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Everything posted by shadowchaser

  1. No shit with friends. Just girls I've been with. Don't need the aggravation and stress. Can't handle the immaturity and headcases. I need fun and enjoyment in my life now. ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com
  2. A little known art school in Dover, NJ. ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com
  3. Well...it does suck that Twilo is going this way. But if they are going this way, maybe it would be nice with the money they're going to be getting and expand the club or create a larger one in NYC. ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com
  4. I hear ya...I live in a apartment building too. I live right across a Lexus dealership which isn't annoying enough. The constant trucks delivering cars, making noise, to their speakers paging someone. Then at night it gets worse. Taxi cabs coming around 3 or 4 in the morning blasting their horns. Also around that time, the garbage trucks come to pick up the trash. I hardly sleep at night. Only perk to living in Englewood is easy access to the GWB. ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com
  5. Yup, I called it 'cause I know what I've been through the past two years and what my friends have been through. I'm choosing to be single at the moment. I don't need anymore stress right now in my life. I'm just going to wait for the one that's right for me. ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-03-2000).]
  6. HaHAhHahHAhhAhahaha ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-02-2000).]
  7. Emperor Palpatine said that to Luke on the Death Star Sorry for the brief sci-fi intermission folks, now we return to our normally scheduled topic ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-02-2000).]
  8. Do or do not. There is no try. - Master Yoda ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com
  9. There's nothing wrong in being a sci-fi freak...I could possibly quote the entire Star Wars trilogy. Ummmm...ok...I revealed too much and I'm going to hide under that rock now. ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com
  10. Money? I thought it was drugs? ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com
  11. Casual sex between friends always backfires. ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com
  12. I know how you feel...one of my closest friends is or was, (the way you look at it), a girl. We used to be hardcore party kidds. We always went to raves and clubs. We had alot of common, not just the scene. We were the bestest of friends. I was there for her, she was there for me. In the beginning, I was attracted to her but it faded and we just stayed friends. This past Feb., she started seeing this guy she met at a club. We still hung out, but she brought her man along. As their relationship grew, I slowly started falling out of the picture. We didn't hang out that much, our phone calls diminished...and we became very distant. Almost strangers again. Now, I don't even know what's she's up to. She just emails me like once a month. I miss her too...I wish I knew too if it's her doing or her boyfriend. The thing is, men and women can be friends but if one of them gets into a relationship, it shouldn't break up a great friendship. Oh yeah one more thing...if you ever hear this phrase by a friend, " don't be a stranger " it's usually the kiss of death to a friendship. Alrighty, back to me listening to my Dave Seaman cds ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com
  13. I know how most of you feel...meeting a bunch of cool people in the clubs, but always end up going home alone in the end. I guess its that way. Plus its really hard to meet a girl ina club and who is on E. You're talking to them but you know mentally they're in a far off place. Usually it goes no where. I usually go to the clubs for the music anyway...but it would be nice one day to meet my dream angel dancing the night away. That would be something. Hmmm... my other interests, well, my art, traveling, driving aimlessly ( yes I really do that ), finding to do something new that won't kill me, video game junkie, and BOWLING! You gotta love bowling...great stress relief. High score 275 ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com
  14. Here's what I think.... No matter how hard a man tries to impress a woman, be faithful, kind, loving, respectful.....a woman will never be satisfied, plain and simple. Some women do not know what they want and I'm afraid to say, are immature. I'm not saying all women are, but some.... ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM shadowchaser076@aol.com
  15. Girls..... 1. Don't be dancing with a guy when you have a boyfriend and he has biceps the sizeof tree trunks and his roid rage kicks in overdrive. 2. If you came to dance with your boyfriend, don't be dancing with another guy. 3. Don't think that every guy that comes up to you is a jerk and wants "something" from you. 4. Stop wearing so much make up. 5. Don't try to dance if your in a K hole...it's no use...you're taking up valuable dance space. 6. Smile more often...they're free so give them away ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  16. Screw Moby......HYBRID BABY!!!! Tickets go on sale at Ticketmaster tomorrow, Aug. 3rd. Price to be known then....hope the info helps I'm there... ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-02-2000).]
  17. When is it?? Is he going to spin or is he going to perform live? ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  18. Hmmmm.....well.....If you wanna hear awesome music by the top DJs, Twilo is tops on Friday nights. Especially this Friday, Dave Seaman, Anthony Pappa, Slacker, and Chris Fortier. It's gonna be a trance, housy night. Vinyl is great too. You got Danny Tenaglia spinnin' the best house every Friday night. Friendly vibes too. If you're into cheesy KTU pop, Exit's got it friday nights. I couldn't tell ya how SoundFactory and Tunnel are 'cause I haven't been there in a loooooooong time. ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  19. My dream girl would be a new york gal with a british accent. ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  20. Twlio...Dave Seaman, Anthony Pappa...c'mon...you know ya wanna go ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  21. I'm 24 and I'm a Cancer ^<..>^ Happy B-day DjChris! ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  22. I don't know...I'm kinda giving up on raves. I don't feel the friendly vibes anymore. The whole scene has turned to crap. I heard crazy shit happened at a recent party that happned this past weekend, All Out Sunshine. Supposedly a security guard got beat up by a bunch of kids in which one of them wasn't allowed in and someone brought there dog and some asshole fed it drugs and died. What the hell is going on?! I think I'm saying goodbye to the rave scene. Crackeads and thugs are taking it over and it sucks. ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  23. It's gonna be an awesome night of music. Def should go. I can't wait for this Friday ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  24. Tool is the shit!! They are amazing live. A Perfect Circle is going to be at Roseland sometime in August.Their album is great. Best rock album I heard in awhile. ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  25. Its for Jennifer Lopez's new movie " The Cell". Look out, Puff Daddy's gonna be in the house and be bustin' caps up in there...hehe... ------------------ It's here today but it's gone tomorrow, It's here today and today will never come again. shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-01-2000).]
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