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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by allishara

  1. Hey - why dont you talk to THE MOO about putting a section for pics from the early 60's and 70's! Show those guidos how you worked it back in the day!! Hmm - lets see - how old were you back then?... take the 2..... carry the 1....... 34??
  2. Look at me - all bored on ClubNYC. I want to go home!!! Maybe I'll go out on Thursday - I'll try and stumble into work on Friday morning. Awww - leave his old ass out of this. I think IM worse than he is and Im like 35 years younger!! I have to get with it maaan! Are you going to Classics night?
  3. Im holding you to those Margarittas you know!! They're 2 bucks at the Office so you can drink a lot and still afford your rent!.. LOL... Tonight Im going to Rascals comedy club - I cant deal with those club/bar crowds. "Its amateur night.." as my father would say. Tomorrow I cant go out - I have work on Friday! Doesnt mean I cant get bombed at your crib though! I'll call you - I miss you! (next time dont take so long at Shop Rite!) Peace out cub scout. a-bomb
  4. him dangling his kid from the balcony?!?! If that was anyone else Dyfus would of been there before he can put the kid back down!! Rumor has it he brought his kids to the zoo and they all had black sheer vales over their heads......... Those kids are going to be famous mental patients...
  5. Nothing in the wide world of sports beats my Ant Cookie's stuffing. Nuff said. (did I just type "nuff"?) I must admit though..... eeeheem..... I, ehhh, make some mean ass mashed potatos.
  6. You used to be friends with EVERYONE'S older brother. Hehe - Im sooo kidding SHMOOOPIE!! When we gettin our drink on Mrs. I'llTakeYouOutForMargarittasForYourBirthdayAndNeverCallBack!! I'll be at your crib for desert for T-Givin - get ready!! I love you Jerkoff...... allison
  7. Psssh - he knows better! Hey - note to self - when making plans with people DON'T leave the state!!
  8. I work right around there - on Montgomery Street. There are pretty decent Happy Hour places around here like Rosie's, Oddfellows, and Markers in Harborside. If your lookin for nitelife - definitely not in JC - well, not until Sandbar opens up. Which also has a great happy hour. Im all about the happy hour. Have fun!!
  9. My vote goes to Armenio..... Guesepe - you nut. Girl - Hunnie gets the trophy - crazy bitch!
  10. I know Im a little retarded sometimes - but whats up with the Paris In The Springtime one?
  11. Your the rudest KID I ever met - a half way decent human being would at least edit that post. At this rate - an apology isn't even worth it if its coming from someone like you. Dont let the door hit ya on the way out...... Dicccccccccccccccccck
  12. HEY! Your Maria's fiance' - right?? Im friends with her cousin Tiziana - from Kenilworth. We're supposed to go - check your PM's!
  13. Nothing wrong with trying something NEW. I love change! Just because no one is promoting it that means it sucks?? By far - the most retarded thing I have ever heard in my life. I'll see you Saturday night Zee!
  14. Just found out I was right! Mike Lokith is my friends - cousin's fiance'. Havent heard him yet - but she says he's pretty good and the place is supposed to be pretty nice inside! I'll see you there!!!
  16. Your like the female version of The Moo. Next theres going to be an NJGuidette website.
  17. Thats a NICE rock you got on that left hand!!
  18. I think the Bistro was the next place we're headed, right?? We'll even make plans to go out afterwards - no more party pooping - Narcolepsy sucks!!
  19. For some reason I must have been really thirsty cause I was going through drinks like crazy. It wasnt that I was getting drinks all the time that we didnt get to hang out - it was that YOU, my friend were in La-La land. You should of hired an interpretar so I could of understood what language you were speaking..... You nutty bitch... I havent even started cleaning yet - I was in White Trash mode and watched Jerry Springer and Maury Povich all morning. I still want to go - call me when you get back to the apt.
  20. (miss informed - had to edit this one!) Heard its decorated pretty shwanky!! Should be a good time....
  21. Im a club god. Man - I need to stay away from this thing.
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