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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by allishara

  1. "Pop em' in the chops??" Well then your cruisin for a bruisin!
  2. if so............ how was it?
  3. Hmmmm..... Im going to PM you my home address. Maybe you can send me a decoder so I can understand what the hell was in that reply.
  4. Ewwaahhh! Simones Closet??... in Linden on Linden Avenue? Scuse me while I Whats next?... a Bithday party for the owner of Easy Pickens?
  5. Its 4:55.... your pushin it Dibbo! Well Ms. Nosey... Your right! I was going to go through great lengths to get NotAllThere off of Clubplanet.com. I was just about to Email the mayor when you replyed-- AGAIN. Which I have no idea why your even replying when, like you said, your not trying to START. Come on Dibbsy!.... Now go home and sleep this off Tiger...
  6. Woooah!... I just noticed your 1st post.. Man DIBS-- someone must of ate thier Wheaties today! All rip, roarin, and ready to fight for your little man NotAllThere! ......How special! But listen sweetie... its 4:30 and there's no way in hell that Im going to put in overtime tonight for this crap. You can try tomorrow.
  7. Well, THANK GOD you typed it in blue cause I would of had no idea what you were saying...... Very creative.... almost like the inspiring quotes in your signature... you must be friends with Laurie923874293874329 TTFN
  8. 1. Didn't ask you any questions 2. Dont care what the hell you do for a living... but it shows your not to focused on it being that 9-5 is spent posting nonsense 3. The only reason why I remembered that stupid thing was because it took up my entire computer screen. I also thought for the first time on here "who in their right mind would have a sig. like that... thats pretty fuckin wierd" 4. YOUR AN IDIOT I wish you would've drowned in that pic.
  9. NotAllThere... Why dont you take the time that you use to make those corny signatures underneath your name (I especially liked the one of the pic of you on the log flume at Great Adventure... how RAD!) and think of better comebacks... See you at Joeys tonight... ya dork:finger:
  10. Oh yea..... how can you possibly dance to "elbow swinging tunes" with glow sticks in your hands....
  11. Hmmmm.... this coming from a brat that STILL attends the Tunnel. The 90's called.... they want their club back Let me guess, you MUST be a raver.
  12. Is there any possible way that you can get rid of NotAllThere from the board??? This is getting out of control. (while your at it.. might as well throw in BarbieGirl too)
  13. Or at beautiful BOAVISTA..........
  14. Listen retard... YOU ARE ANNOYING... SOOOOOO INCREDIBLY ANNOYING I cant "move on" because every 2 seconds theres another post by the infamous BarbieGirl (and the only reason why I cant just turn my back on her posts is because Ive just been dying to know the REAL brat behind the screename is... oooh- the agony!) Please... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... step away from the keyboard
  15. Naaaah... scuse me while I but in here for a minute... those posts acutally DO indeed make sense cause they're trying to prove that you, BarbieGirl, which by the way- Bob Dole- can you cool it with the whole 3rd person language?.. it just contributes even more to how UNBELIEVABLY annoying you are.... your not the least bit funny, like at all.... So to sum it up.... GET A LIFE!... or at least get a more productive job than to sit on your dumb ass posting on a club board and what are you a fucking superhero?.. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR TRUE IDENTITY..... wierdo
  16. Annoying: Laurie0394830948203948 and BarbieGirl Informative: Dave the moderator.. everyone else just bullshits Asshole/ Jerkoff: Chosenone.. kid has some serious problems
  17. You give it to hyperactive annoying re-re's like BarbieNuts to calm their nutty asses down. DUH, you dummy.
  18. Right?.. this girl needs to invest in some Ritalin and calm the hell down...
  19. I drank a bottle of Cisco when I was 16. I was with one of my girlfriends at the time and we were not a pretty sight. I puked on my pants. We went to the diner to pee and I passed out in the handicapped stall. She had no idea and walked down the block looking for me. One of the waitresses chased her and told her to pick up her friend and get the hell out. They called the cops on us but we already called for a cab in time. Long story short... I woke up with no pants on and one of my shoes is still missing to this day. Top it all off... I counted my money the next day and come to realize that in my drunken mind a cab ride from Bayonne to Kearny should be 87 dollars. Damn, that cab guy got one hell of a tip!.... bastard...
  20. These are the days when I want to kick myself in the ass for not getting a shore house this year....... man I suck
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