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Everything posted by allishara

  1. Hmm... how to describe Karma... lets see here..... Well, picture Destino's only slightly bigger.. and less candles!.. I dont know why they just dont dim the lights at that place.. I swear one day that place is going to burn down.. its like a godamn sayonce in there!... Its ok though.. when you have nothing to do.. and I stress the word NOTHING-- then Id suggest it.. I'll def. meet up one night.... Check your PM allison
  2. Hmmmm.... Lets see..... So anywho Im in Cranford as well... originally Bayonne.. I know where Elizabeth is.. Im there all the time.. If Im hangin out local I'll hit Karma or Destinos Lounge.. theres some scrubby lookin characters in there.. but everyone looks the same when your sportin your beer goggles.. Im Allison by the way.... Hey RichyRich... heard you gave up your tix to the WWF the night Triple H came back..... what are you high?!-- whats wrong with you!... Toodles
  3. Im from Union County too... Where abouts do you live?.... and what kind of old foggies do you "mesh" with anyways?..
  4. Ohh oh-- me-- I do!-- I do!... I actually went there on saturday night.. Besides the fact that its located in the A&P parking lot and attached to a laundry mat and a Dunkin Donuts.. the place was pretty decent inside.. Good looking crowd... good music... But if you plan on drinking-- make sure you take out a loan before you go... I had to sell my first born in order to get a Long Island Iced Tea.... All in all-- it was a good time....
  5. I agree with you 120%-- maybe the new year will bring the fun back into this board.... Happy New Year Everyone!... Damn, I sound like a scene out of Its A Wonderful Life.. "Happy New Year movie house!..."
  6. Wut up daaaaawg... Happy New Year to you too.... Be safe
  7. Well.. well... well..... Looky what we got here... Hmmmmm.... and where the hell have you been??..... call me at work... im bored so you can entertain my ass
  8. Who is that?..... what song is that?... Your supposed to be on top of this Jo-Jo!...
  9. HAHA.. Shhh maaaan... Im on a "club" website... I have to leave my ghettoness at the door...
  10. "Soooomeeboooddyyyy stoooop meeeeee!".... Eyy-- one more day butthead......one more day
  11. Yo- wut up daaawwwggg.... Just kidding =) I too LOVE hiphop music... and I'll be the very first to admit it... (just dont tell anyone...... heehee) You should try Karma Lounge in Linden... or Destinos Lounge in Elizabeth..... another one is Ole' in Elizabeth.... Peace nigggga.. A-Bone
  12. CLUBKAT??!! from CRANFORD??!! Hmm... so THAT'S what your doing with all those Susy B's eh?....
  13. Hmm Emmitt.. never knew you to be a Brittney fan....
  14. Hey buttface... Long time no talk.... and what the hell you still doing on this board anyways..... FIND A HOBBY!..... PS-- thanks for the B-day message... you da bomb nuga
  15. Eyy Lee-Bone!... Thanks for the post!... This friday is going to be one heck of a night.. can't wait to see you guys!!!!...
  16. Oooh yeaaa baby and where the hell you been hiding man?.. I was ready to send a missing persons report on your ass Email me... im bored
  17. I know... I know... THANK GOD.... For the past 2 years I've been Jennifer from Secaucus.... Now I can use my REAL license!.. Whooo-hoooo!! See you at Abyss... speaking of which...... donde esta' senor JArmenio??....
  18. Not yet Javo... not yet and what are YOUR plans for NYE?... besides smokin that wacky tobacy.....
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