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Everything posted by allishara

  1. Hey TommyBoy - do you EVER leave Hoboken? Your like the bubble boy. You can venture outside your tracks ya know!!
  2. NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!! LOL - hi sweetie cakes!! I had a great time, well.... for the whopping 2 whole hours I stayed there.. heehee. Trouble in paradise - you know how it goes. Hope you and Allison, which I must say has a LOVELY name, had an awesome time. We should all definitely meet up again!! Which brings me to your question at hand - NYE - not sure yet. Still up in the air. Hopefully we can all get together for it though!!
  3. Im so sorry sweetie!! Please keep your head up!!
  5. "You have made a fool of me for years ... You've had quite a time on my watch," Best line of the night. Damn I love her.
  6. CARMELA SOPRANO IS OFFICIALLY MY IDOL!! From throwing the clothes outside, to the golf clubs on the lawn - Uggh, that was the best!! Plus how she acted like she didnt know about the money in the bird seed when he blamed her. She's one tough broad.
  7. Every time that I have been to SoundGarden I had an awesome time!! Definitely worth going if its a classics nite too!! Have fun!!
  8. ok - HI, Cigs had a birthday. Allishara came. ok, HI, Allishara had a birthday. Cigs NEVER CAME!!!! Let me go now...... time to cry.......
  9. these people remember the EvilJav666 that used to post and the corny little stories that used to get everyone all mad over a stupid computer - these people dont know! But whatever - who cares!! But dont retire CG - just keep checkin back cause it might actually make a turn around eventually! ( i hope) Love - allishara XOXO!!!
  10. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMIN OUT OF MY MOUUUF?!?!?!?" - Rush Hour "Latrine - thats an unusual name.." "I changed it in the 19th Century.." "Oh really?....." "Yeah, used to be shit house." - Robin Hood, Men In Tights "How about you sideburns, you want some of this milk?" "I'd rather have a beer" - Billy Madison "Finkel and Einhorn - Finkel and Einhorn - Finkel and Einhorn" "LACES OUT DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" - Ace Ventura
  11. Probably NOT Deko tonight - unless I rent a plow to get my ass there!! But maybe on Saturday!! Jenafaaah told me about Metro for Friday night - Hmmm, its a possiblity!!!
  12. "You guys ever get horny?" "Well - it depends on where your going with this..." "Sometimes I wanna hump this LAMP!!...... or I wanna bang this COUCH!!.....(aauuuuhhhhhhhhhh)" "I know this hooker named Carl - shes so hot"
  13. "what do you want from me?!?" "Your brain Buckley - YOUR BRAIN!!" "Your a poser!!" "Hey listen man Im not ahh--ohh" "HOLY SHIT YOUR NOT EVEN BRITISH!" great movie - and not many people think so!
  14. Hi honey head!! Where you been Guurrllll?!?!??
  15. "Hey Demetah!! I thout u wuz gonna play wit ma frog?!?" - Class Act w/ Kid n Play "Your telling me - you want me to pull over so we can get blessed by a black priest in a Ferarri?" - Cannon Ball Run "What name would you like?" "Bob" "Ok.... Bob what" "Bob.... Malooga Looga... Looga Looga Looga. One Maluga, four Loogas" - Big Man On Campus
  16. Believe it or not my one friends sister is getting married over there!! Uughh - can you imagine the photo album they're going to come up with??
  17. "There are some women.... like my girlfriends, who would run the second their boyfriend gave them a gun. But I had to admit - it turned me on..." "SUPERINTENDANT?!?! YOU HAVE A WHORE LIVING IN YOUR BUILDING!! JANIS ROSSI IN 4R - YOUR A WHORE!!" - Karen from Goodfellas. "Snoseberry?.... whoever heard of a Snoseberry" - Veruca from Willy Wonka
  18. Anyone ever see Emmitt Otter's Jugband Christmas?? I think I was the only wierdo child that knew every word by heart to that movie. Gotta jump on the bandwagon and agree with Its a Wonderful Life - what a tear jerker that is!! I LOVE the new Grinch with Jim Carrey - it is way to funny!
  19. LOL! Anytime! I owe you one - next time dont split so early!~
  20. Sexy - Next time I swear I wont fall asleep!! We're sorry!! LOL!! Jarmenio - How dare you talk to someone in my presence! LOL - next time I won't throw your hand away so fast... JPDD - F him!! He's not even worth it! Hype - You didnt even mention my ass!! Mystify - Great meeting you! Dkny - hope you enjoyed your B-day!
  21. " Only I didnt say Fudge! I said THE WORD. The mother of all dirty words. The F - dash-dash-dash Word." "Tis da season to be horry .... Fa -Ra Ra Ra Raaaa - Ra Raa Ra Raaaaaa"
  22. I thought that chic was Brian's cousin?
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