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Everything posted by spoonyd

  1. heh, That could be 1 of 1000 Nu-NRG tracks. They're all starting to sound the same. Nu-NRG and UK Hardhouse are starting to get a little stale I think... Funny how they're just starting to hit NY now. whatever... sorry I couldn't help. FYI, if you're a Jon the Dentist fan, he has a i-radio show on www.1groove.com check it out. 1groove has to be the most respectable internet radio station out there for the rave sounds. They also have an all Nu-NRG/UK Hardhouse show that you might like too.
  2. Tom, I disagree with you. Though I think the show was good, I don't believe they are being true to subtext of the book. They've missed on so many important fronts. Water importance is made to look for like a money issue rather than a way of life (like leaving out the water debt of the Shadout Mapes being payed off by telling Jessica about Yueh). The politics are all screwed up as well, especially the relationship that they are protraying between Paul and Irulan that never existed in the novel. Paul is also being played out like some gen-X slacker where in the novel he was more your Star Trek Wesley Crusher type. Also of significance that no reference was made was Duncan's relationship with Jessica, and the fact that he suspected her of being a traitor and Jessica believing her husband died thinking she was the traitor. Gurney is being made to look like a fool. Add the valorous nature of Leto that is played again and again in the book and first movie that is completely left out. That is the only reason Paul and Jessica survived, because Leto had already earned the respect of the Fremen through Liet Kynes. also, weren't Rabban and Feyd cousins, not brothers? So far it's pretty watered down if you ask me, but I'm a bit of a Dune purist. Hehe, I've read the series start to finish 3 times and the first book at least 5 or more. I own the original theatre release as well as the uncut two-part japanese television release of the first movie. I also have the board game, and a copy of the highly coveted Dune Encyclopedia (which goes for like $100+ on e-bay). what can I say, I'm a bit of a freek. - oh, I also own a copy of Eon - Void Dweller which has the song "The Spice Must Flow" - freak for sure. anyone want to talk dune?
  3. He closed for Jeff Mills on Turkey Eve at the Limelight and actually managed to show him up. I keep going on about how good he was. I was really impressed. Before that night I'd never heard of the guy. Buddy gets waaaay up.
  4. I do think it's possible to define progressive house and trance on a technical level and contrast it to other styles of the same genre. I don't have a music background, so my terminology is pretty lame, but this is how I see it... Progressive music, house or trance, is generally lusher and softer sounding. The energy level is also generally a little lower, but more sustained. Reasons for this can be found in the percussion, melody, and instrumentation used - and the fact that in general the tracks are bassline driven. Percussion: On the most part, take your standard 4/4 house beat, with high-hats every 1/2 beat, and snares every second beat... and drop the snares. This is part of the reason for the slightly lower energy level. It's like a techno beat without the attitude. Melody: House and Trance (German anyway), generally have Melodies with very short (1/16 to whole) notes. And basslines with longer drawn out notes. Progressive tracks tend to reverse this (hence the bassline driven aspect). The melodies (if any) are often long synth pads. This is predominant in progressive trance ala S&D. Instrumentation: Like I mentioned above, there's a lot of pad sounds (don't know how to describe it - grab a synth and play to see what I'm talking about). Also look for very drawn out attacks and decays. If you'd like to hear a song that I feel exactly perfectly embodies all the aspects of Progressive House - listen to: Dusted - Always Remember to Honour Your Mother and Your Father (Deep Dish Rmx). help?
  5. Monthly? Did somebody say monthly? Tom, you play good. I think I even saw people dancing. I know how discouraging it is to play to an empty room, but it turned out. There was a full room of shakers when you gave it up. Good stuff. Thanks for setting us up by the way. I'd do it again in a sec.
  6. Kitty, lemme know if you're going. I'm good pals with Avery (the retro DJ) and the only time I get to see him is at the club. I never go cuz, well, who wants to go Webster Hall alone. anyway... drop me a line if you wanna stop in there.
  7. and best of all you get to hear Me and Shwingep droppin the dopest beats this side of the main floor. Well... our beats will seem dope once we've stuffed enough free booze down your throat. let me repeat FREE BOOZE nuff said spoony out
  8. Luigi, This is the second time you've been mysteriously called upstate and had to miss out on hangin with the boyz. I'm starting to think you might be avoiding us. Will we ever get to scope slit with the man himself? Only time will tell. next time bro. d
  9. aigt kiddies, tonight's the night. You've prolly all gotten the mailer so let me reiterate: FREE BOOZE
  10. That's "Charlie in the box"
  11. All I have to say is that it's about friggin time they came out with action figures! check it out http://www.playingmantis.com/ml/index.asp?MyArea=ct I already own the Abominable Snowman and the other snowman (the one with Burl Ives' voice). what can I say, I'm an action figure slut
  12. hey Scarps, I'm happy for ya man. If you want me to spot you some dough... no sweat. I know what it's like to be in love - you're one lucky fawker. hey, you gonna represent tomorrow night? Me an Petey are droppin wax at the limelight.
  13. Pre?!! You want me an pete to groove a pre-party then pack up and play records all night long at the LL?!?! uhm, okay.
  14. I'm pretty sure the doll was supposed to say "Mamma" but said something different (though I can't remember what). d
  15. Those are actually already out. Try Forbidden Planet on B'way and 13th. They'll have them there. Action figures have been kicking ass over the last year. I've been keen on the Avenger series, some of the Pokeman, the video games based ones are pretty killer too - Crash, Sonic. My desk at work is pretty much surrounded by action figures right now. But I'm a toy designer... it's allowed.
  16. I'm with B2B... it's about the single minded, relentless pursuit of the t a c o s a l a d in the face of all adversity. Luigi takes the cunt (oops - I meant CAKE)
  17. dj vortex tech-house on three turntables in constant rotation. Mad talent.
  18. JP is rumored to be opening his own theme club in the Chelsea Piers called Peters' Pier. The dancefloor is going to be the worlds largest waterbed (presumably so people hurt themselves less whence passing out). -cool, I used the word "whence" in a sentence!
  19. I heard that since Tunnel is being bought to open Fabric NYC, Johnny Vicious will be taking over the Saturday gay afterparty at Twilo - aka Viciousverse
  20. Please go and tell me how it was. Disciple is on my list DJ must do's. He falls under tech-house / ghetto-tech non?
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