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Everything posted by allishara

  1. PS - Manny is the OWNER of that EuroLounge place..... We're going to have to make an appearance after surgery....lol
  2. (before she wacks you over the head with her crutch) Wut up homey Holla at a bitch! Im home! (tanning?)
  3. Why you lookin at his pee-pee you PERV! Im just foolin....heehee
  4. Great..... no where to run.... no where to hide They are actually thinking about shipping us to our disaster recovery office in Morristown again. I need a drink.
  5. I look at suspicious people on the Path Train and wonder what exactly is in that briefcase of thiers...... The trading desk has CNN on all day and its making me so nervous now!! I want to pack up and move to Alaska.
  6. Is anyone else FREAKED OUT by this High Alert stuff?!?! Im at the point where I dont want to leave my house:eek:
  7. I was opting more of him opening up with some of TKA's ONE WAY LOVE and then closing with some Lisetta Melendez PS- I might throw you off and die my hair again - just to test those skillz........... if not - I'll help you out and wear a damn name tag! REENI - you da bomb! I'll keep my fingers crossed until then....
  8. HUNNIE-BAABBY!! Did you hear the line up for this?? Judy Torres Cynthia Johnny O Lil’ Suzy TKA (with George Lamond and K7) Seduction Coro Lisa Lisa Suave Rockell Lisette Melendez Uggghhh - I LOVE IT! DJDANFURIOUS - where you been home skillet? You ready for Mr. Morillo?? He's good, but he aint no George Lamond!
  9. This may sound like a stupid question, but will this affect KTU's Party Gras on Feb. 27th?!?!?!? I'll die without my freestyle..... Thats right....I said it...... I LOVE freestyle
  10. Broke her knee!! She uses one crutch and looks like Tiny Tim.... make fun of her when you see her (but I still love ya Jennybooboo)
  11. No problemo chica!! Have fun this weekend!! :clap2:
  12. YOWCH!! Didnt see the first one! My girlfriend got a flyer for this and said she heard its some shwanky lounge in NYC ...... I believe 40something street (dont quote me on that though) Tonights the grand opening - some of her friends are going to check it out so when I get the info on it I'll let you know how it was and if its even worth going to.....
  14. I think tonight is the grand opening - sucks with the snow and all though I heard inside this place is gorgeous!! Maybe next weekend....
  15. anyone heard anything on this place yet?
  16. You blew the words right out of my mouth!! "How tall is she?" "What school did she go to?" "Whats her mothers name?" "Where does she park her car?" FREAK! :eek:
  17. "But if i do go back maybe i'll keep my nose high and clear of dangerous substances " Lay off the blow and try again DICK!
  18. MY GUURRLLLL!!! We're going to have to get MissJPDD's claws out of that young mas she's dating and get her out!! Where are you going beforehand?!?!?
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