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Everything posted by melichacha

  1. lol.. I'm at work -- not allowed to have it on (boooooooooooo)... only here till 4:30 though.. then going back to the dorm to get blazzzzed... Gotta love the snow... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  2. Rock on Hugh -- be good! (or not... lol) Still waiting for the big snow to hit... but classes were cancelled today... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  3. Yeah, bro!! Break a bone of some sort! lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  4. Well, Joey my birthday's April 12th -- now you know what to get me... hehe Those are the BEST though -- I have this little white set with the little superman sign on the middle of the chest in pink... ah, the fun things you acquire when you work at the WB for a while... lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  5. I was on last night too -- still all good... I was DL-ing some chill stuff... jazz and whatnot: Ella Fitzgerald, lena Horne, Stan Getz, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Thelonious Monk... somethin' different... somethin' non-electronic for a change... lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  6. Well, school work has been keeping me away on Fridays, BUT I WILL be back.. oh yes, I will be back! My gigs are on Saturdays... maybe we can set a meetup one weekend.. we'll see! - meli - "seeyarealsoonthankstospringbreakbaby!!!" ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  7. Good call Kat... Okay, same train of thought -- best song to strip to (hehe... ya gotta have some extra fun before the deed, right? lol): Untitled (How Does It Feel) by D'Angelo Awwww yeah... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  8. Well, I'll let ya know if it's on for this week or not, but here's the info nonetheless: Nova Terra 78 Albany Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 We'll be on Saturdays from 10:00pm till about 1:30... We play very danceable salsa, bolero, and jatin jazz. The place is nice (read - no sneakers... you know the drill), and if you are planning on doing dinner, you'll need a reservation (or you'll be on standby)... if not, just come and chill by the bar. And I SING SING SING... Our band is really really new... we'll have a name by tomorrow though... I'll letcha know... lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha [This message has been edited by melichacha (edited 03-05-2001).]
  9. mmm... and that will be 2 days after I turn 21... works for me! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  10. Sooooo, my band's gig rocked this weekend... Later today I'll be finding out if we have the weekly gig... Yeah baby! If you need a review, ask Furnace -- he was there for our first set! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  11. Hmm... I think I'd like to be a little less of a worrier... I can be a bit neurotic and overanalytical ( like Cathy) if I have too much time on my hands. Better for me to be so busy I don't have time to stop and worry rather than have me sitting around festering... ... and maybe I'll be less of a flirt... um... nah! I'll keep my obsessive-compulsive neatness -- it keeps my room nice and clean! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  12. If you're talking about 180, I love that stuff.. Yum... Tastes like (and this is gonna sound weird, but I think you'll know what I'm talking about) those little orange chewable children's aspirin... lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  13. Little shorts and a tank or spaghetti strap top, usually... and they HAVE to match -- that's one of my little weird obsessions... just like my bra and underwear must always match... And about the socks while sleeping issue -- I've tried, and I end up pulling them off through the night... I'd much rather wear less and just be all snuggled with a bunch od pillows and a comforter (or someone else, of course )... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  14. Thank you for calling Rutgers Information -- Melissa speaking. All classes are cancelled -- how may I help you? THIS IS MY LIFE... and tonight we shall get WRECKED! Muahahahahahaha! I love the snow!!!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  15. Kyrie is an awesome... maybe that's just the choir geek in me talking though... For a girl I think I like Cyan (like the color)... haven't decided on a boy name yet... I'll be back... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha [This message has been edited by melichacha (edited 03-05-2001).]
  16. Yo -- over the weekend James Gandolfini was at Rutgers! He was filming a commercial for RU Football (which is pathetic but that's besides the point) in the Red Lion Cafe downstairs in the min student center across the street from my dorm. - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  17. Dude, I'm not gonna complain too much -- this nice little state of emergency closed Rutgers and is paying me time and a half and giving me pizza for sitting here on the board, occasionally telling people classes are cancelled, and basically goofing off... Works for me! OH - looks like Meli has a weekly gig! The gig this past Saturday was great, and we'll be finding out later today what's up for the rest of my Saturdays... yeah baby!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  18. Ah, the joys of living less than a block from the dining hall... hehe - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  19. NJ has declared a stte of emergency -- all of Rutgers is CLOSED... and guess where I am? In my room smoking up? NO... I'm HERE AT INFORMATION... Thank you for calling Rutgers information -- all classes are cancelled, how may I help you? AAARGH! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  20. Now, how disturbing is it that someone would say that? I really hope that was said with a heavy helping of sarcasm... if not, then you need to open your mind and check yourself -- our diversity is what makes us so special! BTW - are you native american? If the answer to THAT is no, then you REALLY need to check your response. Much love to all the foreigners, mutts, and americans alike!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  21. Okay... Here it is! NOVA TERRA 78 Albany Street New Brunswick NJ, 08901 Take the NJ Turnpike to exit 9. Proceed on to Route 18, getting off at the exit marked George Street and Rutgers University. At the top, turn left on Goerge Street. Go under the train trestle and Nova Terra will be on the corner to your left. There ya go! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  22. - Also true -- the Dudleys have pleasantly surprised me! ... and they are SO beyond licking each other's heads... - Aha! I KNEW I wasn't TOO off on my WWF facts!! *phew* I was worried there for a second... - NO MORE JERRY LAWLER?! THAT'S LIKE SAYING NO MORE STEVE LAWLER: It just should NOT be!!! He's frickin' hilarious! I'm hurt... - Did anyone see the short lived return of the Honky-Tonk Man at the Royal Rumble? He sang the song and everything!! That is, till Kane bashed him with his own guitar... ha! - May I say how nice it is to not be ridiculed for being a girl who likes wrestling? Hell, I shoulda come out of the WWF closet sooner! lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  23. I'd have to go with "chevere"... I'd never heard of "padre" meaning cool, but then again I don't really know many (or really any) Mexicans... I think Chevere is on TV enough for people to know what it is... Latina Power! hehe - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  24. ::::::looking for directions::::: will post asap! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  25. How long has it been since you were last here? - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
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