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Everything posted by allishara

  1. Im only posting cause no one else did and I feel sorry for you.. Im kidding.. you know i got nuttin but love fo ya baby... This weekend i'll be hanging out with my fwend .. did you know shes coming home tomorrow?...
  2. RichyBabbby-- I dont have your number
  3. HEY GUYS-- I forgot to tell you.. Maria is coming home tomorrow!.. heehee-- real funny.. She sent me an Email this morning that read "WE'RE BAAAAACK" Jav-- she wanted me to tell you "Ashtrays in America".. the poor girl hasn't smoked weed in like months.. you better hook a sistah up.. no doubt Ok.. im sooo ghetto fabulous
  4. I bet your perverted ass was staring at it all night.. GEEEEEEK
  5. Yea.. like -- "hi.. joe.. i cant go to Tempts... i just fell and banged my head in the shower... go back to the parkway and go home.. im sorry.." hahaha... how funny am i .. i mean seriously
  6. Hey Jason I too used to work in Jersey City over by Newport.. right on Montgomery Street so Im totally familiar with the area and Id be happy to help you out with the local hot spots for happy hour over there.... Check your mail
  7. Sorry I hung up on you before.... Damn --you CONSTANTLY call at the wrong times.. She's not back yet.. the 26th she comes back.. God-- I can't wait... Use your yahoo mail for this crap... Email me at work
  8. I was amazed by that too when I first got it.. and it frustrated the crap outta me so I went back and wrote down all the cards and their suits and did it again... Its a cute trick though....
  9. Besides Real World... I'm lovin the Andy Dick show... He's a nut!....
  10. If you look at it closely... they actually removed EVERY card from the pile.. not just yours
  11. Pipe down sweetheart--she never said one single bad word about you-- they were ALWAYS good words;) How do you think i knew that you two were friends?-- she told me all about you! Ohh--gee, thanks for the PITY invite to your house party.. but i'll be attending SANDBAR tonite... we're still gunna have to set something up though...i'll teach you some high quality humor to use back in Mawawahwhaha -i never noticed how wierd the name of that town sounded till now... hmm--anywho--in all seriousness--have a great time this weekend.... AlliShara
  12. Great Idea Laur... Well Sandman......................
  13. She didnt return your Emails?.. Hmm-- I'll get the dirty laundry on what the F is goin on... Just dont go stalkin my friend over there or i'll notify your ass to a ClubPlanet moderator-- PS-- your nothing without your Dumb and Dumber quotes Love- Alli-SharaBongHit
  14. I Emailed that lil minx the other day.. isnt she the best??!!.. I wish she would get her lil bootay back on here... We def. have to meet up.. your pretty funny.. not as funny as me.. but you def. have potential
  15. Go n get her JArmenio... hurry...hurry!!
  16. I think Alli-Shara-bonghit will do..... thanks!
  17. Hey freakface.. i take it you wont be attending Sandbar tonite eh?... Hmm... someone SUCKS!
  18. JAV: I just got your messages-- are you ok?.. you scared me!.. i wasnt in work yesterday babe.. Call me at work now....
  19. thanks Bebe'sKids.... appreciate it!
  20. Thats alright.. i'll just mosey on down to Tribecca for that crap!.. "I guess now your guna have to take the bus Alli...Heehee" -- see, got you back for that statement-- Once Maria comes back Javy-- we'll have a lil smokefest action Peace KILLa.. try and stay out of trouble this time.. k?
  21. Where is that place?.. i've been meaning to go
  22. PATIENCE: its a virtue I clicked over for 2freakinseconds!!!! CAll a nigga back!
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