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Posts posted by saigray

  1. So I just realized that I have more crazy friends than I thought….and half the world seems to be headed to DC tomorrow, but little broke me. In case anyone else is in my financial situation, not down with Sasha or just looking for something new to do this Friday I am hosting a record release party at Karma (1st Ave & 3rd) for my dear friend, Devin de Veaux. His single “Indian Summer” has been charting in Ibizia and London and was just released here last week, so we are psyched. Trust me, this kid is gonna blow up, always playing really sexy house and producing some of the best new tracks I’ve heard. There is no cover, and $5 hookah service, so it’s all good. If you wanna check the flyer it’s at www.coolbirth.com

    I haven’t seen a lot of you in a while (laying low) and it would be great to see some old faces again.


  2. I didn't make it this Saturday (but will be at all the other ones, I swear) but I went to the Opening Pre-party on thursday, and while I LOVE (stress that, looooove) the abstract scultural use of space that this year's outdoor setting has created, I looked the place over and said, "DAmn, I'm gonna miss the hammocks and the mist machines." The hottub looks nice, but there looked to be a lack of sitting spots.

    Even so, I can't wait to not sit, sweat like a pig and smile all day anyway.

  3. Favorite books of all time (that I happen to remember at this moment):

    The Unbearable Lightness of Being- Milan Kundera

    Infinite Jest- David Foster Wallace

    Glue- Irvine Welsh

    White Noise - Don Dellilo

    Pride and Prejudice -Jane Austin (only when feeling girly)

    Beloved -Toni Morrison

    The Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman

    The Neverending Story -can't remember, but for those who knwo the movie from childhood, this book was TRIPPY and Very intricate.

  4. I hooked up with a 39yo when i was 21...the age difference was funny because he was a writer which at 21 means "I have lots of old notebooks and I work at Barnes and Noble" but this guy had a shelf of published fiction...I was impressed.

    But I had a boyfriend who was 8 years older (21/29) and it didn't matter, except for one time when we were discussing Vanilla Ice. I mentioned singing it on the playground and he first heard it in the car driving to University! That was a weird moment.

  5. Originally posted by phatman

    ...nope...no bitterness there...:rolleyes:

    hehe, no bitterness, just reality. How often do girls I meet in clubs offer to give me their numbers so we can be friends and hang out n' stuff...almost never, why? Because we don't hand out numbers in clubs to find friends. the level on which u get to know someone in that environment is usually so superficial that the phone number offer is for physical attributes rather than personality.

  6. Yes they do, and they are dirty dogs and will use that sense to take advantage of you. Watch your back, girly. They are on the prowl.

    (and no guy ever gives his number to be friends unless he's gay or a reaaaallly cool guy with a long term, ab. fab girlfriend who's not interested in anything but being friends.)

  7. Originally posted by tastyt

    I wouldn't exactly assume that most of those pregnancies were planned.

    It's really funny, the number of times people have mistaken me and my Mom for sisters... like when guys would hit on her thinking she was out with little sis... It's even funnier to see the look on their face when they find out the truth... :laugh:

    Yeah that happens with me and my mom, but WAY WORSE is when everyone thought my Dad was my boyfriend. We were traveling in Europe and he had long hair and earrings and I looked old for my age, and EVERYONE would make comments like concierges saying "oh, we have you down for 2 beds" or other travelers asking me how long me and my boyfriend had been together. YUCK!!

  8. Jeez, this like the same 5 ppl charting their daily sex routines for 8 pgs. I'm throwin my bump just for diversity.

    I wonder though if this pattern is indicative of the ppl in relationships being the main sex getters, these being the main ppl in relationships or these being the only people who want ppl on the board to know how often they have sex?

  9. Originally posted by phuturephunk

    . . . that was beautiful . . .rawk on . . . :cool: . . .

    That was crap..no offense quoth.

    The reason ppl don't diss on these places is simple...they don't even enter the radar, so what's to talk about...if you go, you pat yourself on the back for being part of the "underground" and if you don't go you have absolutely nothing to say about the matter- u probably don't know what ppl r talking about nor do u give a shit. Exit/SF vs. Vinyl/Twilo is a long standing debate because they in some way typify the main trends in the club world and everybody "knows" something about, has dealt with ppl from, and has an opinion on them.

    But I think Lunaterium, while a great venue, is NOT underground heaven, and I think yo'd actually be hard pressed to find someone who understands you'r little show of vinyl-hipness, Mike, though every there would be able to counter with a little in-the-know hip underground pass code that u wouldn't recognize either.

    I guess all I;m saying is don't over-glorify it just cause its different, and don't feel too cool about being there. There are a lot of ppl who know about that place, just not all the same ppl who we see in our other typical places.

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