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Everything posted by ckayser

  1. hopefully for exit, sunday morn/afternoon. Place thins out very early, they need something there to draw people in. The overall size of it makes it look empty, however with Junior afterhours might be a totally different crowd then exit is used to. Who cares as long as the music is banging, I might have to go check it out.
  2. they wouldnt bring Junior in for any other reason that to spin the main floor. JV is a major DJ, Draper isn't shit. He would be lucky to catch a sniff of any farts that junior lets loose in his booth.
  3. Boris will probably wind up in the boat DJ Magz did. Where did that guy go. I had the SICKEST time last July 3rd at exit. Magz was AWESOME. That was the best night I had there. I didn't start going till June so I don't have any prior memories of other dj's there cept Magz and Boris. As far as Draper, let him spin at Twilo. Oh yea...hehehe whoops
  4. I went to attempt to meet up w/ soprano and crew but I was a little late getting in there. I was not tripping (yet) and I was walking around the floor w/ my girl and we both commented on how shitty it sounded in there. Speakers cracking and shit. I couldnt take it. I had to leave and goto factory.
  5. maybe, I dont listen to KTU often. Sometimes on the weekends at night if I don't go out. Aubrey is good live though. She actually sings too.
  6. not for nothing but those speakers in tunnel sound like they are ready to die.
  7. try the 'e' store
  8. yea cuz i've been hearing how good space hasn't been so lemmie just rush on down there. glad tamia is coming, she shoulda dragged her ass out here quite a few months ago when her song wasn't on ktu.
  9. Is there an echo in here?
  10. Well.. I have no information about what you are asking about BUT with all that rain in houston I saw this report on the bugs there. Wear lots of bug spray!
  11. blech! i hate when any shirtless w/ shaved arms decides to barrel into me. ugg. thanks for the free shower guy.
  12. [interesting discovery] Not like this is at all interesting. Was shopping for a vacuum w/ my girl for our new appt. Goto K-Mart in Bohemia on sunrise highway (that is called the BOONIES for the people that say wtf is a bohemia). Anyways, I pick up the sweet ass vacuum which ofcourse I'm overpaying for. Walk to the front of the store and you guys know what K-Mart is like on a Sunday. It's white trash central. Crowded as hell and shit. So they call over the speaker that you can goto register 3 and 4 to ring and bag yourself out. Took my vacuum and a few other items over there and rang myself up, paid by Amex blue (sweet credit card might I add, pricematches w/ online sites) and hopped outta there within 90 seconds. I could have a field day w/ that system if no one was watching. I thought it was pretty kewl. [/interesting discovery]
  13. *note to self* dont post about peppridge farm chedder cheese gold fish
  14. Hmm.. Since I'm the sig check police, I must fine you $75 + $25 service charge for using & promoting a non-working sig. You can paypal the funds to me. Thank you lowmazda cp sig check police badge #6699 [This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 06-24-2001).]
  15. The best way to make your night at exit better? Friday night, you LEAVE!!! I can't diss Boris. but nothing is like factory saturdays.
  16. #2 movin up by inaya day
  17. too many white people on the stairs at factory. lets find fault in that statement cuz no one can argue that.
  18. ahaha.. a few weeks ago i was sitting in that corner cuz i was really f'd up and some dick dropped their water on me from above. i was hella pissed.
  19. cpi is fulla hotties. i cant take it. waiting for my girl to come out of the bathroom and there is nothing but hot ass girls all over.
  20. I went to sandbar for afterhours last july 4th weekend. It SUCKED. i heard space was open till like 8am that first weekend it was open. dayam bro you arent even 21?!!? looks like you arent going to see JP anytime soon ~ FYI incase you didnt know Vicious @ bridgeview on the 26th. wish i could go but i'm working. going on vacation starting the 29th so taking off that day was a little hard. id really like to be there.
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