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Everything posted by allishara

  1. HUNNIE SUCKLE!! We're going to have to bribe Jennifer to get her out of that apartment for next SATURDAY.... PS - please practice removing whatever belt you plan on wearing that night so we dont have to ask random girls in the bathroom:tongue:
  2. ROMMELRIGO.....you bet your bippy I'll be there... Both ABYSS and RS!! REPRESENT FO SHO! Tell that bro of yours to come out and bring his woman!!
  3. I already told LE-BONE Im going so stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it!! Just for that last comment - your getting pelted in the eye with an ice cube like last time
  4. A little birdie told me that DENNY will be DJing at Abyss next Saturday for the Anniversary party..... IS THIS TRUE?!?!?
  5. I think you better take another peek at your profile as well... Unless of course those really are your interests and occupation...
  6. Where can you get it!?!??!?!
  7. LOL - he sounds HOT girlfriend!! You can carry his fat little ass in your pocket!! PS - Good to see your back!! I missed your wackiness!! Post those picks lady head!!
  8. Montreal VS Islanders... But we got them back I heard in Atlanta.... we booed THEIR anthem back
  9. Anyone see how those Canadians booed the Star Spangled Banner during the game??? I was never so disgusted in my life. If not for America - they wouldnt know what language they would be speaking.... diccckkkssss
  10. Total assholes.... If you believe in the war or not - there's NO REASON to crowd the streets yelling and screaming while we are all on high alert. Security is tight enough and they dont need these rejects with signs running around causing a bigger problem. My father was in Vietnam and fought bravely.... once he came home he and the other men were spit on by these assholes with the Make Love Not War pins....... fuck them
  11. Im going May 1st - whoo hoo! Right when all those little 18 year olds hit the bricks, thank god!
  12. Thanking our soldiers No matter how you feel about the war in Iraq, this is easy enough, timely, and certainly seems appropriate. To All, please visit the Department of Defense web page below and sign in thanking the men and women of the U.S. military services for defending our freedom. The compiled list of names will be sent out to our soldiers at the end of the month. So far, there are only about 6.4 million names...from a national population of over 250 million. What a shame. The entire exercise takes less than 10 seconds...literally. Please pass it on to your e-mail friends. http://www.defendamerica.mil/nmam.html
  13. GIRLFRIEND!! Have a wonderful time down there!! be easy on those boys! and above all - WORK IT!
  14. This is right up my alley! What tanning salons have this??
  15. It might be Europa bar in Newark
  16. EXTRA FLOATER SHOT!! YUMMM!! Do you know how many times I would pick that thing out of the cup and the whole thing would overflow.... Im so dumb:D PS - I've been laying low with my other half:) But Im coming out soon!!! I need to pick up JPDD and head out somewhere
  17. When people talk on cell phones while Im sitting in the car with them. Is it that hard to tell someone you'll call them back?? I NEED UNDIVIDED ATTENTION! When men tweeze their eyebrows too much - ugghh!! I hate girly men. When girls who think they can dance in a crowded ass club and they start kicking and waving there arms around like monkeys when there is hardly even room to breathe. I honestly want to beat the hell out of them. I hate people who drive minvans - they're all assholes who never check their blind spots.
  18. RIGHT ON!!! :D Im not about to sit here and type away my political views on Clubnyc.com...... my signature says it all
  19. God bless those big beer mugs they have... Its like a big cup of heaven
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