would like to see some of the ladies on the turntables, Jackie Christie, Sandra Collins, or DJNA
  14. they suck, especially the side roads, and there are alot of idiots on the roads that are afraid to drive in this shit making it worse.
  15. on any given weekend you can catch a name dj at one of the venues on the beach or downtown- I would hit SOBE before memorial day weekend or wait until OCT or NOV.
  16. how will the person who asked this question feel when he/she is 31 and will he/she still go out, my bet is their tune changes real quick, along with their venue and music choices, but I bet they are still going to go out. What are you supposed to do, turn 31 and stick to dinner and movies or plays and operas, give me a break. Not to mention there are a few djs in the biz over 40 not to mention over 30, doing their thing.
  17. It's all about my sister's ass. Now That was FUNNY!!! LMAO
  18. LOL, sounds like you miss Miami already, make the move kid, its a beautiful place to be. Marshall
  19. Hands Down, Great atmosphere on the beach and inside, great crowd, great staff, food and drinks on the beach, and groundbreaking as far as what Sergio does with bringing new talent to the shore.
  20. Interesting. Let's see what happens, hopefully we won't lose to many people and won't kill too many innocent civilians.
  21. Its just not high on my list of events to go to on South Beach, after spending time living down there, you realize that South Beach is a good time, most of the time, and not as crowded other weeks when some other events are going on, In fact in 2002 I went down the weekend after the conference and there was another huge event on the beach, I even ran in to some people I knew from NY/NJ that weekend and we had a blast, without the huge WMC/Spring Break crowd. If you have never gone to the conference its worth it, If you are in the music business and looking to network, attending the confernce is definitely worth it because it gives you a chance to meet industry folks from around the world. I personally just tired of the insane crowds, kind of like trying to go to a club on the Jersey Shore on a huge holiday weekend- some like it, some don't. Its a personal preference.
  22. let me clarify that, it was great up until 2000, after that it was played out, yeah I did go anyway in 2000 and actually 2001 I did enjoy myself. the last year I thought it was really good was 1999 or 98 and the years before when the clubs on the beach were all open after hours, the scene was literally nonstop, from dinner to the parties to the clubs, afterhours and then walk right to the beach from the club, those were the days, the days of liquid, pump, Glam Slam, Shadow Lounge, Amnesia, etc. Before all you and the other rookies started hitting the scene.
  23. I've went for 10 years 1991-2001, for me, its the worst time to be in SOBE. The key to enjoying yourself and picking the right parties is to really research whats going on, actually attending the conference has its perks and you find out about the good, more private hotel and penthouse parties, and you can actually save some money since those parties are usually complimentary or at least inexpensive, then you can hit the party you really want to be at during the evening, Personally, I'll probably skip the conference and check out the Nightclub Show in Vegas next year or the one of the big European or London festivals. Just my humble opinion, I hope everyone enjoys it though, I still miss SOBE, there is a lot more to that area of FLA, then the beach nightclubs, and shopping.
  24. Deep Dish and Thunderpuss.
  25. Well Laurie, I have to say you are one of the coolest people I met from the board so far, just curious why you "retired".
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