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Everything posted by allishara

  1. Is this about the same friend you have thats cheap? You really need to find new friends.
  2. Im moving back to the Jersey City office!! How much does that suck??!! I wanted to do this when I found out. I need to start drinking..... heavily. I better get all my ClubNYC time in now before Monday. Call me later on at home.
  3. Hola Slutty! Call me at work yo! IM MOVING!!
  4. Just go through his damn phone when he's not around. Look through it, you see something out of the ordinary - Call Him Out! If he gives you a good enough reason for whatever nutty thing you found in there just tell him the truth - HE MADE YOU CRAZY CAUSE HE WOULDNT SHOW YOU!! Its like when you tell a child "dont go in that room" - what do you think they're going to do once their parents leave?? Your suspuscious - your only human. Just dont get out of control. Good luck.
  5. HANDS DOWN - corniest thing I have ever read on this board. Not even going to waste my time checking this thread again. .....so unbelievably NOT funny.....
  6. Not only are you my favorite cousin - but your my best friend. Im only JOKING on the computer - please dont take me seriously. I love you. Ok- no more seriousness. I got the heeby jeebies. Are ya happy Pappy? (Seinfeld episode) PS - Dont ever make me get all mushy again.
  7. we all lovies you too. Aunt Cookie lovies you the most. Dont cry, I'll call you in a few. You da bomb ass biznitch.
  8. JEN-AH-FAH! Ya know, being a member of the most sarcastic family on Earth you should know NOT to take me so seriously!! Sheesh! - nika cant get a break!
  9. LOL!! I would try to be YOU - but its kinda hard to age 35 years . How about I just throw on a blonde wig and just bang every Tom, Dick, and Harry that walks by. THAT SHOULD DO IT!
  10. Your right!! Last year it was so clear and beautiful out.
  11. You get a Get Out OF Jail free card. Im to sad today to be mean.
  12. Just looking at every car with thier headlights on driving into work made me so sad. Looking at the people at the memorials who hold up pictures of their parents or children, friends, boyfriends or girlfriends... Ugghhh - I wish they made this a national day of rememberance and let everyone grieve at home.
  13. an emotional freak like I am today?? I cried all the way to work and now Im even crying AT work. I think this hit me harder today then it did a year ago....
  14. HAIR LIP!!... HAHAHAH!! I think someone got a new nickname!.... Wait - I had to go in and edit this one - I totally skipped over Fancy Pants. In all seriousness, that one suits you the best.
  15. Anyone get to watch the last episode?? I did. But I still didnt get to see when the Mexican gets smacked.
  16. Well... Im Twinkle Toes.... wow, I sound really tough.
  17. allison - it was Cock Gobler or alli - The Undertaker
  18. Wow- so theres more to you than those tits, ehh?? Im the funny one in the family...... get it right lady! Are you coming to the FEASTival??!! It should be fun!! Nothing like a bunch of drunken Italians with big mouths. It'll feel like Thanksgiving at my house! Call me later skank wad.
  19. Ive been dying to see the episode where the Mexican girl gets smacked. I missed it!!
  20. on my way to work. They told me when I got in that a plane went through the first tower. Then the pentigan... and then the second tower. We all sat near the trading desk and watched the television and thats when the towers fell. We were all numb. Then I went home. By far - worst day in my life. I think everyone feels the same as well. Cant believe its been a year already.
  21. JP18 - thanks for the site! Very informative. Cigs - Eat shit Doubleplay - I know what your talking about!! I love that feast!!
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