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Everything posted by ckayser

  1. I know exactly what song you are talking about. However I dont know who the hell it is. I like that song too.
  2. So you just tuck it in before you go in and then wear it how you want on the inside. No biggie. If i was able to go to factory again I'd do the same thing.
  3. I heard on WLIR's 'In The Mix' the other night that space was closed. They didn't say why, or if they did I missed it. Might want to check that out
  4. I hope your kidding about the herion thing. Do you honestly believe that its cut with it? Herion is so inactive orally that you would need to eat a bunch just to get a buzz. If that was the case then how come people arent eating herion pills? why bother injecting/snorting it if you can get a high from chewing it? Besdies that, the goverment would LOVE to publish a story about how they confiscated pills and they found drugs other then what we look for. Sure there are pills w/ MDMA, BZP, K, DXM, PMA, etc. I'm talking about pills that specifically have coke or heroin. This would have the media in a frenzy and make the govt. look like they are doing the right thing. On dancesafe there was a pill that they tested that was tested with MDMA and cocaine. The percentage they found was about 96 to 4 (mdma to coke). There is no way this was cut w/ coke. It had to be sitting somewhere in a bag w/ coke on the outside. The percentage is so small and the cost to make mdma as compared to the cost of coke is so different that it doesn't make sense. And don't give me that cost less in quantities BS. It costs PENNIES to make pills. If you are making a couple thousand or a couple hundred thousand pills, bringing up the cost even 5 cents will dig into your profits. Lets assume some responsibilities for our actions. I like to watch tv, does that make me an addict? I commute to work everyday on the train, does that mean I'm addicted to the LIRR? IF people would spend a lot more time taking the blame for things they do rather then pointing fingers we would stop hearing BS stories about this stuff. Play it safe and use in moderation. (edited cuz im stupid and forgot to proof read the last paragraph) hehe
  5. And this comes as a suprise? Since Northpoint folded they were talked out being in the same boat.
  6. What is there an echo in here? http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=52670 http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=52697
  7. Straight from Channel 4's website. Linky: http://www.newschannel4.com/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+FTContentServer?pagename=FutureTense/Apps/Xcelerate/View&c=NBCArticle&cid=NBCB1W982QC&p=NBCD3JZRB8C&live=true Story if link doesn't work: NEW YORK, August 6 - Two Manhattan nightclubs that have long been trouble spots with police and New York City officials will be auctioned, according to a published report. The clubs, the Tunnel and Limelight, will be auctioned off to the highest bidder in U.S. Bankruptcy Court on Aug. 13. Peter Gatien, who owns the troubled nightclubs, has said he is ready to end his years-long battle with City Hall. City officials have complained that the Tunnel is a magnet for drugs and violence. In April, a 16-year-old patron was stabbed to death in a parking lot near the Tunnel. Two years ago, an 18-year-old died of a drug overdose there. The Chelsea nightspot has become a central target in Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's aggressive nightclub enforcement effort. Before bankruptcy Judge Robert Gerber ordered the auction sale, Gatien said in June that he was ready to sell the Tunnel privately and move on -- needing to pay off taxes he owes the state. Gatien's debt includes more than $5.7 million in state taxes and $2 million in back rent. Gatien doesn't own the buildings, but the court will sell the club's names, leases, equipment and liquor licenses.
  8. He is a devote christian that belives in not having abortions but having sex before marriage. Anyway, beyond that. It's the woman's choice. Period. Some situations happen where it is right to not carry the pregnancy to term. Did they use any type of protection when they decided to have sex? Abortion is not birth control, if you can't handle the risks don't play the game. Hope everything works out okay for your friend.
  9. I thought I was the only one that got kicked out. hahaha
  10. If you want we could trade nights. I'm sure you had a better one then I did.
  11. Ojeda can play alot of vocals but then again nights at cpi where he didnt play much. It all depends on his mood. I think it will be vocally tonight. Which should make my girl and my friend's wife happy.
  12. I'll let you know after tonight.
  13. I hope it's not a playground. /me begs please o please o please o please let the 'kiddies' stay at home. And I'm old enough to get into Saturdays so I guess I can say that. I just wanna see Ojeda tear it up in JP's house. Until then I will probably be listening to Shawn Ink. weeeeeee
  14. I'll be @ factory for Ojeda
  15. Some one got thrown down the stairs on Sunday I think, by bouncers. F'd up his ankle. Saw it on the news eariler in the week. I think they are still open though.
  16. Pacifier? do you really NEED that thing?
  17. ahaha. thats the usual saturday night routine. I'm not worried about that. That happens all the time. I did it the last time I went not even thinking because I can get into other places that way and she was like 'You need to tuck in that shirt if you want to get into this club honey!" kewl, look for me dressed up for a saturday night and look for my girl in jeans and a t shirt.
  18. I'll be there. I feel like such a traitor to Saturday nights but I'm a huge Ojeda fan. Who will be spinning on the 4th floor that night?
  19. Anyone know what the dress code is for Friday. My girl wants to wear jeans and Paris let her in last time we went on a Saturday at like 3am. So any probs on that front? Thanks
  20. there is Ephedrine in them. It just legalized speed. I took some sudafed for a cold and like an hour later I'm running around the office asking people for more pills.
  21. I hope the draper lovers invade Vinyl and not Sound Factory.
  22. I've done more then my share. I saw some chick pass out right near the pool tables @ CPI around Memorial Day. Her friends said she wasnt on anything so who knows but we got security for her. Also the last time I went to Factory which was like 2-2 1/2 months ago, we went to sit under the stairs and this guy was like totally passed out on the stairs. I got that big bouncer that usually hangs downstairs and checks the bathrooms every now and then. He had to call someone because he didn't want to touch him. The other bouncer that came was slapping this guy in the face hard. Took like 5 wacks to get his ass up. Bouncers left and all was good. Point being. Some people dont care about what goes on around them, they are too caught up in other things. If ya pass out around me and I see it, I'm getting security. I can see how someone can overdo it, think of the times that we all have gone out and drank and then dont remember chunks of the night, or blacked out totally. What would make that OK to do but if someone rails a little too much K then they are stupid. People make the wrong choices, and under the influence of a substance they choose to make more of the wrong choice then the correct choice. Play it safe and know your limits.
  23. Rally, I'm guessing 2-6. I dont know but I dont wanna hear Lodi or Luv or whoever is gonna spin. Blech! I can't believe I'm going to factory on a Friday night!
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