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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by ckayser

  1. I will be there NEXT Friday for classic. woohoo
  2. Missing You is a good song IMO.
  3. I've taken an SSRI after I come down. I sleep for 3 hours the next day and I'm able to hold a conversation. Can't do that without it, I'll sleep all day and can't really hold conversation. I've never taken it while i was UP. Either way I'm pretty sure you can risk seratonin syndrome by doing this. Let's remember that there really isnt any tests going on in this country on this stuff. So we are going by what the govt is feeding us. I remember when they said that pot did brain damage. Look where that theory is now.
  4. I know that. I checked pillreport.com and there isnt that many posts about em cept one good review from recent date. When I post on the msg boards I'm not looking for someone to tell me something mind blowing to take the place of pill testing, I do it cuz can't really find anything on em. Ordered new test kit, you can tell if there is either MDA or MDMA in the pills now. sweet!
  5. Anyone take em. They are standard smile face w/ a circle around the face. Flat on both sides and very small.
  6. 3 times i went to exit when he was there. 3 times i heard skipping in his 'mixing' as soprano has nick named him 'train wreck'
  7. eww.. you said the D word goto your room w/ no dessert
  8. You are so right low, i was the same way tonight. Sitting here drinking alone while my girl watches DVD's of some stupid chick flick. What is your girl doing?
  9. ahhh.. i think back to July 3rd at CPI. Ojeda and Johnny V. HARD HARD HARD
  10. I don't really meet up w/ peeps from the board but its def cool to go out w/ a group of friends and wonder off and meet up w/ other peeps just to see whats up and make sure everyone is having a good time. makes the night more gooder IMO
  11. MEEEEE! tried to get my girl to drink and she didn't want to. Guess its just me, myself and I again. Ran out of gray goose and cant make anymore Red Bull Vodkas. what to do what to do
  12. My friend is Afgan and I've asked him a few times if he's encounted any problems since the 11th and he told me that no one has bothered him. I guess it all depends on who crosses your path that day.
  13. 21 to get into Cyberia. Don't care about Bogarts It's all about Ojeda Friday night. Next time he comes out of the booth to do a few shots he should buy me one
  14. I see a basement where many women were probably tortured and beaten. Looks like a crack den Wasn't that in Silence of the Lambs?
  15. people in my office surf the net all damn day. running every stupid attatchment that comes into their email, (usually from their hotmail or yahoo accounts because most attachments are filtered, all are scanned for viruses). The days of office jobs w/ high speed internet access and liberal corp. policies = more non-work related surfing! So to answer your question, yes there are people on here because their job allows them, I know cuz I am one of them. However I am the admin for my network, I do what I want.
  16. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cant wait! classic night is going to be SICK! I missed out on the last one. And after 9/11 they didn't have the one at CPI. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cant wait!
  17. she was the vocal in that song 'Don't want another man' also sings a song called 'In My Dreams' decent song
  18. I saw the special on MSNBC after the Sept 11th attack. WOW is all I have to say about what these people went through. I plan on seeing the movie, just don't know when. If ya get a chance to see the special on MSNBC check it out.
  19. I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I think that beatsfreak was being sarcastic when he was talking about hide u.
  20. my 2 yr old pug. awwwww. these dogs are the best. they are really friendly and great with people.
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