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Everything posted by ckayser

  1. OMG! These things are so damn good. I never can just open a bag and not eat the whole thing in one sitting. Then the horror comes when I grab the last one and there is nothing left boohoo!
  2. 4:30 or so.. wish it went all night. cant get enough of that place. soprano u go and check it out heheh [This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 06-24-2001).]
  3. I have no problem with them. I used to go w/ a few flips and they didn't want to hang anywhere but the 'asian' section because it was their kind. But I've gone w/ other asians and they were all over the place. Really fucked up people that just sit on the floor piss me off. Asian, white or whatever. However I did notice that where the asians were hanging out there was more people sitting on the floor then anywhere else. Made it kind of hard to navigate though. This was a long ass time ago though. I havent been to Exit since Thanksgiving night
  4. I was not there last night as much as I wanted to be, but I will say this over and over again. I've never had such a consistantly good time going out then I've had when I've heard Ojeda spin. His track selection is always great and mixing is always top notch. He is right there on top in my mind because of that. Some people might not like his vocals or when he gets too dark. As long as that Survivor track stays home I'm happy. Ojeda thank you for making last year the best summer I've ever had and hope this one turns out even better.
  5. Hehe.. try having tivo on directv.. its like 5 seconds behind cable. i was watching the nhl playoffs and i was on the phone and my devil fan friend was crying before i even knew what was going on.
  6. 594 to 598 still good. no doubt screw plastic. its all about the EMULATOR no black sundays in this house
  7. FYI he'll be dj'ing at Bridgeview on July 3rd. KTU is supposed to be there. (that means double stay away) but Aubrey is gonna be there too. Damndamndamn. Good thing I saw her @ CPI.
  8. dont need to tell me twice. its not like cable where you need a sub to use a hotbox either.. hehe /me counts the saved money in the wallet cuz someone else pays for sub winkwink
  9. ahaha you have no idea what you are talking about. directv rules. who listens to those crappy radio stations. im just in it for the tv. although 812 plays something decent like once every 6 months. they usually play whole albums. thank god i'm not the one paying for it. its def not worth paying for.
  10. What can we do about it. Not really much of anything. [This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 06-22-2001).]
  11. Oh yea.. and they were a little weak too. like really weak. i dont think its tollerance because i know some people that dont roll much and they said the same thing
  12. Oh yea, since I am the IT guy I guess that means I can play on the net all day and get away with it.
  13. The firewall I use here catches all the websites and other traffic you generate. AIM, napster type stuff, web pages. If it comes in or out to your machine it gets logged. It's just a pain sorting through all the data. Even if you cleaned out your IE history, I can still tell what websites people have been visiting. Not something that I use but it might come in handy if I want to post an internal webpage of all the slackers.
  14. Maybe 7-11 should be considered a drug den as well. 2 weeks ago I saw 2 guys and a girl drinking cough syrup outside. Dur
  15. i only laughed in a seperate post because i didnt wanna edit my post again. so I think standing out there is a little too much. There is a reason why Twilo was a target and it wasn't because of all the people that went there and their love of the music. Granted I've had my share of being messed up (i only do e). I've only went to Twilo one time despite all other chances that I could have taken to go. It was not my scene. The music was fine. However, the amount of k-heads that were running/crawling into the speakers in the back corner where i was dancing was insane. I can understand there is really no place to hide, but it doesn't justify bumpin IN the speaker! That club and most of the other clubs in this city are full of drugs. Hate to break it to someone who is a non-believer but some people actually think that it's wrong to take drugs. They want they element out of their community. This was isnt the clubs fault at all. It's the people that don't know their limits. anyway. RIP twilo
  16. soprano you will either love it or hate it. I love that place, jp throws great music at you, stage shows are kewl. dont get caught up in that 35 min mix shit. go there and just listen and make your own judgement.
  17. My local supermarket that I've been shopping at for years is now closing. I think that I'm going to say goodbye to it. It brought me such great memories. The cookies, the cereals, the juice, the fruit that I bought there. The way that the doors opened everytime I walked infront of them. The way that the cashier took my money when I paid for the items. The shopping carts how nice they rolled while I carried a heavy load in the cart. Boy am I going to miss that place. The way that it brought together many people for the love of food and drink. A very sad day will be coming to my life soon. [This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 06-20-2001).]
  18. Neither! I haven't drank anything w/ caffiene in it since last year. Kidney stones and shit, dont know if it was the cause of it but they stopped. I used to drink Pepsi all day everyday. I had major withdrawals when I stopped drinking it. Now its Gatorade and Lemonade/Pink Lemonade for me!
  19. Neither! I haven't drank anything w/ caffiene in it since last year. Kidney stones and shit, dont know if it was the cause of it but they stopped. I used to drink Pepsi all day everyday. I had major withdrawals when I stopped drinking it. Now its Gatorade and Lemonade/Pink Lemonade for me!
  20. Oh yea. forgot to add. MAOI's can cause seratonin syndrome as well. You can even get SS taking 5htp w/ an SSRI. Which is why whenever you are taking medication you should consult with your doctor if you are concerned. I again state, I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be. If anyone takes this information to state that it is okay to do E while taking an antidepressant needs to check with their doctor first.
  21. Feel free to let me know where I gave advice at any point. SSRI and MAOI are 2 different types of drugs in the way that they work. Also if MDxx cause a rush of seratonin (5HT) to get into your system and the MAOI's aren't breaking it down, couldn't that cause a condition called seratonin syndrome? HMMM. thanks for backing up what I said. I did however forget to add that SSRI's could cause seratonin syndrome as well, however this is a side effect of the drug alone and isn't related to just MDxx intake. This risk of having problems happen is far greater w/ an MAOI then w/ an SSRI. The side effects that she may experiance (that i notice) are no different then the side effects if she stopped taking it and didn't do MDxx. I can tell when she stops her medicine even if it is only for one day. -MAO inhibitors- increases the levels of monamines (norepi, 5HT) by inhibiting the activity of monoamine oxidase, the enzyme that breaks down monamine NT’s in the cytoplasm of the neurons -SSRI’s- Prozac, selectively blocks 5HT uptake [This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 06-18-2001).]
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