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Everything posted by spoonyd

  1. I'm about to finally venture into the world of Napster - now that we finally have broadband here at work. Can you suggest any lesser known high quality sets I should look for? And I don't mind the UK hardhouse / NuNRG - as a matter of fact I rather like it.
  2. As far as I can tell though, there seems to be at least 3 brands of Hard House going around. Commonly understood to the rest of the world is UK Hardhouse (ala the tidytraxx label). Go to Napster and search out stuff on that label, and artists like Rachel Auburn, Fergie, argh, more names escape me). I find it a sped up modernised version of oldskool hardcore - at least insturmentation-wise. Lots of penetrating stabs and hoover lines. Next is what I consider 'real' hardhouse. Like tech-house without the melody. Like tribal without the intricate drums. The less progressive stuff out of Digweed, and a lot of Deep Dish when they're not on their soulfull tip. That to me is real hard house. Then there's the bane of the New York nightclub scene - NY Hardhouse. What I like to call zipper trance. This is the stuff you'll hear ad nauseum at Exit and clubs of that ilk. It's big, it's over the top, and I don't like it much (so my descriptions may sound a little one sided) That's my opinion. I like to think it's pretty enlightened considering how much music I go through.
  3. post your list dude There's plenty of CD junkies on the board who'll prolly give you more than $3 (self included).
  4. My best experience in damping bass sounds has been physical isolation. I've found that conduction into floors and walls can be minimised by removing the physical contact. I used to have to hang my speakers by wire from the ceilings. This has very little effect on the sound quality but hugely reduces what your neighbors will here. It's the cheapest first step. Dunno how you'd hang a sub, but you can try spacing it away from the walls, and raise it off the floor on foam perhaps. If it's bottom firing, you may be in deep. anyway, that's all I can offer.
  5. For the record (this goes out especially to lmsadc69). I am seriously offended at the suggestion that what I've written was only to elicite some sort of warm fuzzy from the ladies. Why make the assumption that attacking a demeaning attitude toward women would only be done to garner their attention? Where's your head? I also attack Apotheosis for being a homophobic asshole. Does that mean I want all the fags to get lovey dovey with me too? No. It means I have no patience for people who insist on propagating this kind of bullshit. It's not a part of my value set and if I run the risk of sounding self-righteous, well that's a risk I am willing to take, and willing to defend. I do not decide to take offense to something just for effect. I'll leave that kind of immaturity up to you. Brings me to my next point. Let me quote: [qoute]fuck all of you for making him defend himself
  6. heh... there goeth the voice of reason.
  7. I wouldn't necesarily call that 'drama free'. There was a casualty or two in there. Just hope no permanent damage was done.
  8. funny, I keep waiting for the thread to die but it won't. It's got some sort of life of its own. 2+ days and running. booyah indeed
  9. To explain the white gloves. One of the first break dancing crews in NY I believe was called the "Liquid Crew". This was Mr. Wiggle's crew (the greates breaker of them all from what I'm told). According to the legend, the dancers in this crew all wore white gloves with a blue band around the wrist. The legend and mystique of the white gloves lives on today in the Liquid crew. In Toronto especially, one has to 'earn' your gloves. By practicing your liquid dancing and eventually challenging a member of the liquid crew you can earn the gloves (and become a member of the crew). You cannot wear the white gloves until they are given to you. Remember... the Liquid Crew gloves are indicated by a blue thread woven through the wrist band. There is great debate amongst Toronto's liquid dancers over kids wearing gloves who have not earned them. It sounds silly but it's true. Oh, and liquid is quite different from locking and popping. And for the record, I adore Happy Hardcore. Long Live the Hulla Massif! Lighta Crew!
  10. That's just unfair. I have been nothing but honest about how I feel and I haven't been BIG in any respect. Go back and read the on-topic posts. Do you have trouble accepting that some people might actually have morals? If I were out to bash him I would have done so and thoroughly at that. You didn't see me getting into any mud fights with him did you? So what do you base this on? I have explained clearly what I took issue with and I stand by it. There's nothing fake about that.
  11. what the hell, I'm gonna get back in the frey. We've seen discussed the two worlds. One where people respect money, and another where people respect the person. I suppose I do believe both worlds exist and that it's up to each of us to choose what we value more. It says a lot about the person depending which camp they end up in. I just chose a lifestyle that's different, and surround myself with people that are different. If you want to bring looks into this. I think there are as many (if not more) "model quality" women who are 'real' as there are shallow mindless ones. It's about presentation and the desire to be noticed. Perhaps people with a little more depth have less need for other's approval. Perhaps dumb flashy girls are the only ones you notice because they are the only ones vying for your attention. Same goes for dumb flashy guys. They stick out because they put themselves out there. It's easy to make generalizations I suppose based on this. That kinda stuff just doesn't do much for me. I choose a different life for myself. It's a decision that runs deep. It affects who my friends are, the places I go, even my job. I don't think we can afford to be anything but idealistic in life. Otherwise what's the point?
  12. well, if your main complaint is my bashing apotheosis for statements he made that weren't necessarily associated with his response to the topic, then I'm guilty. But I don't care. I would do it in real life I'll do it here. I will assasinate people for being prejudiced assholes. He could have made his point without demeaning other people in the process. Upon being accused of comparing women to cars, he could have simply stated, "No, I was comparing people's response to someone driving a nice car to a similar response when walking with a beautiful woman. People tend to envy beautiful things and in this materialistic world, that envy often amounts to respect" I don't think his point was lost, he just made a complete ass of himself trying to defend it.
  13. Pete, I think we all know you're the blow *something* king. booyah!
  14. I get my fix from www.1groove.com also www.djmixes.com www.djcentral.com if you like trance, check out MY mixes on dj central... just look for spoony d. Lemme know what you think. later d
  15. just thought I'd throw my $0.02 in. I feel completely differently about the intelligence of the two genres. Trance is rather kind of dumb music that panders to the lowest common denominator of listener. It's why it's so easy to enjoy. There's little to no thinking required to appreciate it. Take the other extremes - techno let's say. There are very few initiates to electronic music who can hear a hard techno track and say "Wow, what a great song". But techno is generally the style people lean toward after years of exposure to electronic music. You learn to appreciate the nuance. It's real thinking music. I find a lot of Jungle is the same way. You cannot ask the question what style of music is better. That just leads to pointless debate based strictly on sentiment. Personally I'd rather hear what aspects of certain styles people find enjoyable.
  16. dude, you're asking for it.
  17. peeps your such an ass. Every word you type is like an all out assault on common sense. bitch
  18. Let me add "homophobic asshole" to the long list of reasons to generally disregard just about everything Apotheosis types. dude, I hardly even know you, but somehow every time you type something I lose more and more respect for you.
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