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Everything posted by shadowchaser

  1. Kmfdm used three simple words: Rip The System! If they " raided " Twilo and Tunnel and other clubs, why weren't they shut down?? Does sound fishy.... Hey the greatest dickhead...want me to take your computer, shine it up really nice, turn it sideways and stick straight up your candyass!! ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  2. I met up with Mariah, Trancenergy and Human101 from the board at the bar. The bar was pretty packed and was impossible to find a spot to stand anywhere. I was the dude wearing the Spider-Man shirt. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  3. Wassup Human101 It was cool meeting ya and TrancEnergy. Shall we do it again this Friday for S&D? Or...we can meet up again for PVD. It was a blast! ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  4. Yeah this friday coming up.... Sasha & Digweed Sean Cusick + Jimmy Van M. Show up early or show up around 4 or 5am. I'm definitely going...Yo TrancEnergy and Human101, are you guys up for it this Friday??? Had a blast friday night. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  5. Oh its on Friday nite...Sasha & Digweed...plus Jimmy Van M. is coming back too. Miss them last month, not this time. I'll be there when they let us in. In my mind, I'm already there for PVD. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-20-2000).]
  6. Bro, they're not your friends...real friends stab you in the front. I've had a friend once steal from me. My car was broken into a few years ago at a mall. My car radio was stolen. Cops make a report of it and everything. The usual deal. A week later, I find out that it was my friend of 4 years who did it. An eyewitness saw him and identified him. They asked me if I want to press charges on him. I had a better and non-violent plan. I waited a few weeks to go by.....then in the middle of one night, I opened up his gas tank and poured a huge bag of sugar into it. Oh yeah, somehow, by accident, lagre carpenter nails got into his tires. Needless to say, he never found out who it was, and got his payback. Saw him two years ago, he tried to make up, but nah friends don't steal from friends. I know what you going thru...confront them if you haven't already and let them know how you feel. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  7. I'm there with you.....I feel the same way. It just expresses the way how I feel, relaxes me, gets my blood pumping and gets my groove on. Â ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  8. Insane...I was at Twilo last night right after Vinyl got shut down. We got there around 3:30 or 4:00, I think. We didn't see any cops there or around Tunnel which is a block away. Did the report say exactly what times the clubs got raided? Why didn't the others clubs get shut down and Vinyl did? This is bullshit what Guilliani is doing. It just sounds like to me that they are doing this to put the new chief's name on the map. Bullshit politics as usual. Even one of the cops there at Vinyl we talked to said it was bullshit, but he had to do what he was told. This shit has got to stop...clubs aren't the source for drugs, you assholes. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  9. What's your man got to do with me? I'm not tryin' to hear that... ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  10. I'm very hesitant about going to Tunnel tonight. Especialyl after what happened Vinyl Friday night...poor Danny. I'm obviously the police had to have known it was a special night, Danny's GU release party. And since it's Tunnel's re-opening, perfect time for the cops to pounce, yet again. It sucks balls big time. I'm 50/50 about going out tonight. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  11. Sven Vath kicked my ass!! Oh yeah TrancEnergy, I was there with you ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  12. I was there too last night at Vinyl. What the Fuck?! As I read Pep's post, and I realized yeah it was kinda weird last night in the crowd. Lot of people there that " should not have been there" as in undercover pigs.Some very butch women were dressed up rather oddly...did anyone catch them? I smell cops on them. I honestly thought as did everyone in the club that Danny was joking around when he said that the NYPD is shutting the club down. I didn't believe it until I saw the flashlights. Damn...and on his GU release party too. They had no justified reason to attack Vinyl. Plus it seemed to well strategized for it to happen last night. I feel for Danny T. If this shit happens at Twilo, I'm gonna have a shit fit. Well, Tunnel is re-opening tonight.....anyone wanna bet the cops will be staking the place out? Although on the plus side of the night, I met some peepz from the messageboard...Mariah, girl you were a sweetheart , TranceEnergy and Human101. Two very awesome dudes, and we took the vibe to Twilo after they kicked us out. One of the best nights out I had in a while. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  13. My dad has no clue what goes on...but my mom knows somewhat but not everything. They only really care that I have a good time and I always end the night in one piece. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  14. I'll be there tonight too...look for a guy in a blue spider-man buttoned shirt. Just say what's up. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  15. I'm so sorry to hear what happened Brandie. I've lost friends and I know how you feel. My heart goes out to you and your friend and his family. Frank ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  16. Sandra Collins, you say?? ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  17. Yup yup...I'll be there tomorrow to watch him drop da bomb. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  18. I will be there... I'm 5'10", dark hair, side burns, goattee,glasses and i'm a white boi. I'll be wearing black UFO pants & an orange OP shirt. You can yell out shadowchaser or... my name Frank...shhhhh don't tell anyone. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  19. Anyone know if Christopher Lawrence will be at Twilo next Wednesday? He's supposed to be on tour with Chris Gin.That's a rumor I heard... ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  20. This just in..... Sasha & DIgweed have left Twilo and began their new residency at the Stuwe Club with fellow resident...SuperGreg! Their reasons are for leaving... Digweed: " We felt that Twilo has become overrated and too commercial. At our new home, we feel the underground integrity is kept intact. Plus the free pineapple drinks doesn't hurt either." Sasha : " SuperGreg is keeping it fresh. " ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  21. Sweeet...in my mind, I'm already there. Did ya notice the dates?? Sept. 8th- PVD Sept. 9th - GATECRASHER! So pretty much we can flock over to Limelight right after Twilo and sleep on their steps. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  22. Plus since you're a god now, you need loyal servants, disciples, a harem and your own theme music. Every god needs their own theme music. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  23. Nice goin' B2B. Golf clap all around... So you've became a CLuB GoD...what are you going to do now?? ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
  24. LL Cool J called, He wants his jump suit back. Hahahahahahaha ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-17-2000).]
  25. Thanks Lavkrap I've got some too: 1. If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. (Hardly seems worth it!) 2. If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb. 3. The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet. 4. A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes. (In my next life I want to be a pig!) 5. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (Still not over that pig thing!) 6. Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. (You mean the pigs don't enjoy it?) 7. On average people fear spiders more than they do death. 8. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. (Hmmmmm.....) 9. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath. 10. Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza every day. 11. Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie. (Lucky we don't have to do that much anymore.) 12. You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider. 13. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do. 14. In ancient Egypt, Priests plucked every hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes. (Too much time on their hands) 15. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. 16. The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated. 17. Polar bears are left handed. 18. The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds; that makes the catfish rank #1 for animal having the most taste buds. 19. The flea can jump 350 times its body length, it's like a human jumping the length of a football field. 20. A cockroach will live nine days without its head, before it starves to death. (Creepy!) 21. The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the males head off. (Honey, I'm home.. what the...) 22. Some lions mate over 50 times a day. (In my next life I still want to be a pig...quality over quantity!) 23. Butterflies taste with their feet. 24. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump. 25. A cat's urine glows under a blacklight. 26. An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain. 27. Starfishes haven't got brains. 28. After reading all these, all I can say is "Damn Pigs *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* What I've learned.................. I've learned - that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in. I've learned - that no matter how much I care, some people are just assholes. I've learned - that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more fucked up than you think. I've learned - that you can keep puking long after you think you 're finished. I've learned - that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down, will be the ones who do. I've learned - that we don't have to ditch bad friends, because their dysfunction makes us feel better about ourselves. I've learned - that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get arrested and end up in the local paper. I've learned - that overzealous customs agents can change your life in a matter of hours. I've learned - that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon. And all the less important ones just never go away. ------------------ "Dance to the beat, jump from my feet." shadowchaser076@aol.com
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